• 样本研究中,尽管采用随机法,但偏倚还是容易发生的。

    In studies with small sample sizes, imbalances between the two groups can easily occur despite randomisation .


  • 研究表明尽管采用了虚拟化,数据中心中的服务器数量仍然增加了18%。

    Studies have shown that even with virtualization, the number of servers in datacenters has increased 18%.


  • 例如,非常关键一点尽管采用了所有的科学技术法医学仍旧无法判断一个已经谋杀超过72小时的死者的具体死亡时间

    Crucially, for example, even with all our technology, it is impossible for forensic science to estimate the time of death when a body is found more than 72 hours after a murder.


  • 过去几年芝加哥洛杉矶采用类似的方式尽管由于警察人数较少他们浪费警力。

    In the past few years Chicago and Los Angeles have adopted similar methods: although, having fewer officers, they are less extravagant with them.


  • 例子采用SOAP中的一般惯例尽管这些经验适用其他xml格式

    The example USES popular conventions in SOAP, although the same lessons can be applied to other XML formats.


  • 尽管我会第一承认自己组织内部使用大量此类应用人,但是采用此类软件之前进行一点调查研究至关重要的。

    While I will be the first to admit that I use a handful of such applications in my own organization, it is critically important to do a little bit of research before adopting such an application.


  • 尽管大多数富裕国家以及一些有着跳跃式发展的贫困国家,比如印度采用了电子病历,但美国医生们的诊疗室多数传统方式运行。

    ALTHOUGH most rich countries, and some leapfrogging poor ones like India, are adopting electronic medical records, doctors' surgeries in America still mostly do things the old-fashioned way.


  • 许多其他规范已经采用WXSDataTypes规范尽管也有开发其他数据类型系统的呼声。

    Many other specifications have used the WXS Datatypes specification, although there have been calls to develop alternative data type systems.


  • 采用共享方法(尽管自动地会话数据存储一个通用数据库)。

    It takes a Shared nothing approach (though it does automatically store session data to a common database).


  • 很多书籍采用 sans-serif字体印刷尽管作为一种serif字体TimesNewRoman 字体很流行)。

    Most books are printed in sans-serif fonts (despite the popularity of Times New Roman, a serif font).


  • 尽管合并后的交易所高级欧洲执行官员驻扎巴黎,然而采用英语作为公用语言

    Although senior European executives at the merged exchange are based in Paris, it has adopted English as its official language.


  • 采用许多·奥斯丁原著《傲慢偏见》情节段落。尽管为了喜剧效果到处提到僵尸和并点缀着僵尸的打斗

    It follows the plot and USES much of the text of Jane Austen's original work, Pride and Prejudice, though with references to zombies and zombie fighting sprinkled here and there for comic effect.


  • 尽管作者重新讲述这个残酷故事采用了所有叙事技巧这个故事还是包含着一些令人沮丧死角

    For all the narrative skill with which the author retells this grim tale, the book contains some frustrating dead ends.


  • 做工方面则依旧秉承了三星的一如既往特点,采用了塑料壳。尽管这种塑料很耐久在这等旗舰机上的确显得降身价。

    Build quality is typical Samsungthe plastic construction is durable but looks and feels cheap for such a flagship device.


  • 由于编写Nautilus时采用gtkwindowing工具包,所以尽管不是必须的,但是采用相同的做法合乎逻辑。

    Because Nautilus is written using the GTK windowing toolkit, it seems like a logical choice to do the same, although this is not required.


  • 尽管如此,还有两项Web技术采用FlashSharedObjects一样范式

    However, there are other Web technologies that have adopted the same paradigm as Flash's SharedObjects.


  • 例如尽管GUI3种方法用户友好如果终端用户已经使用采用了CLI应用程序,他们可能希望更换

    For example, while GUI is the most user-friendly approach of the three, if end users already utilize applications that employ CLI, they may not wish to switch.


  • 直到最近官方采用sulfadoxine -pyrimethamine (SP)的治疗方法,氯喹的使用范围广尽管有着很强抗药性

    Until recently, the official treatment policy for malaria was sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (sp). Chloroquine, however, is still widely used despite significant drug resistance.


  • 尽管以前指南主要来自非正式的专家共识,但是此次制定治疗建议我们尽可能地基于证医学的证据采用正式过程和方法。

    Although past guidelines have been derived from an informal consensus approach, we used a formal group process to develop recommendations that were as evidence-based as possible.


  • 尽管没有办法统计 究竟多少采用文兹克方法,但 目前美国庭院 附近的贵金属数量正在上升。

    While there's no way of knowing how many investors take Venzke's advice, there are growing piles of precious metals in, under, or near American homes.


  • 尽管一些国际石油公司已经采用实际成本总体拥有成本模型但是这些模型应该在整个油气行业进行推广。

    Some IOCs have adopted measures such as the should-cost and TCO models, but these are yet to be adopted by other regional and local players in the oil and gas industry.


  • 尽管更大尺寸更高速度X线2000R外观几乎相同X线1000,由于采用了新的分站。

    In spite of larger size and higher speeds, the X line 2000R will look almost identical to the X line 1000, thanks to a new sieving station.


  • 尽管哈里讥笑了六个星期了采用严重措施企图把他的痴情走,但还是一天糟;

    Though Hareton has made him a standing jest for six weeks, and I have used more serious measures, and attempted to frighten him out of his idiotcy, he gets worse daily;


  • 尽管哈里讥笑了六个星期了采用严重措施企图把他的痴情走,但还是一天糟;

    Though Hareton has made him a standing jest for six weeks, and I have used more serious measures, and attempted to frighten him out of his idiotcy, he gets worse daily;


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