• 俱乐部每个人祝愿尼亚尽快康复

    Everyone at the Club wishes Bacary a speedy recovery.


  • 只要尽快康复不在乎多少

    So long as, he can recover soon. I don't mind how money I have to pay.


  • 解释我并不想伤害,我希望尽快康复

    I explained to him that I did not want to hurt him and I hope he recovers soon.


  • 卧床休息治疗感冒良药吧希望尽快康复

    I think bed rest is the best medicine for a cold and hope that you will recover in no time at all.


  • 听上去非常虚弱但是表示希望尽快康复恢复工作

    He sounded very weak, but said he hoped to get better soon and return to work.


  • 俱乐部每个人祝愿尼亚尽快康复尽早出现在赛场上。

    Everyone at the Club wishes Bacary a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing him playing again as soon as possible.


  • 骨折后,打电话告诉他我难过,我希望尽快康复

    I called him after he broke his leg to tell him that I was sorry and that I hope he heals quickly.


  • 我们也希望尽快康复明天扁桃腺切除后,你就不会感冒

    You"ll have your tonsils out tomorrow, and you won"t get so many colds anymore.


  • 结论根据患者糖尿病结核病具体病情,制定相应护理计划措施促进患者尽快康复

    Conclusion Based on the specific treatment and recovery of patients with diabetes and tuberculosis, appropriate care plans and measures should be developed to promote a speedy recovery of patients.


  • 结论加强小儿扁桃体摘除术前后护理有利于患儿术后尽快康复,有效预防并发症确保手术效果

    Conclusion Nursing before and after the tonsillectomy is benefit for rehabilitation, also is benefit to prevention of complications and ensure the effect of the tonsillectomy.


  • 没有俱乐部里的成员了解迈克尔情况如果我们一定要做些什么的话,那么工作就是尽快康复,让他适合比赛

    There's no one more qualified than the staff at Newcastle to know what Michael's condition is and if and when we ought to be doing anything about it. My job is to get him fit to play for Newcastle.


  • 现在认为我们正在尽快康复作出准确的治疗。

    Now I think we are doing the right things to make my recovery as fast as possible.


  • 帮助这些伤员尽快走出阴影,使他们在灾后能够最大程度身心康复重新回归社会假肢装配和使用目前最有效方法

    Fitting an appropriate artificial limb is an effective method to help the wounded walking out of the shadow, body and soul recovering better, going back to society as soon as possible.


  • 幸运的是,终于完全康复我会我所尽快完成论文并且今后尽力按时作业。

    Fortunately I have finally fully recovered. I will finish the paper as soon as I can and try my best to hand in homework on time in the future.


  • 希望外婆身体快点康复家里尽快起来,安定下来

    I hope my grandmother's body recovered quickly, as soon as the home also can be good, settle down.


  • 绝对不会确定付出日期因为肌肉问题一直很难正确预测的。现在认为我们正在为我尽快康复作出准确的治疗。

    I have absolutely not set a date for my return, because muscular lesions are always difficult to predict. Now I think we are doing the right things to make my recovery as fast as possible.


  • 那时起遵循严格的康复计划希望尽快返回球场。

    Since then, he has been following a strict rehabilitation program, in his quest to return as soon as possible.


  • 我们希望能够迅速康复这里每个人都希望看到尽快重返球场

    We hope he makes a speedy recovery and everyone here wishes to see him back on the football field as soon as possible.


  • 结论取出固定胫腓联合螺钉钢板客观上主观上有助于功能改善。取出经胫腓联合固定内植物有助于尽快康复

    Conclusions: Locked screw and plate removal improved function both subjectively and objectively. Transsyndesmotic implant removal seems to assist improvements in the speed of rehabilitation.


  • 然而无论如何丹丹尽快康复才是眼下关键事情

    But anyway, let little Daniel recovery is the most right now as soon as possible key things.


  • 目的患儿尽快适应住院环境积极配合治疗护理早日康复

    Objective: Let the trouble adapt to in hospital circumstances as soon as possible, coordinates to treat nursing positively, soon will be restored to health.


  • 这个问题上合作必要的。要努力确保事故不再发生尽快开始康复过程

    Cooperation on this issue is necessary and expected to ensure that the incident does not re-occur and to allow the rehabilitation process to begin.


  • 结论:急性断裂早期诊断减张缝合术后早期康复活动对患者尽快恢复、减少并发症有利

    Conclusion it is very advantageous to diagnosis early, repair the tendon with augmentation and rehabilitate early after the acute patellar tendon rupture.


  • 计划康复过程中变得强健,所以不必参加太多预备组比赛或者练习赛明确目标尽快回到一队

    The plan is to get as fit as I can through the rehab so I don't have to play in too many reserve games or practice games, and my obvious aim is to get back into the first team as quickly as I can.


  • 同时,加强烧伤病人营养护理,促使尽快治愈康复

    Psychological nursing and sufficient nutrition Supply also helped the patients to heal quickly. The results were very satis factory.


  • 提出生理治疗的同时应重视心理治疗,使尽快受伤阴影中走出来,摆脱困扰,恢复自信,早日康复

    Therefore, psychological treatment as well as physical treatment are emphasized in order to make the students get rid of the negative effect caused by the injures and regain their confidence.


  • 提出生理治疗的同时应重视心理治疗,使尽快受伤阴影中走出来,摆脱困扰,恢复自信,早日康复

    Therefore, psychological treatment as well as physical treatment are emphasized in order to make the students get rid of the negative effect caused by the injures and regain their confidence.


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