• 效果是,部分尘埃云分层指向墨洛珀

    As a result, parts of the dust cloud have become stratified, pointing toward Merope.


  • 红土奔跑使尘埃云落在的身后。

    I raced in the red clay, making dust clouds behind me.


  • 一个粘贴这样不会形成尘埃云

    It's a paste, so it doesn't form dust clouds.


  • 左边红色气体尘埃云为标志的,不规则星系m 82。

    On the left, marked by red gas and dust clouds, is irregular galaxy M82.


  • 赫歇尔数据同时表明恒星沿着灯丝状尘埃云形成

    Herschel data also indicate stars are forming along the dusty filaments.


  • 通过卫星监测到的六米高的羽毛状尘埃云图片看似黄绿色漩涡

    The six-mile-high Chinese dust plume detected by CALIPSO appears as yellow-green swirls in this image.


  • 恒星恒星辐射雕塑的壮丽的星际尘埃云碰巧呈现易辨认形状

    Sculpted by stellar winds and radiation, a magnificent interstellar dust cloud by chance has assumed this recognizable shape.


  • 银河系核心红外线穿过可见光尘埃云遮盖啥意思?

    The Galactic core is obscured in visible light by dust clouds, which infrared light can penetrate.


  • 术语描述空气尘埃粒子形成潜在爆炸性混合物尘埃云

    The term dust cloud describes dust particles that along with air form a potentially explosive mixture.


  • 那些靠近年轻恒星遮蔽尘埃云反射恒星光,形成蓝色反射星云

    Where the otherwise obscuring dust clouds lie close to the hot, young stars they also reflect starlight, forming blue reflection nebulae.


  • 我们银河系平面上尘埃云广域视野看到些模糊的影子。

    Dust clouds suspended above the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy are also faintly visible throughout the wide field of view.


  • 团黝黑尘埃云炽热恒星之所在,从周围小小的蓝色反射星云辨认出来。

    Hot stars embedded in the dust can be seen as small bluish reflection nebulae.


  • 反而它们所在巨大分子气体尘埃云发生了碰撞,形成剧烈恒星形成区域。

    Instead, their large clouds of molecular gas and dust do, triggering furious episodes of star formation.


  • 新生恒星会加热周围尘埃云,让它们发出红外线,就可以 Spitzer 探测到了。

    Newborn stars heat up surrounding dust clouds, causing them to glow in the infrared, thus being detected by Spitzer.


  • 这个现象后来称为「黑效应」,库克猜测由「金星周围大气尘埃云造成的。

    Cook speculated that this phenomenon, which became known as the black-drop effect, was caused by "an atmosphere or dusky cloud round the body of the planet."


  • 但是因为能通过尘埃云累积足够质量,所以也没有激起点亮一般恒星核聚变

    But because it failed to accumulate enough mass from the dust cloud, the thermonuclear reaction that "lights up" normal stars fail to ignite.


  • 随着越来越近越来越无法看到复合体本体,卫星漩涡还有大片尘埃云作为一个整体

    As it gets closer, you increasingly fail to see the complex - the corpus, Moon Swirls, and vast dust cloud - as a whole.


  • 预期将来由于缺乏喷气燃料火山喷发造成的尘埃云毁掉喷气引擎,空中旅行无法进行。

    The anticipation is that air travel would be ruined due to lack of jet fuel and burping volcanoes creating dust clouds devastating to jet engines.


  • 看似片星云打成一片NGC 6723实际上离我们3万光年不在南尘埃云的国度。

    While NGC 6723 appears to be part of the group, it actually lies nearly 30,000 light-years away, far beyond the Corona Australis dust clouds.


  • 我们可以透过延伸银河系盘面上模糊前景尘埃云看见它,这个肉眼可见的星系称作鹿星系群。

    Seen here through faint foreground dust clouds lingering above the plane of Milky Way, this visual grouping of galaxies is also known as the Deer Lick group.


  • 根据塔人的说法,这个角色看上去很大因为X及其厚重尘埃云外面折的光芒观察者

    Per the Zetas this persona appears huge because light rays that are bending outward from Planet X and its massive dust cloud are bent back toward the viewer.


  • 根据塔人的说法,这个角色看上去很大因为X及其厚重的尘埃云外面折的光线观察者

    Per the Zetas, this persona appears huge because light rays that are bending outward from Planet X and its massive dust cloud are bent back toward the viewer.


  • 如果尘埃可以除了尘埃云发生一个应用程序较低两个有关限制温度作为传感器选择最高值

    If dust layers can also occur in addition to dust clouds in an application, the lower of the two relevant limiting temperatures are used as the maximum value for the selection of the sensor.


  • 日本天文学家知名星云之一的人马座三裂星云,壮丽景观可正是由气体尘埃云的碰撞造成的。

    Astronomers in Japan say one of the best-known nebulae-the Trifid, in the constellation sagittarius-owes its splendor to a smashup between two clouds of gas and dust.


  • 丝状尘埃云宽度暗示它们形成一些通过中等大小正在收缩的星际尘埃气体恒星然后爆发激波成。

    The filaments have widths that suggest they are formed as shockwaves from exploding stars travel through the medium, sweeping up and compressing the interstellar dust and gas.


  • 对于星系超过临界大小星系,超过一亿太阳质量尘埃可以仅仅十万年内引导中心中心产生高密度尘埃云

    For galaxies above a critical size, more than 100 million solar masses of dust can be channelled towards the centre within just 100, 000 years, creating a dense cloud in the centre.


  • 一个天体轨道处在尘埃云内时,由于周边物质引力作用轨道将逐渐收缩,以螺旋渐进的方式接近主星。

    But when a body orbits inside a gaseous disk, its orbit shrinks and the body spirals gradually towards the planet as a result of the gravitational interaction of the body with the surrounding gas.


  • 星云,是这个气体尘埃云组成恒星形成看起来不祥的预感。星云中也有些像人形部分

    Known to some as the Elephant's Trunk Nebula, parts of the glowing gas and dust clouds of this star formation region may appear to take on foreboding forms, some nearly human.


  • 星云,是这个气体尘埃云组成恒星形成看起来不祥的预感。星云中也有些像人形部分

    Known to some as the Elephant's Trunk Nebula, parts of the glowing gas and dust clouds of this star formation region may appear to take on foreboding forms, some nearly human.


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