• 今年蝎子奋斗的路上不会孤单而且应该人们更多信任信念——送给那些过去经历许多问题的人的。

    This year, Scorpios are not alone in their struggle, and should have more trust and faith in people - this is for those who have witnessed many problems in the past.


  • 这样方式十分依赖于市场美联储控制通胀信心但是迹象显示,美国快速降息政策正在破坏这种信任

    This approach relies heavily on trust in the Fed to keep inflation under control. But there are signs that the policy of rapid rate cuts is undermining that trust.


  • 专业上面信任相信胜任这项工作,你与大家分享相关信息而且整个团队良好动机

    Professional trust says, I trust that you are competent to do the work, that you'll share relevant information, and that you have good intentions towards the team.


  • 如果你们从来不争执夫妻,或许是因为信任问题或许是因为不想再回顾以前争论这里一些步骤来帮助克服这些问题。

    If you're a couple who never fights, either because of trust issues or because of the fear of revisiting arguments past, there are steps you can take to overcome that avoidance.


  • 记得梦中醒来辜负信任以及和他人亲密接触感觉特别糟糕,即使不过梦中。

    I just remember waking up from that dream feeling so horrible about betraying his trust and being intimate with someone else, even though it was in a dream.


  • 今天世界各地亿万使用这些产品我们非常清楚你们我们信任所以我们责任保护你们隐私数据

    Today, with hundreds of millions of people using those products around the world, we are very aware of the trust that you have placed in us, and our responsibility to protect your privacy and data.


  • 很明显鲁尼喜欢聚光灯下并且可能仍然但是信任是要要找到其他方式好的状况球队做出贡献

    Obviously, Rooney would love to be basking in the spotlightand he may still get therebut credit to him for finding many other ways to contribute to his team's increasingly fine form.


  • 必须要很深友谊,必须职业共同的信任还要相互尊重

    There has to be a deeper friendship, there has to be a sheer professional trust and mutual respect and friendship.


  • 我们是否可以信任架构师作出业务显著影响技术决策呢?

    Can architects be trusted to make technical decisions that significantly affect the business?


  • 一具历史意义举动却仍遭到法国政界的抵制,许多政界人士北约信任进一步加深

    But the historic gesture nonetheless faces resistance from the French political establishment, where distrust of Nato runs deep.


  • 自己衣服兴趣的女人如说自己不介意什么的男人一样,让无法信任这其中肯定问题的。

    Women who say they are indifferent to clothes, like men who say they do not mind what they eat, should be distrusted; there is something wrong.


  • 先按下大家希拉里·克林顿情绪不表:明白不少美国民众信任假如换个女性候选人就会很乐意让女人入主白宫

    Put aside your feelings about Hillary Clinton: I understand that many Americans distrust her and would welcome a woman in the White House if it were someone else.


  • 就是为什么资产附息红利这些回报他们信任补偿

    That's why they attach an interest rate or a dividend to paper investments. The return compensates investors for their trust.


  • 她说“所以必须医疗制度医生信心信任真的照顾医生充满尊敬信赖

    So you need to have faith and trust in the medical system, in your doctors, and I really have a lot of respect and trust in the doctors who have taken care of me.


  • 研究发现价格促销导致顾客价格敏感,淡化了顾客厂商的信任、情感等内在动机,顾客忠诚形成负面影响

    The research result shows that price promotion strategy is able to increase customer's price sensitivity and effect on customer's loyalty.


  • 如果病人医生充满信任医生也真的帮助病人,那么安慰剂可能起作用的。

    If a patient has a lot of trust in the doctor and if the doctor really wants to help the patient, then the placebo is likely to work.


  • 紧张会使很难信任感觉可能最糟,紧张会阻止我们享受游泳

    Tension makes it hard to trust and feel the water. Perhaps worst of all, tension stops us enjoying our swimming.


  • 若是要达成这样协议必须实力足够信心,并乐于自己打赌;同时,你还必须足够信任客户会一直守信

    To make such an agreement, you have to have enough faith in your ability to be willing to bet on yourself, and you have to trust the client to live up to his end faithfully.


  • 已经恋爱的天蝎2017年会感觉需要大胆的事:爱人踏上异域之,做些出格的事,以及检验一下你们彼此信任

    A Scorpio in a relationship during 2017 will feel the need to do something daring. Take your significant other on a trip abroad, do something outrageous, and test how much you trust one another.


  • 已经恋爱的天蝎2017年会感觉需要大胆事:爱人踏上异域之,做些出格的事,以及检验一下你们彼此信任

    Scorpio in a relationship during 2017 will feel the need to do something daring. Take your significant other on a trip abroad, do something outrageous, and test how much you trust one another.


  • 即便如此也会别人倾诉收获一些,只要她们信任,相信她们不会秘密告诉他人。

    Even so, you could benefit from confiding in someone, provided you trust them absolutely not to broadcast your innermost secrets to all and sundry.


  • 紧张会使很难信任感觉可能最糟,紧张会阻止我们享受游泳

    Tension makes it hard to trust and feel the water. Perhaps worst of all tension stops us enjoying our swimming.


  • 虽然男性认为这会招致男性的广泛信任男性支持态度。

    There's support from male users too, although some think it promotes a general distrust of men.


  • 虽然男性认为这会招致男性的广泛信任男性支持态度。

    There's support from male users too, although some think it promotes a general distrust of men.


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