• 明尼苏人队签约雇用拉斯牛仔队赫舍·沃克

    The Minnesota Vikings signed Herschel Walker from the Dallas Cowboys.


  • 佛罗里大学盖恩斯分校研究社会态度凯特·拉特利夫领域似乎两个阵营,一个是关心开放科学阵营,另一个则对其漠不关心

    Kate Ratliff, who studies social attitudes at the University of Florida, Gainesville, says that it can seem as if there are two camps in a field—those who care about open science and those who don't.


  • 达维格农认为比德堡曾经助欧元诞生一臂之力,也记得比德堡在伊拉克问题上严重分歧一些与会者赞成2003年的入侵,一些人表示反对还有一些人则希望用另一种形式实现

    He recalls strong disagreement over Iraq: some participants favoured the invasion in 2003, some opposed it and some wanted it done differently.


  • 1763年,兄弟斯科一道来到佛罗里不知什么原因他们没有留居此地

    In 1763 he and his brother Squire journeyed to Florida, although for unknown reasons they did not stay.


  • 达维登科有伤在身所以希望·比斯第二淘汰掉。

    Davydenko's been injured so I actually like Gulbis to upset him in the second round.


  • 最后我们提出一个解决方案,我们希望为在这个世界里上的《·丝夫人》里吉特·琼斯也留有余地。

    In the end we came up with a solution that, we hoped, allowed room for both the Mrs Dalloways and Bridget Joneses of this world.


  • 这件事迫使斯滕开始调查一个导致男性数百万多于女性世界社会因素。

    This compelled Hvistendahl to investigate the societal implications of a world with tens of millions more men than women.


  • 罗里的卡纳纬度拜科努,只有28.8因此美国俄国想要发射到国际空间站是很容易的。

    Because Cape Canaveral is at a lower latitude than Baikonur at 28.8 degrees, it is possible for both the Americans and Russians to easily reach the ISS.


  • “人们总是把做梦归咎于深夜奶酪喝酒抽烟吃巧克力或者喝咖啡——尤其是梦魇。” 达维娜.麦凯

    Late night cheese-eating, alcohol, cigarettes, chocolate and caffeine have all been blamed for causing dreams — particularly nightmares, ’ says Davina Mackail.


  • 电视观众真正选出冠军应该18岁的亚曼·(中)。

    The actual winner, as voted by television viewers, was 18-year-old Amanda Ware (see photo, C) .


  • 主人罗恩·解释说:“我们来自加利福尼亚,我们喜欢滑板所以耳濡目染喜欢了它。

    Owner Ron Davis explains, "We are a Southern California family. We all skate. So Tillman started too. First he'd push his board around.


  • 这次兰·凯再次起诉,罪状是其2005年安东银行收购案中曾盗用公款

    This time Mr Brancher is accused of alleged embezzlement in the 2005 takeover battle for Antonveneta, a bank.


  • 周六节目,依然是西蒙··斯摩根阿曼·登担任评委见证各种各样竞争脱颖而出进行的卖力表演

    Saturday night's show, which featured Simon Cowell, Piers Morgan and Amanda Holden back on the judging panel, saw a wide range of ACTS compete to advance in the competition.


  • ·保罗大学繁忙芝加哥校园交换生,去年回到慢节奏的加州萨克拉门托的父母住处的经历几乎算得上文化冲击

    Darla Weaver, a transfer student at DePaul University's bustling Chicago campus, says going back to her parents' house last summer in sleepy Sacramento, Calif. was sort of a culture shock.


  • 在肯塔基路易斯登台演出时,那些南方军官居然挑战她,中断演出杰弗森·南方联盟祝酒

    While performing in Louisville, Kentucky, she was dared by Confederate officers to interrupt a show to toast Jefferson Davis and the Confederacy.


  • 这个研究发起人马修﹒赖安博士,他是盖恩斯弗罗里大学急诊医学助教,他人们貌似了解肥胖造成健康问题

    Women seemed more attuned tothe health issues posed by obesity, said study author Dr. Matthew Ryan, an assistant professor of emergency medicine at University of Florida,Gainesville.


  • 夏安斯·谢(上图),欧洲斯比当代艺术主管:“米安拍卖成为全部作品一部分。”

    Cheyenne Westphal (pictured above, right), European chairman of Sotheby's contemporary art, says: "Damien's auctions will become part of his oeuvre."


  • 性格困扰着巴罗·人,不过还是喜欢

    Gouvernail's personality puzzled Mrs. Baroda, but she liked him.


  • 性格困扰着巴罗·夫人,不过还是喜欢

    Gouvernail's personality puzzled Mrs.Baroda, but she liked him.


  • 为了有效避免磷苯二甲酸盐儿科医生建议消费者选择使用不含香料的有机产品

    To avoid phthalates, Pediatrician Maida Galvez, advised consumers to choose fragrance-free products and organic ranges.


  • 同事Anthony Ladd——盖恩斯的弗洛里大学化学工程师,在《地球行星科学快报》的一篇论文展示了他们方程

    He and his colleague Anthony Ladd a chemical engineer at the University of Florida in Gainesville lay out their new equations in a paper to appear in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.


  • 同事AnthonyLadd——盖恩斯的弗洛里大学化学工程师,在《地球行星科学快报》的一篇论文展示了他们方程

    He and his colleague Anthony Ladd, a chemical engineer at the University of Florida in Gainesville, lay out their new equations in a paper to appear in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.


  • 之后,萨奥一行前往距海利根45公里斯玛,来自八国的74位青年代表将讨论目前世界所面临主要问题主会场遥相呼应

    Later the group will go to Wismar, about 45 kilometers from Heiligendamm, where 74 youths from the G8 countries are debating the main problems facing the world, in parallel to the main summit.


  • 西班牙·巴顿凭借《所依》拿到最佳配角苏格兰尔达·斯温顿以《迈克·克莱顿》拿到最佳女配角

    Spain's Javier Bardem was named best supporting actor for "No Country for Old Men," and Scotland's Tilda Swinton won best supporting actress for "Michael Clayton."


  • 弗吉尼亚·小说太太一书中,人物因为不能好的判断轻重缓急的能力而困扰不已;

    In Virginia Woolf's novelMrs. Dalloway,” characters are troubled and traumatized by their inability to maintain a proper “sense of proportion”;


  • 阿什利·(点球,72 ')马克·阿·布莱顿(76 ')连两球后,红魔依靠马(81 ')和迪奇(85 ')的进球全身而退。

    After Ashley Young (penalty, 72nd minute) and Marc Albrighton (76th minute) put the Villans up 2-0, the Red Devils came back with goals from Federico Macheda (81st minute) and Vidic (85th minute).


  • 显示被毁村庄覆盖层;悉尼Bondi海滩的享受日光浴的人;加载了详细3建筑柏林

    An overlay shows desroyed villages in Darfur; sunbakers on Sydney's Bondi Beach; the city of Berlin, with detailed 3-D buildings


  • 那些池塘满足恒河著名保护者之一·巴赫·米斯拉(VeerBhadra Mishra)28年来的执著倡议。

    Those ponds will be the fulfillment of 28 years of single-minded advocacy by Veer Bhadra Mishra, one of the Ganges' best-known protectors.


  • 那些池塘满足恒河著名保护者之一·巴赫·米斯拉(VeerBhadra Mishra)28年来的执著倡议。

    Those ponds will be the fulfillment of 28 years of single-minded advocacy by Veer Bhadra Mishra, one of the Ganges' best-known protectors.


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