• 我们矛头时候,我们所指的都被加工成尖头石块这种情况下,这一石块很可能接在矛上的。

    When we talk about a point we are referring to a piece of stone that's worked to a sharp point, in this case probably to be attached to a spear.


  • 驯练员手持锋利金属尖头长棒,

    The trainer stands in front of the elephant holding a long stick with a sharp metal point.


  • 穿尖头鞋子

    Wear shoes with pointed toes.


  • 锥子纺织品皮革上钻而有尖头工具

    Bodkin: a small sharply pointed instrument for making holes in fabric or leather.


  • 锥子种在纺织品皮革上钻而有尖头工具

    Bodkin is a small, sharply pointed instrument for making holes in fabric or leather.


  • 钻机切割部分通常尖头有螺旋状图案并且可以更换用在上。

    The cutting part of a drill usually pointed and threaded and is replaceable in a brace or bitstock or.


  • 真的屋子架着横梁角落下面伸出了只脚穿着一双尖头鞋子

    There, indeed, just under the corner of the great beam the house rested on, two feet were sticking out, shod in silver shoes with pointed toes.


  • 确实一坐落巨大横梁的只脚了出来,穿着银色尖头鞋子

    There, indeed, just under the corner of the great beam the house rested on, two feet were sticking out, shod in silver, shoes with pointed toes.


  • 就是可以提高穿头发中的纤维尖头的灵敏度,从而增加尖头头皮直接接触面积。

    It's designed to provide increased sensitivity with fiber tips that thread through hair to increase direct scalp contact.


  • 没有尖头塑料恐龙、一英寸高的建筑工霓虹色游泳池玩具我们不得不现有东西凑合了。

    No more pointy plastic dinosaurs, inch-tall construction workers, or neon-colored pool toys. We will have to make do with our current supply of those items.


  • 尖头的缆线,台灯一直墙上,那附近有一个柔软的东西地方说实话从来没用过。

    There's a sharp coiled cable running from the light to the wall and a soft place to put things nearby but I never really use it.


  • 第一尖头人正在设计一个电视广告,而电视广告则是制药公司当前直接消费者推销所采用极为昂贵广告大战中关键的一环

    The first pointy-headed figure is devising the TV commercials that are the key feature of the extremely expensive advertising campaigns these firms now use to pitch drugs directly to consumers.


  • 两次,马奇看见刷子白色尖头或是草丛中的红色影子便开火

    Once or twice March had caught sight of the white tip of his brush, or the ruddy shadow of him in the deep grass, and she had let fire at him.


  • 研究了尖头侵彻机理差异

    The differences in the penetration mechanism between cuspidal and blunt projectiles are studied.


  • 尖尖砂岩石试图尖头朝下地安置大的一块石上。

    He picks up a large, pointy piece of sandstone and attempts to place it - point down - on a much larger round boulder.


  • 把裙子捋到身后双脚转到一边,则转到一边,低头看着这对闪闪发光的尖头靴子

    She held back her skirts and turned her feet one way and her head another way as she looked down at the shiny, pointed boots.


  • 所以阿特沃特艾登为了效率设计了许多不同长度的结构:尖头楔子形状

    So Atwater and Aydin designed structures that effectively have many different lengths: wedge shapes with pointy tips and wide bases.


  • 容易找到一件洗衣店送来的袋子里的衬衫决定穿黑色西装,穿双尖头皮鞋再蓝色领带。

    I discover one white shirt still in its dry cleaning bag. I decide to wear the black suit, wing tips, and pale blue tie.


  • 中跟平底鞋更优雅,也可以细高跟一样迷人,尤其是尖头、浅口、样式雅致的中跟鞋——不要选丁字鞋脚腕系带的鞋。

    Dressier than flats, kitten heels can be as fetching as stilettos, especially when they have pointed toes and sleek, low-cut silhouettes — no T-straps or ankle straps.


  • 发现的启发下,我们可能想出超强抗断裂纳米接合剂或者分层的纳米尖头进行纳米打磨,这种尖头几乎需要更换

    Inspired by these discoveries, we can think of super-robust and fracture-resistant nanocements, or layered nanotips to do nanogrinding that rarely need replacing.


  • 史丹福这样推理的:如果这种解释正确的话,那么西伯利亚应该留有同样尖头

    If this account was right, Stanford reasoned, then Siberia should be littered with similar points.


  • 那个老太太当时不在姑娘转过身去,在她印象中好像看见沿一双靴子尖头

    The old lady was not present, and turning round the girl had an impression that the toes of a pair of boots were visible below the fringe of the curtains.


  • 所以,我们为FNIRS纤维研发了一种新的尖头--光纤化学传感可以把纤维穿插头皮毛囊之间

    So we developed a new tip for the fNIRS fibers -- a brush optrode that slides the fibers between the hair follicles.


  • 绿色呢帽白色尖头皮鞋,铅笔垫肩黑白夹克的打扮,使LaRoux十分打眼。

    Dressed in a green felt trilby, white winkle pickers, drainpipe jeans, and a black-and-white jacket with shoulder pads, la Roux cuts a striking figure.


  • 不是完美的但是尖头老板关于性能问题,用它来应对还是绰绰有余的 —查询 PapaGoogle要好得多。

    It's not perfect, but it's a more than adequate first line of defense when pointy-head boss comes at you with a performance problem — and it's a whole lot better than consulting Papa Google.


  • 一个风浪尖头之上时候,随时都有跌落的危险,但是你要牢牢的抓住处在顶峰机会,继续与风浪搏杀,最终你必将成功的驾驭风浪并将之转变前进动力

    you ride a wave, which is constantly tumbling, and perched on top of this continually disintegrating hill of water, you harness its turbulence into forward motion.


  • 大多数人都知道高跟鞋尖头鞋都不利于的,但是其它似乎无害款式特点可能有害的。

    Most people know that high heels and pointed toes are not good for feet, but other apparently innocuous style features can also be harmful.


  • 大多数人都知道高跟鞋尖头鞋都不利于的,但是其它似乎无害款式特点可能有害的。

    Most people know that high heels and pointed toes are not good for feet, but other apparently innocuous style features can also be harmful.


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