• 一封信我们打开了另一个世界大门。”该电视剧导演章文表示

    "Every letter opens another world for us," according to Guan Zhangwen, the director of the TV show.


  • 电影节主办方表示波兰斯基瑞士来是为了领取导演终生成就奖

    Festival organizers said Polanski traveled to Switzerland to receive an award for his lifetime of work as a director.


  • 在打斗我们有经验并且更专业,我们很多新想法但是没有机会导演表达“,表示。”

    "We're more experienced and professional when it comes to fighting. We have many ideas, but it's not our place to tell directors what to do," he says.


  • 人物:《钢铁侠》的导演乔恩·费儒直白表示经典西部片科幻电影致敬

    Talent: Iron Man director Jon Favreau drops the irony to play it straight in this homage to classic Western and sci-fi flicks.


  • 华纳兄弟将剧本委任但是接下来几个月都在梦工厂表示兴趣导演史蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格斡旋。

    Warner Bros commissioned a screenplay but then spent months negotiating with Steven Spielberg of DreamWorks, who was interested in directing.


  • 《2010天然气之地》纪录片导演JoshFox(一个极端反感天然气产业)表示天然气会影响人类健康包括大脑损坏呼吸道问题癌症

    Josh Fox, who directed the 2010 documentary Gasland (much challenged by the gas industry), says that the health risks of fracking include brain damage, respiratory problems, and cancer.


  • 但是任何精心导演和解——即便其中充斥着各种宣言以表示坚定不移的联合——注定不过粉饰那些有朝一日会重新出现分歧

    But any carefully staged reconciliation, complete with professions of granite-like unity, is bound to mask differences that will at some point emerge again.


  • 老牌导演黄建新表示,《建党伟业》关于年青人电影,是年轻人而拍的电影。

    Veteran director Huang Jianxin expressed "The Founding of a Party" is a film about young people, made for young people.


  • 对于发生事情应该归咎于而言导演没有一的行为表示同情,也肯定指出一不是悲剧唯一负责人

    In terms of assigning blame for what has occurred, Lee does not condone the actions of Yuichi, but certainly points out that he is not the only person who is prone to unpleasant outbursts;


  • 迄今为止,美国国务卿康多莉扎·赖斯(Condoleezza Rice)几乎没有和平进程积极奔走过,但最终表示愿意作为一幕导演ringmistress介入双方冲突。

    The American secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, who has so far done little to crack the whip for peace, has offered, at long last, to enter the fray as ringmistress for the first act.


  • 本月初,首先此次颁奖种族问题发声导演斯派克表示组织方回应证明此次抵制活动的正确性。

    Earlier this month, director Spike Lee - who was one of the first figures to speak publicly about the lack of diversity - said the boycott had been vindicated by the response from organisers.


  • 影片编剧导演詹姆斯·卡梅隆表示,影片真正主题其实尊重差异

    The film's writer and director, James Cameron, says the real theme is about respecting others'differences.


  • 导演YangMei表示:“我们篇章,以延安四个季节特征

    Yang Mei, General Director, said, "We have four chapters, featuring the four seasons in Yan'an."


  • 这部影片导演保罗·安德森表示感谢

    He thanked the film's director, Paul Thomas Anderson.


  • 影片编剧导演詹姆斯卡梅隆表示,影片真正主题其实尊重差异

    The film's writer and director, James Cameron, says the real theme is about respecting others' differences. (Read by Renee Haines.


  • 导演阿比谢克•沙马表示:“这部电影为了人们提供一个新鲜角度,来审视9/11事件对人们的影响幽默的方式来表现。”

    "The film looks to give a fresh perspective to the repercussions of 9/11 that a lot of people are facing, but I want to do it through humor, " director Abhishek Sharma said.


  • 斯皮尔伯格法国传奇人物电影导演索瓦·特吕福表示赞扬。特吕福20年前去世斯皮尔伯格1977年导演经典之作《第三接触》中扮演主角

    Spielberg also paid tribute to legendary French film director Francois Truffaut, who died 20 years ago and who had starred in Spielberg's 1977 classic, Close Encounters of the Third Kind.


  • 所以现在介绍这位导演显示演示表示导演计算机项目可以尝试使用

    So now I have to show this demo to this director in a presentation but after this presentation the director wants the project on his computer so he can try and use it.


  • 所以现在介绍这位导演显示演示表示导演计算机项目可以尝试使用

    So now I have to show this demo to this director in a presentation but after this presentation the director wants the project on his computer so he can try and use it.


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