• 儿子道道成肉身属于神的存在生命

    The Incarnation of the Son of God belongs to the very same existence and life of God.


  • 跟随基督只是相信而已包括家,并且学习大家庭

    Following Christ is not just a matter of believing; it also includes belonging and learning to love the family of God.


  • 末底改一定已经知悉哈曼仇恨整个犹大民族不会这样一个也不会属于尊荣归给人。

    He must have already known of Haman's hatred for the whole Jewish race and would not bow before such a man nor offer him homage which belonged only to God.


  • 为了说清楚这种依赖关系条件我们首先应当确定意志表现概念,承认属于的,不是属于

    To explain the conditions of that dependence, we have, first of all, to reinstate the conception of the expression of will, referring it to man, and not to the Deity.


  • 我们全部时间属于的;要我们全心效忠,而部分时间的忠心!

    All your time belongs to God. He insists on exclusive allegiance, not part-time faithfulness.


  • 顺服行为会反映我们家庭学校工作上的人际关系中我们实践祂的说话,便能显示我们是属于甚麽家庭的。

    Obedience to God shows itself in our relationships at home, school, and work. And as we put his words into practice, we show what family we belong to.


  • 圣约儿童接受洗礼不是认为他们重生而是基于命令属于洗礼应许

    We do not baptize covenant children on the presumption of their regeneration, but on basis of the divine command and promises attached to baptism.


  • 这个系列吉塔曾提及布尔玛妻子(译注:就是小贝悟空发飙那次,因为悟空要送布尔玛写真集给老界王),来说可能属于我们传统上的定义

    Vegeta has referred to Bulma as his wife a couple of times in the series, but what that term means to him may not go by our traditional definition.


  • 信仰上帝善良还有论,我也相信我们属于这个唯一一部分。

    I believe in God, Good, in one Mind, and I believe we are all subject to and part of this oneness.


  • 即使我们害怕时候,但我们属于那位我们所有害怕事情能力

    Even though we all have times in life when we are afraid, we belong to the One who is more powerful than anything we fear.


  • 科学回到属于地方,指的使我们思维研究方式顺服神的带领

    To bring science back to its proper place is to submit our minds and methods under the Lordship of Christ.


  • 然而我们属于家庭我们都有一位宽容的父亲,这位慷慨父亲倾倒在我们身上。

    And yet we're God's family, all children of the patient Father, the prodigal Parent who lavishes love.


  • 毕竟漫威流行角色蜘蛛侠已经属于索尼影视了,关于托尔”的电影

    After all, Marvel's most popular character, Spiderman, already belonged to Sony Pictures, and who wants to see a bunch of movies about Thor?


  • 复仇主题特点主要表现为复仇正义性、复仇的必然性以及复仇主角属于弱势群体三个层面。

    Characteristics of the motif of revenge including: revenge is the justice, revenge is inevitable, and the main characters in revenge motif are always very weak.


  • 至于月亮宝石听说好象不知怎么地已经回到了印度真正属于自己,并再度装饰到了月亮塑像前额上

    As for the Moonstone, I have heard that it was somehow returned to his home in India, where it once again decorates the forehead of the statue of the moon god.


  • 创造行为留给诗人,而种植树枝需要一个属于自己铲子

    Acts of creation are ordinarily reserved for gods and poets. To plant a pine, one need only own a shovel.


  • 然而坚固根基立住了,上面印记说,认识属于。又说,称呼的人,总要离开不

    However the firm foundation of God stands, having this seal, the Lord knows those who are his, and, Let everyone who names the name of the Lord depart from unrighteousness.


  • 坚信带给我们平安内心因为我们知道我们属于,我们也知道有一所有苦难都会结束

    Faith in God brings peace of mind and heart because we know that we belong to him, and we know that one day all pain and suffering will end.


  • 没有收入带来扰害。但是属于即使微薄的收入也让你兴旺

    Without God, a high income can bring trouble, but if you belong to God, you can flourish even on a modest income.


  • 没有收入带来扰害。但是属于即使微薄的收入也让你兴旺

    Without God, a high income can bring trouble, but if you belong to God, you can flourish even on a modest income.


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