• 传说,1969年10月史密斯博伊实验室午餐时,花了一个小时,就构想出了这个无处不在成像设备

    According to lore, Smith and Boyle sketched out the design for the ubiquitous imaging device in an hour, over lunch at Bell Labs in October 1969.


  • 英特实验室研究人员Dean Pomerleau介绍,试验中如果让实验对象思考两个单词,软件猜测准确率达到了90%。

    In tests, it guessed with 90% accuracy which of two words a person was thinking about, said Intel Labs researcher Dean Pomerleau.


  • 时间内,Eurisko每天晚上10个小时在施乐公司帕罗·阿尔实验室的几百台电脑上计算这个问题直至得到答案

    For about a month, for ten hours every night on a hundred computers at Xerox PARC, in Palo Alto, Eurisko ground away at the problem, until it came out with an answer.


  • 美国电报电话公司的实验室施乐帕洛阿研究中心(Xerox PARC)的辉煌历史已经过去了,但是不知怎的IBM的研究文化幸存下来

    AT&T’s Bell Labs and Xerox PARC have left their glorious histories behind them, yet somehow IBM’s research culture has survived.


  • 教授已经研发出了现有实验室激光化学分子贴标签有趣方法

    Professor Orr has developed interesting ways of tagging chemical molecules using existing laboratory lasers.


  • 1904年12月任命为皮埃·居里领导的实验室首席助理

    In December 1904 she was appointed chief assistant in the laboratory directed by Pierre Curie.


  • 美国空军研究实验室克里表示赞同。

    The U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory's Cliver agrees.


  • 每个人都感到惊讶,”丹麦·胡斯火星模拟实验室乔纳森·梅里逊

    "That was a surprise to everybody," said Jonathan Merrison of the Aarhus Mars Simulation Laboratory in Denmark.


  • 文特,从长远来看,藻类应该设计上“自杀基因”,一旦他们实验室燃料生产设施逃逸就会自然死亡

    In the long run, Dr. Venter said, the algae should be given "suicide genes" that would kill them if they escaped the lab or fuel production facility.


  • 所在实验室发明纳米混合体中,含半导电的纳米管,又有导电纳米管。

    The mixture of nanotubes created in Tour’s lab includes both semiconducting nanotubes and conducting nanotubes.


  • 该奖项授予来自马里兰州工业卫生安全办公室曼纽·巴贝托,他发现胡须上的微生物使男人成为实验室潜在危险

    Awarded to Manuel Barbeito at the Industrial Health and Safety Office in Maryland for scientific studies that found microbes cling to beards, making more hirsute men a potential laboratory hazard.


  • 这个勤奋好学女生引起了皮埃·居里注意,他是玛丽工作实验室主管

    The industrious student caught the eye of Pierre Curie, director of the laboratories where Marie worked.


  • 不过如果安德鲁兹(AndrewShields剑桥东芝研究实验室同事们进展顺利的话量子密码学很快进入日用范畴。

    Quantum cryptography, however, will soon pass into the quotidian realm if Andrew Shields and his colleagues at Toshiba’s research laboratory in Cambridge have anything to do with it.


  • 利用这种技术,“使在损害需要观察部位条件下时间成像成为可能,”施尼策实验室的执行经理JuergenJung表示

    With the new method, "Imaging is possible over a very long time without damaging the region of interest," said Juergen Jung, operations manager of the Schnitzer lab.


  • 斯蒂芬·瑟克维茨是劳伦斯·伯克利国家实验室建筑技术研发组的主管他表示能量丧失就意味着金钱的浪费。

    All that lost energy costs money, says Stephen Selkowitz, head of building technologies at Berkeley Lab.


  • 借助计算机代码化学品文特实验室通过合成组装创造最大人造dna结构即细菌582970 -碱基对基因组

    Using a computer code and four bottles of chemicals, Venter's lab creates the largest man-made DNA structure by synthesizing and assembling the 582,970-base-pair genome of a bacterium.


  • 创造者:加州大学伯克利分校系统仿生实验室罗纳德·菲林。

    Created by: Ronald Fearing at Berkeley University's Biomimetic Millisystems lab.


  • 同样有些合的方法英国替普地惠普实验室AdrianGeisow利用这种方法。

    There are also hybrid methods, like that used by Adrian Geisow at HP Labs’ campus in Bristol, England.


  • 对此,加拿大国家粒子核物理实验室主管奈杰·洛克说:“费米实验室研究小组发现令人兴奋,但现在就肯定结果还为时过早。 一方面,需要明确的证据来解释一些问题;而另一方面,能解释这种微妙现象的其他替代原因,也能列出一长串清单。”

    "These results are certainly tantalizing," said Nigel Lockyer, director of Canada's national laboratory for particle and nuclear physics, TRIUMF.


  • 菲格实验室真实世界之所以不同,部分是因为他们参与情感程度不同

    The difference between the lab and the real world, Figner says, is partly the extent to which they involve emotion.


  • 开始时候,完成一标本的准备工作花费几个的时间,”巴凯瑞,她已经实验室工作

    "When I started, it used to take me months to prepare a single specimen," said Balcarel, who has worked in the lab for nine years.


  • 罗斯博士称,这些发现有些是意料中的,因为实验室中就发现阿司匹林可以减缓遏制肿瘤细胞系生长

    The findings do not come entirely as a surprise, Dr. Rothwell said, because aspirin has been found to slow or prevent the growth of tumor cell lines in the laboratory.


  • 不过工程师需要进行更多测试可以确定模拟结果是否适用于实验室以外的情况。

    Still, engineers need to run more tests before they can determine whether Farnell's simulations apply outside of the lab.


  • 小组每周都会收集卡片困住蚊子,将转运至实验室检测罗斯病毒和巴马森林病毒。

    Each week, the team collected CARDS and trapped mosquitoes and shipped them to a lab, where they were tested for Ross River and Barmah Forest viruses.


  • 特雷福莉莎茱莉亚莱昂内着脚走门前,马上逃离实验室

    Trevor, Lisa, Julia and Lionel tip-toed to the door and escaped from the laboratory.


  • 美国空军研究实验室克里表示赞同:“他们没有这么备用品,”

    The U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory's Cliver agrees: "They don't have a lot of these on the shelf, " he said.


  • 病例经蒙罗维亚国家实验室塞内加达喀巴斯研究所确诊。 巴斯德研究所区域参考实验室,也是世组织黄热病合作中心

    The case, was laboratory confirmed at the national laboratory in Monrovia and at the Pasteur Institute, Dakar, Senegal, a regional reference laboratory and WHO Collaborating Centre for Yellow Fever.


  • 病例经蒙罗维亚国家实验室塞内加达喀巴斯研究所确诊。 巴斯德研究所区域参考实验室,也是世组织黄热病合作中心

    The case, was laboratory confirmed at the national laboratory in Monrovia and at the Pasteur Institute, Dakar, Senegal, a regional reference laboratory and WHO Collaborating Centre for Yellow Fever.


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