• 讨论了岩石破坏能量耗散、能量释放内在联系

    The intrinsic relations between energy dissipation, energy release and failure of rock are discussed.


  • 岩石破坏基本机制入手研究重复压裂造机理。

    The fracture initiation mechanism of refracturing was investigated by discussing rock failures.


  • 故此,加卸载响应比可以用做岩石破坏地震预测前兆

    So LURR can be used as the precursor of rock failure and earthquake prediction.


  • 本文研究了不同应力途径岩石破坏条件破裂前兆

    In this paper, the conditions of rupture 'and rapture precursors of rock samples under different stress paths have been studied.


  • 分析和评价岩石破坏所形成序列结构形式以及强度影响

    The structural sequence formed from the failure of rock and its effect on the rock strength were analyzed.


  • 讨论了岩石间隔性区域断裂过程中能量转化岩石破坏内在机制

    The intrinsic mechanism of energy conversion and failure process in the intermittent regional fracture process of rock is discussed.


  • 介绍我国应用能量原理研究岩石破坏机制岩体水力劈裂机制进展

    The advances of researching rock failure and hydraulic fracture mechanism by energy method are introduced.


  • 数值分析结果射流机理研究岩石破坏准则的选择提供依据。

    The results can provided some ideas in considering the rock damage criterion for rock failure mechanism study under water jet impact.


  • 从分析可以看出,岩石破坏块度对数正态分布材料的多重破坏有关

    It is demonstrated that lognormal distribution is closely related to the multi-fold fracture of the material.


  • 依据这一模型分析了压缩岩石破坏阶段发射特性刚度关系

    The relation between AE characteristics during rock failure and machine stiffness is analysed under uniaxial compression with the above model.


  • 分析了岩石破坏采用有限元方法研究了矿床开采过程岩体能量释放规律

    The destructive ratio of energy in rock is analyzed, and the laws of energy release in rock mass are researched with the finite element method.


  • 最后进行了巴西圆盘劈裂CT扫描实验分析孔隙岩石破坏机理及其孔隙结构变化

    A number of Brazil disc split-CT scanning tests are carried out to analyze the failure mechanism of porous rock and the changeable porous structure.


  • 岩石破坏准则为基础采用岩石力学理论方法建立射孔临界出砂预测模型

    Critical sanding prediction model with perforated well completion was established using the theory and method of rock mechanics based on rock burst criterion.


  • 同时为进一步建立岩体结构合理损伤演化方程本构关系研究岩石破坏机理提供了科学依据。

    At the same time, some scientific hypotheses of the damage evolution equations and stress-strain relationship as well as the failure mechanism of rock mass are also proposed.


  • 岩石破坏最大剪应力位于0.5喷嘴直径径向距离处,同时在固体介质表面边缘产生最大应力

    The maximum cutting stress lie of the radial distance of 0.5 double diameter nozzle, while the maximum pull stress lie in the surface edge of the rock.


  • 水平井井筒应力分布岩石破坏准则构成水平井压裂裂缝起裂数学模型利用迭代对模型进行了求解

    The horizontal well stress distribution and the rock failure criterion constitute a fracture initiation mathematical model, which was solved by the iteration method.


  • CT尺度裂纹演化破坏阶段,由于岩石损伤高度局部发射率参数不能精确反映岩石破坏细观机制。

    At the process of ct crack and rapture evolution, the acoustic emission can not precisely reflect the meso-mechanism of rock deformation and rapture because of localization of damage.


  • 岩石破坏前兆是否明显跟岩性有关,相比较而言,岩石破坏发射前兆声发射能量率前兆更为明显一些。

    Whether the precursor is obvious is correlated to rock the character, and the precursor of AE rate is more apparent than the precursor of AE energy rate comparatively.


  • 测定研究岩石实际破碎过程有关动载特性解决工程如何有效地破碎岩石防止岩石破坏问题有必要

    The measurement and study of dynamic characters concerning the rock in breaking is necessary for the two-sided problems of how to break the rock effectively and prevent the rock from failure.


  • 拉西瓦花岗岩各种受力情况岩石破坏断口,进行了微观扫描电镜试验研究,分析了岩石微观破坏形貌特征微观破坏力学机制

    For Laxiwa granite failure surface under various stress states, the microtest has been carried out to study the microfailure character and its mechanism.


  • 对应岩石工程破坏存在相应周围岩石破坏状态,对这种岩石破坏状态简单力学描述表达式就是本文介绍岩石工程破坏准则。

    There is a rock failure state which corresponds to rock project failure. A simple description or expression of rock failure state is the criterion for evaluation of rock project failure.


  • 利用岩石破坏过程分析软件——RFPA2D对模型进行数值模拟,模拟结果显示重力坝破坏三种模式表层滑动深层滑动混合滑动。

    The failure process of the model was simulated by RFPA2D software. Simulation results show three failure modes of gravity dam, such as surficial slide, deep slide and mixed slide.


  • 如果有人徒步旅行中撞倒了岩石他们可能在不知不觉中破坏动物有机体赖以生存的小气候

    If someone on a hike knocks a couple of rocks over, they could be unwittingly destroying a microclimate that an animal or organism relies on.


  • 斯科特辩解水下开采陆地开采带来环境破坏得多由于直接海底作业,因此将不会有大量岩石废料

    Dr Scott argues that underwater mining will be far less disruptive to the environment than terrestrial mining: there will be no piles of waste rock, since the deposits are directly on the sea floor.


  • 解释说,对岩石内石墨冲击制造出混乱的“无序这种区域可以抵抗钻石破坏至少一个方向上钻石无法穿透

    He explained that sometimes during the shock of impact graphite can create jumbled "amorphous" zones that can resist diamonds, at least those coming at them from one direction.


  • 山上慢慢流动下来岩浆产生大的破坏因为融化岩石会将路上所有的东西都摧毁。

    The lava that flows slowly like a wave down the mountain causes far more damage because it buries everything in its path under the molten rock.


  • 弹体普通混凝土岩石中的现象明显不同,主要侵彻弹体发生破坏失去了继续侵彻能力造成的。

    The results indicate that the penetration depth does not increase with the increasing hit velocity, which is different from the phenomena of the penetration of concrete and rock.


  • 不同岩石构成层状复合岩体表现出各自特殊变形破坏特性

    The stratified composite rock mass composed of different rocks has a particular feature of deformation and breakage different from each other.


  • 通过数值模拟结果之间对比分析揭示岩石试样宏观破坏模式细观层次上韦伯分布参数的变化而不同

    It has been revealed by the comparison of numerical simulation results that the macro-failure modes of rock samples are different according to parameters of Weibull distribution at mesoscale level.


  • 实验表明几种岩石强度延性脆性体积变化破坏前兆应力途径有关

    The experiments showed that the strength, brittleness and ductility, volume change and failure precursors are concerned with stress paths.


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