• 提出的计算方法对枪上的气体装置实用参考价值。

    The proposed method will prove to be helpful in calculations for gas devices in guns.


  • 开始星期五害怕有时对枪说话不要杀死

    At first, Friday was very afraid of my gun. Sometimes he talked to it, and asked it not to kill him.


  • 开始星期五害怕有时对枪说话不要杀死

    At first, Friday was very afraid of my gun. Some-times he talked to it, and asked it not to kill him.


  • 游戏人物换成文字如果需要你们可以修改图片

    I put the gun game characters are replaced by the text, if necessary you can change into his pictures.


  • 同样虽然孩童并不存在本能惧怕人们还是很快就能习得正确反应

    Similarly, though children has no instinctual fear of guns, they can learn the correct reaction to guns in a short time.


  • 并不令人感到意外英国工程师听说他们急于测试新的高速列车挡风玻璃

    It was not surprising that when British engineers heard about the gun, they were eager to test it on the windshields of their new high-speed trains.


  • 发射时,测试振动参数传感器结构工作原理进行了分析建立了振动数学模型。

    In this paper, the structure and the principle of operation of the sensor for the vibration mearsured at shooting muzzle is discussed, moreover, a model of gun vibration is set up.


  • 至于阿卜杜拉卡扎菲很满意,他确信是某个人处决了卡扎菲,城内个传言说是一个班加西人

    As for Abdullah, he was sanguine about the shooting. He was sure someone had executed Qaddafi, and the rumor around town was that a Benghazian had pulled the trigger.


  • 他们的新书《梵高人生》中,他们认为这位荷兰印象派画家一无所知”,而且现场其他地方也没有发现”。

    In Van Gogh: The Life, they claim that the Dutch impressionist "knew nothing about guns" and that "no gun was ever found" at the scene or anywhere else.


  • 现在哈马斯也许西岸保持沉默,他们中的一些激进分子公开一段不祥的访谈警告道他们拥有很多人和很多

    Hamas may be quiescent in the West Bank now, but some of its militants there have given ominous interviews warning that they have lots of men and lots of guns.


  • 童年生活农场里的时候,爸爸经常醉醺醺,回来我们拳打脚踢,有时甚至会拿起来恐吓我们。

    On the farm my father often got drunk and came home not only with his fists, but with the rifle, and threatened us with it.


  • 人们驾驶着无人飞机直升机那些着大砍刀和四十年前的苏维埃机械开战所有这些工具都可以有效地杀人他们现在一起存在着

    People piloting drones and helicopters fight wars against people who use machetes and forty-year old Soviet machine guns; all these tools can kill effectively, and they all exist right now together.


  • 戴维斯先生警方行为属于自卫,因为当时那两个他认为要抢劫拿出

    Mr Davis has told police that he acted in self-defence when the men, who he thought were robbers, pulled out guns.


  • 个例子来说,设计没有可以射击,它就可以更快击杀袭击者,因为它不用像人类士兵战场上微妙细节进行考虑

    For example, a gun that was designed to function without humans could shoot an attacker more quickly and without a soldier's consideration of subtle factors on the battlefield.


  • 凯文尝试杰克心理战,泰瑞杰克忠诚度拿出来说事。杰克没有理会他,而是抵住凯尔的后脑勺

    Carroll tries to play mind games with Jack about Teri's fidelity but Jack ignores him and jams his gun into the back of Carroll's head.


  • 凯文尝试杰克心理战,泰瑞杰克忠诚度拿出来说事。杰克没有理会他,而是抵住凯尔的后脑勺

    Carroll tries to play mind games with Jack about Teri's fidelity, but Jack ignores him and jams his gun into the back of Carroll's head.


  • 海盗机关刀子进行威胁西班牙他们不再怜惜。

    The Spaniards were less enamoured of the pirates when they threatened them with machineguns and knives.


  • 壁炉台上有杂七杂八老式难看还有并且,为了装饰起见,还有三个俗气茶叶罐靠边排列着。

    Above the chimney were sundry villainous; old guns, and a couple of horse-pistols: and, by way of ornament, three gaudily painted canisters disposed along its ledge.


  • 女性跳舞班里扫射男人写了一个博客记载女性的愤怒最后的“离世计划”。

    A gunman who sprayed bullets into a women’s dance class had written a blog chronicling his anger towards women and his eventualexit plan”.


  • 除此以外,《1968年管制法》也试图周六晚间特别情况”做出限制,它们是城区(意为:黑人)青年通常不费周折就得到

    Among other things, the gun Control Act of 1968 tried to restrict "Saturday Night Specials" -the cheap, easily available guns often used by urban (read, black) youth.


  • 认为发泄不满方法包括家里做一个标有老板靶子可以喷漆进行射击,但是你的工作表现却是代表你的能力的品牌,这是你将要展现给你未来雇主看的。

    "Have a target of your boss at home that you use a paint gun on" to get frustrations out, he says. "But your presence at work is your brand."


  • 名声显赫,甚至成了诺贝尔奖候选人,输给吉卜林据说,他听闻萧伯纳获得诺奖,便自己开了

    Prominent enough to be a candidate for the Nobel Prize, but he lost out to Rudyard Kipling and it is said that he later shot himself when he heard that George Bernard Shaw had also won.


  • 个东西还得提一下,为了正中罗伯特已经把相当准

    Oh, let me show you. It's important that you know that we have done everything we can to aim this gun as accurately as we can at Robert.


  • 穿着婚纱拿着来说很重要它见证父亲丈夫关系

    That gun is very, very old. It’s important for me to have this photograph with my wedding dress and the gun because of their significance to my relationship both with my father and with my husband.


  • 人们这些公众人物产生认同方式产生了变化死板而没有立体感偶像几乎已经不可能存在了。

    'It's a shift in how people relate to these public figures,' says Ms. Chang. 'It is almost impossible for a two-dimensional icon to exist anymore.'


  • 他们透露了一些有效细节例如戴维斯先生确实攻击12其中3射中了名受害者背部

    It leaked telling details, such as the fact that Mr Davis had fired 12 bullets at his assailants, including three into the back of one victim.


  • 没有问题Yankee,外面的保安员,感到舒服控制室里。

    There's no issue. At Yankee our security staff, I was not comfortable with these guys having guns in the control room.


  • 没有问题Yankee,外面的保安员,感到舒服控制室里。

    There's no issue. At Yankee our security staff, I was not comfortable with these guys having guns in the control room.


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