• 第四居民身份证有效期限分为二十年、长期

    Article 4. There are three different terms of validity of resident identity CARDS: 10 years, 20 years and an indefinite number of years.


  • 扣押劳动者居民身份证其他证件或者向劳动者收取押金

    taking away a worker's resident identity card or other certificates, or charging a deposit from the worker.


  • 居民身份证信息系统国家人口信息管理重要内容

    The id CARDS information system for people is an important content in the population management of countries.


  • 第四居民身份证使用规范汉字符合国家标准数字符号填写

    Article 4 standard Chinese characters and numerals and symbols conforming to national standards shall be used in filling out a resident identity card.


  • 第四居民身份证使用规范汉字符合国家标准数字符号填写

    Article 4 the identity card shall be filled out in standard Chinese Characters and in the number in conformity with the standards of the state.


  • 居民身份证核验装置优点 在于检验手段严谨,检验结果可靠

    The resident identity card verifying device has the advantages of strict verifying means and reliable verifying results.


  • 第二十条公民申请领取、换领、补领居民身份证应当缴纳证件工本费。

    Article 20 a citizen shall pay the production cost of the identity card when he (she) files an application for it.


  • 什么文件是否需要申请一张取代我的永久居民身份证

    What documents do I need to apply for my first card, or to replace my Permanent Resident Card?


  • 税务登记证居民身份证一样,不仅不能借用,不能涂改伪造买卖

    Tax registration certificates are just like an identification card . They can not be lent , scribbled, forged or purchased.


  • 第十一公民出境按照规定需要注销户口的,办理注销户口手续居民身份证

    Article 11. Citizens leaving the country who are required to cancel their residence registration shall hand in their resident identity CARDS when going through formalities for such cancellation.


  • 依照本法2012年1月1日以前领取居民身份证,在有效期内继续有效。

    A resident identity card obtained under this Law before January 1, 2012 shall continue to be valid for its term of validity.


  • 用人单位不得要求大学生提供担保不得扣押劳动者的居民身份证或者其他证件

    The employers have no right to ask college students to offer security, nor to distrain upon their IDs or other identifications.


  • 未满十六周岁公民自愿申请领取居民身份证发给有效期居民身份证

    Where a citizen under the age of 16 voluntarily applies for the resident identity card, a card valid for five years shall be issued to him.


  • 未满十六周岁公民,自愿申请领取居民身份证发给有效期五年的居民身份证

    Where a citizen under the age of 16 applies for the identity card, he (she) shall be issued an identity card with 5-year valid term.


  • 未满十六周岁公民居民身份证有前款情形的,可以申请换领、换发或者补领证。

    For a citizen under the age of 16 who is under any of the circumstances as mentioned in the preceding paragraph, he (she) may file an application for a new card.


  • 单位名称法定代表人或者业主姓名及其居民身份证护照或者其他合法证件号码

    Name of unit, name of legal representative or business owner and the number of his resident identification card, passport or other legal documentation;


  • 本人授权中国银行澳门分行使用身份证晶片阅读机,读取本人居民身份证晶片内的个人资料

    I herein agree to authorize Bank of China Macau Branch through the Card Reader to obtain my personal information from my ID Card.


  • 购票中国旅客购票出示本人居民身份证其他有效身份证填写《国内旅客购票单》;

    Purchase of ticket In purchasing tickets, Chinese passengers should show their own Inhabitant Identity Cards or other valid identity certificates and fill in the Passenger Reservation Record.


  • 境内居民个人所持有效身份凭证中国居民身份证,非居民所持的有效身份证明文件是指有效的外国护照。

    Valid id certificates refer to Chinese id CARDS for resident investors and valid passports of foreign countries for nonresident investors.


  • 中国第一申奥邮折长卷绘画作者,全国居民身份证防伪标志设计者,现中国美术家协会旅游联谊中心艺术总监。

    The author of the First Long Stamp-folder of the Application for 2008 Olympic Games, and designer of Fate-Preventing Mark of Chinese ID cards.


  • 随着硬件条件不断提高,彩色数字相片逐渐应用证件制作我国正推行第二居民身份证采用了真彩色数字相片。

    With the development of the hardware and software, digital photo of all colors is used in certificates, for instance The Second ID Card of china, in which all colors photo is used.


  • 随着硬件条件不断提高,彩色数字相片逐渐应用证件制作我国正推行第二居民身份证采用了真彩色数字相片。

    With the development of the hardware and software, digital photo of all colors is used in certificates, for instance The Second ID Card of china, in which all colors photo is used.


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