• 允许操作低温液体相关设备之前,人员必须性质安全考虑完全熟悉

    Personnel must be thoroughly familiar with the properties and safety considerations before being allowed to handle a cryogenic liquid and its associated equipment.


  • 不同树种土壤形成性质不同的影响

    Different species have different influences on soil formation and soil properties.


  • 许多人来说丈夫妻子似乎不足以构成一个真正意义家庭——他们需要孩子丰富他们小圈子验证这个小圈子的家庭性质,并从子孙后代那里获得某种弥补的影响

    To many people, husband and wife alone do not seem a proper familythey need children to enrich the circle, to validate its family character, to gather the redemptive influence of offspring.


  • 这两位化学家非常有远见,他们周期性物理性质化学性质进行分析,并在预示应该出现元素地方留下了空位

    Both chemists were sufficiently farsighted to leave gaps where their analyses of periodic physical and chemical properties indicated that new elements should be located.


  • 影响大小主要取决于这种流行病规模性质持续时间我们这些没有掌握足够的情况作出判断。

    It will depend very much on the scale, the nature, and the duration of the epidemic, and we simply don't know enough yet to say what those will be.


  • 外部系统性质接口以及信息控制体系结构中的技术构件下游规范帮助

    The nature of the external systems, their interfaces, and the information and control flows help in downstream specification of technical artifacts in the architecture.


  • 当今时代大部分亚特提斯臆测没有被提到的亚特兰提斯「第二个月亮利用真实性质

    What is not recounted in most of the Atlantean suppositions in current times, is the utilization and indeed nature of the 'Second Moon' of Atlantis.


  • 尽管我们这种服务实用性、合法性P2P性质存在颇多疑问,但总体上Twitter发送文件资料理念还是深得我们欢心

    Though some of our commenters are dubious about the userfulness, legality, and peer-to-peer nature of the services, we generally like the idea of using Twitter to send documents, presentations, and...


  • 业务目标技术环境迭代发布计划设计决策时间性质都会造成影响

    Your business goals, technical environment, iteration and release plans all contribute to both the timing and nature of design decisions.


  • 这本著作中,一些哲学常年不衰问题进行阐述给出了自己定义包括罪恶、自由意志决定论,正义美德性质问题

    In the book he sets out and defines some of the perennial problems of philosophy, including the problem of evil, free will and determinism, the nature of justice and of virtue.


  • 问题范围性质描述刚刚开始许多风险因素存有争议证明能够有效预防虐待老人情况发生的证据也依旧有限

    The scope and nature of the problem is only beginning to be delineated, many risk factors remain contested, and the evidence for what works to prevent elder maltreatment is limited.


  • 尤其是自愿性质私人法庭体系里明显法官——根据法律条文一个案件作出专业判断——执行法律不是一伙

    Especially in voluntary, private law systems, it would be clear that the judgeswho gave expert guidance on what the law says on a matter — are distinct from the people enforcing the law.


  • 友如此之,又如此贫困而无法他们进行控告而且大多数将他们带有诽谤文字、沉思性质文章聚集起来的博友并不在英格兰威尔士管辖范围之内,因此英国法庭也是鞭长莫及。

    Bloggers are too numerous and too poor to be sued, and many of the servers that host their libellous musings are based outside England and Wales, and are therefore beyond the reach of English courts.


  • 不过作为科技博客作者这个问题理解Wikipedia自由教育性质内容奉献精神——即便这种教育备受争议。

    However, as a tech blogger, I understand this issue to be Wikipedia's dedication to free and educational content - even when that education is widely debated.


  • IBCWeb站点结构样式使用基于标准方式使我们能够创建具有以下性质的健壮的设计

    Using a standards-based approach to the structure and style of the IBC Web site let us create a robust design that


  • 围绕TIBC倒闭法庭纷争关键在于萨尼亚的角色范围性质的争论,最近法庭备案TIBCCEO清楚阐明的一些事情。

    The court battles surrounding TIBC's collapse hinge on this row about the extent and nature of Mr Sanea's role-something that recent court filings and TIBC's former boss have shed some light on.


  • 本文同时也采用假设检验方法分析转让双方的性质转让方式并购价格的影响。

    We also analyze the infection of the property of the seller and the buyer and the transfer method to the selling price.


  • 化学物质成分结构性质反应研究

    Chemistry is the study of composition, structure, properties and reactions of matter.


  • 这些争论主要源自于性质动机功能影响因素不同认识

    These debates mostly originate from different understandings of the nature, motives, functions, and influence of economic sanctions.


  • 本文理论上拒收性质及实践中拒收权行使限制进行研究

    This paper makes a research on the nature of the rejection right's exertion and limitation theoretically.


  • 这些现代理论重新引起了商业周期性质成因一有争议题目兴趣

    These modern theories have revived interest in the controversial subject concerning the nature and causes of business cycles.


  • 最后分别分析了材料性质截面长宽比、管长壁厚最终变形模式影响

    Moreover, the influences of material property, section properties, tube length and thickness to ultimate deformation modes are studied respectively.


  • 选取河西走廊草甸盐土区域,进行盐碱土改良材料草甸盐土理化性质玉米产量经济效益影响研究

    A number of saline soil improvement materials were tested in meadow saline soils of the Hexi Corridor in terms of soil physiochemical properties, corn yield and economic effects.


  • 一种新药基本药理作用或者这种药性质人体的生理作用机制需要明确,包括它毒理学特征

    The basic pharmacology, or the nature and mechanism of action of the drug on the biological system, must be determined including toxicologic features.


  • 其次论文论述了传统理论恶意诉讼侵权行为性质认识,进行相应评述分析

    Secondly, the paper discusses the traditional theories on the nature of malicious infringement litigation, and the conduct and analysis of the corresponding comments.


  • 首先我国新闻报道工作性质作用进行定义

    The character and effect news reporting work have carried out definition in our country news first.


  • 首先我国新闻报道工作性质作用进行定义

    The character and effect news reporting work have carried out definition in our country news first.


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