• 窒息剂,窒息原因导致窒息的物质有毒气体事件,如溺水

    A substance, such as a toxic gas, or an event, such as drowning, that induces asphyxia.


  • 污染控制措施要么严格要么不存在导致了令人窒息雾霾

    Pollution control measures are either not strict or nonexistent, leading to choking clouds of smog.


  • 如果吸入水珠,则可能导致宇航员窒息设备短路因此许多宇航员音乐节最流行的:湿

    Water droplets can cause choking if inhaled and can short-circuit equipment, so many astronauts use the music-festival favourite: moist wipes.


  • 但是对于这种潜水如果不小心导致立即窒息没有着探究究竟是怎么回事。

    But in a lake where accidentally swallowing the water while diving could lead to near-instant asphyxiation, no one was in a hurry to find out what it might be.


  • 很多物品导致宠物窒息甚至可能无法预料到宠物可能吃下去的某些东西

    Many small items can lead to choking -even things you would never expect your pet would attempt eating.


  • 老实说客厅也好,在卧室厨房或者橱柜里也罢,看到觉得难以窒息导致我不禁怀疑这些年来你是不是变大了不少。

    To be honest, though, your presence in my living room, bedroom, kitchen, and closets is stifling me.


  • 很多物品导致宠物窒息——很多东西可能根本想不到宠物吃下去

    Many small items can lead to choking - even things you would never expect your pet would attempt eating.


  • 如果没有迅速治疗麻痹导致窒息死亡因为呼吸的麻痹。

    Without quick treatment, the paralysis will cause asphyxial death because of respiratory paralysis.


  • 王国毕竟变得窒息难以为继了,结果导致1868年明知维新。

    But the regime became suffocating and unsustainable, and ended with the Meiji Restoration of 1868.


  • 之后他们,随着大部分生命死亡,尸体分解过程消耗掉海水中的溶解氧,并导致多数生还者窒息而死。

    Then, they say, after most life died, decomposition would have robbed the water of its dissolved oxygen, smothering many of the survivors.


  • 近些年农用化学品过度使用导致湖泊沿海水域表面绿藻迅猛滋生,导致水生生物缺氧窒息

    Such algae blooms which can choke other forms of aquatic life have grown increasingly apparent in lakes and coastal waters recent years as a result of excessive use of agricultural chemicals.


  • 近些年农用化学品过度使用导致湖泊沿海水域表面绿藻迅猛滋生,导致水生生物窒息

    Such algae blooms, which can choke other forms of aquatic life, have grown increasingly apparent in lakes and coastal waters recent years as a result of excessive use of agricultural chemicals.


  • 严重体罚定义同一物体打击、被踢、被喉咙或气管导致窒息、被闷导致窒息被烧、被、被纹身、被殴打被用武器威胁

    Severe physical punishment was defined as being hit with an object, being kicked, choked, smothered, burnt, scalded, branded, beaten or threatened with a weapon.


  • 炎热夏季父母密封的汽车里而导致窒息死亡案例很多。

    There have been many cases where children have died when their parents left them in locked cars on b hot summer day.


  • 如果使用太多的话,可能导致宝宝后部喉咙麻木同时会减弱呕吐反射能力(呕反射能帮助宝宝避免呕吐引起的窒息)。

    If you use too much, it can numb the back of your baby's throat and weaken his gag reflex (which helps keep him from choking on his saliva).


  • 导致消防员死亡最主要原因通常窒息烧伤(20%)、汽车相撞(20- 25%)、创伤(27%)和心脏病(44%)。

    The leading cause of death for firefighters often caused by asphyxiation and burns (20%), motor vehicle collisions (20-25%), trauma (27%) and heart attack (44%).


  • 结论脐带因素产程胎位异常胎盘功能不全导致新生儿窒息主要产科因素。

    Conclusion neonatal asphyxia, birth process and fetal position abnormal, with placenta functional defect together, are the factors mainly lead to neonatal asphyxia.


  • 快速序列插管时,平卧位造成叶的肺不张可导致容量和肺储备量减低,使窒息时间缩短

    The supine position during rapid sequence intubation may result in posterior lung atelectasis thereby reducing lung volumes, oxygenation reserve, and ultimately apnea time.


  • 研究表明宫内感染宫内窒息造成早产儿损伤,并且导致早产儿脑损伤重要原因

    Large Numbers of researches have proved that both intrauterine infection and intrauterine asphyxia can induce premature brain damage and they are the main reasons of it.


  • 新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病(HIE)指围产期缺氧窒息导致缺氧缺血性损伤

    Hypoxic ischemic (HIE) of newborn is the damage in brain because of perinatal hypoxia or asphyxiation.


  • 这种理解方式往往导致道德个体性遮蔽窒息个体德道学习自觉能力割裂道德生长整体精神空间

    This kind of understanding often leads to overshadow the individuality, stuffing the individual's conscious ability of moral study, and divide the integral spiritual space in which morality develop.


  • 结论剖宫产脐带异常早产高征导致新生儿窒息主要原因

    Conclusion: The major causes of neonatal asphyxia were cesarean section, abnormal cord, premature delivery, and PIH.


  • 新生儿出生时缺氧(周产期窒息),可能导致死亡长期疾病

    A lack of oxygen around the time of birth (perinatal asphyxia) can cause death and long-term illness in newborn infants.


  • 义大利东北部城市维琴察一家法院裁决维琴察市「金色贝克」酒店展出龙虾的行为属于虐待龙虾,因为将龙虾放在冰块中展出会导致龙虾因窒息而缓慢死亡

    A court in then or theastern city of vicenza ruled the display was af or m of abuse dooming the crustaceans to a slow death by suffocation.


  • 收拾好一切的细小东西例如金属片橡皮纽扣珠子这些东西都可以导致窒息

    Keep small items such as tinsel, rubber bands, buttons and beads out of reach - your kitten could choke on them.


  • 抽搐或者窒息引起疼痛会向迷走神经传送信息,然后这种信息又会传到心脏导致心跳速度减慢,这样就会引起昏厥

    Pain, such as that caused by a cramp or choking, sends a signal to the vagus nerve, which in turns signals the heart, slowing it down so much that the person faints.


  • 如果惰性低温液体有关存在空气含量减少,从而导致救火人员窒息可能性

    If an inert cryogenic liquid is involved, there is the possibility of reducing the oxygen content of the air with the potential risk of asphyxiation of the firefighters.


  • 如果惰性低温液体有关存在空气含量减少,从而导致救火人员窒息可能性

    If an inert cryogenic liquid is involved, there is the possibility of reducing the oxygen content of the air with the potential risk of asphyxiation of the firefighters.


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