• 这座火山熔岩高达650英尺

    The volcano spewed a fountain of molten rock 650 feet in the air.


  • 3名非洲裔美国人小型公共汽车中胡乱射出子弹打死了。

    Three African-Americans were killed by shots fired at random from a minibus.


  • 许多认为射出的刺眼光线造成了雪盲。

    Many people believe the glare from snow causes snowblindnenss.


  • 如果快速有力地扣动扳机并不扳机射出的更加快更加有力

    If you squeeze the trigger of a gun really hard and really fast, it doesn't fire any faster or harder than if you just squeezed it gently.


  • 逃逸速度就是一个物体速度,比如说,加农炮射出最小初始速度,这样这个物体以后就可以自己脱离地球引力

    Escape velocity is simply the speed of an object that's shot out of a cannon the minimum initial speed so that the object could later escape Earth's gravity on its own.


  • 不断地太阳出的能量又来自何处呢?

    Where does the energy come from that constantly radiates from the sun?


  • 扫描仪鉴定对象出的激光束工作

    Raman devices work by shooting a laser beam at an object.


  • 纳米探针通过聚焦X射线激发样品,然后收集出的特征荧光

    The nanoprobe excites the sample with a strongly focused X-ray beam and collects the characteristic fluorescence signal that is re-emitted.


  • 斯匹红用来分离红外线,这是被加热过后尘埃所放射出射线

    Spitzer is tuned to pick up infra-red radiationthe sort of radiation emitted by dust that has been heated.


  • 系统射出声波射线300(1000英尺)开外清晰听到

    It fires narrow beams of sound waves that can be heard clearly from 300 meters (about a thousand feet) away.


  • 射出称为光子回波观测表明我们对于原子量子进行完全控制

    The burst of light is called a photon echo; and its observation proved we have full control over the quantum state of the atoms.


  • 而正是这种均匀过渡结构使纳米晶体上光子吸收的光子数量能保持一致。

    Thanks to the gradient, the stream of emitted photons is the same as the stream of absorbed photons.


  • 太阳反阳光水面直接反射观察者眼中而形成——像被镜子出的一样。

    Sunglint is caused by sunlight reflecting off of a water surface directly towards the observermuch as light reflects from a mirror.


  • 太阳紫外线引起皮肤过早老化、皮肤甚至皮肤癌等问题的主要环境因素。

    Ultraviolet (UV) rays emitted by the sun are the leading environmental cause of skin complaints, premature ageing, sun burn and even skin cancer.


  • 有人担心即便蓝牙设备出的辐射手机,但是的辐射会直接进入耳朵,离大脑更近

    One concern is that even though the device emits less radiation than a cellphone, it goes directly inside the ear, closer to the brain.


  • 正电子电子会相互湮灭而射出伽玛射线,再费米爆发检测器所检测到研究人员

    Positrons and electrons annihilated each other, emitting gamma rays detected by Fermi's gamma-ray burst detector, researchers said.


  • 行星星云实际上一些即将消亡恒星射出的气体外壳,学术上与行星并没有什么关系

    These nebulae, which are not technically related to planets, are gas clouds forced outward by a dying star.


  • 存在极小可能性这种意想不到的效应太阳射出不曾了解粒子造成的。

    There is even an outside chance that this unexpected effect is brought about by a previously unknown particle emitted by the sun.


  • 计划涉及采用标准设计建立低成本医院处理麻烦疾病的中心医院辐射出的辐条一样。

    His model involves building no-frills hospitals using standardised designs, connected like spokes to a hub that can handle more complex ailments.


  • 扫描机所谓反射散射扫描仪”,电离辐射剂量相当于牙科辐射X射线的1%更少

    The scanning machines, called "backscatter scanners," deliver a dose of ionizing radiation equivalent to 1 percent or less of the radiation in a dental X-ray.


  • 未来,科学家们还有可能丽莎卫星进行观测,丽莎卫星可以测量两个正在合并黑洞出的引力波

    In future, it might even be possible to observe this process with the planned LISA satellite, an instrument capable of measuring the gravity waves that the two merging black holes emit.


  • 实际上它们蒸发掉时射出能量称之为霍金辐射,根据还世上著名科学家斯蒂芬·霍金命名。

    In fact, they will evaporate in a puff of hitherto hypothetical energy called the Hawking radiation, after the world's most famous living physicist, Stephen Hawking.


  • 如若这样,那么3千3百万焦耳出的炮弹速度高达每秒5500英尺,这一速度超越音速,会产生音爆。

    In this case, the 33 megajoules launched the shot 5,500 feet per second, exceeding the speed of sound and releasing a sonic boom.


  • 如若这样,那么3千3百万焦耳出的炮弹速度高达每秒5500英尺,这一速度超越音速,会产生音爆。

    In this case, the 33 megajoules launched the shot 5, 500 feet per second, exceeding the speed of sound and releasing a sonic boom.


  • 令人疑惑一方法宇宙尺寸我们能够时间观测到的就是说,我们观测超过宇宙的界限

    What’s puzzling is that the projected size of this universe is smaller than the area we can actually observe. In other words, our visibility exceeds the boundaries of the universe.


  • 他们发现这些能级皆低于TiO2传导意味着量子射出热电子能够PbSe传导TiO2。

    They found that these states were always below the TiO2 conduction band, which means that hot electrons from the quantum dot can transfer from the PbSe to the TiO2.


  • 发光二极管发射出红外线立刻进入使用者眼前空间这样一个小型摄像机装置,分析人们的手势轨迹。

    A ring of LEDs projects infrared light into the space immediately in front of the user so a camera in the device can interpret gestures.


  • 发光二极管发射出红外线立刻进入使用者眼前空间这样一个小型摄像机装置,分析人们的手势轨迹。

    A ring of LEDs projects infrared light into the space immediately in front of the user so a camera in the device can interpret gestures.


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