• 观看赛马的观众领到一个与参赛马匹对应号码

    Racegoers will be given a number which will correspond to a horse running in a race.


  • 非洲各语言中语音字母之间有着密切的对应关系。

    In African languages there is a close correspondence between sounds and letters.


  • 然后在答题卡1对应字母中处划横线

    Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the center.


  • 分贝对应不同声音

    Decibel values correspond to various sounds.


  • 这个不同小节构成,每个小节对应特定意思

    The word is made up of different slots, each corresponding to a particular portion of meaning.


  • 歌德做了很多实验试图推断哪种颜色对应哪种情绪。

    Goethe conducted a number of experiments trying to figure out which colors corresponded to which emotions.


  • "也许它们相似发音词汇彼此对应意思相同,且发音相似。

    Maybe they have similar sounds and words that correspond to one another that have the same meaning and that sound similar.


  • 可以通过方式来控制神经递质相应地,也就两种对应药物

    There are two sorts of ways you could fiddle with neurotransmitters and correspondingly two sorts of drugs.


  • 我们讨论多电子原子的轨道时,它们能量实际上对应氢原子轨道要

    When we talk about orbitals in multi-electron atoms, they're actually lower in energy than the corresponding H atom orbitals.


  • 似乎表明主观经历顺序大脑潜在事件的顺序之间存在适当对应关系。

    This might seem to suggest an appropriate correspondence between the sequence of subjective experiences and the sequence of the underlying events in the brain.


  • 表现出性质门捷列夫“铝下元素”预测密切对应,为周期律提供了有力的支持

    The close correspondence between the observed properties of gallium and Mendeleyev's predictions for eka-aluminum lent strong support to the periodic law.


  • 事实上那些认为更有吸引力照片会显得真实的那些在其他方面表现出更高自尊心的人相对应

    In fact, those who thought that the images higher up the attractiveness scale were real directly corresponded with those who showed other markers for having higher self-esteem.


  • 他们发现他们转基因同种异体分为其中一中美洲南美洲印第安人基因型相对应

    They found that their Gm allotypes could be divided into two groups, one of which also corresponded to the genetic typing of Central and South American Indians.


  • 19世纪晚期地质学家对这些冰川沉积进行定位的时候,他们意识到有好几个漂流,位置低的对应早的冰川期。

    As geologists mapped glacial deposits in the late nineteenth century, they became aware that there were several layers of drift, the lower ones corresponding to earlier ice ages.


  • 如果苏美尔人,这个单词哪个音节对应英文翻译中“whenhehadmadeitsuitableforher”中的代词“it”,他们回答没有”。

    If you were to ask which bit in the Sumerian word corresponds to the pronoun "it" in the English translation "when he had made it suitable for her", then the answer would have to be nothing.


  • 学生要求作家一一对应起来。

    The students are asked to match the books with the authors.


  • 名顾问力求使失业专业人员对应需要专门技术公司

    The consultant seeks to match up jobless professionals with small companies in need of expertise.


  • 英语中,书写符号每一个独特的发音之间存在固定的一一对应关系。

    In English, there is not a consistent one-to-one match between each written symbol and each distinct spoken sound.


  • 他们比较素食者肉食者脂肪摄入量他们膳食血脂危险水平对应起来

    They compared the fat intake of groups of vegetarians and meat eaters, and matched their diets up with levels of harmful blood fats.


  • 塑造了我对应该如何对待人们的看法。

    It was something that shaped my idea of how people should be treated.


  • 商的大众化帮助公众和研究人员重新评估情绪的功能,以及它们在日常生活中如何对应地为人们服务。

    The popularization of emotional intelligence has helped both the public and researchers re-evaluate the functionality of emotions and how they serve people adaptively in everyday life.


  • 何认为河流时间应与原子时间对应的人都会遇到严重的失衡,他们也可能会通过消耗更少的燃料或支持更环保的政策来抵消这种不平衡。

    Anyone who considers river time in relation to atomic time will encounter a major imbalance and may be motivated to counteract it by consuming less fuel or supporting greener policies.


  • 日晷对应用来测量夜间时间

    The sundial's counterpart, the water clock, was designed to measure temporal hours at night.


  • 猴子无法得知哪个奖励惩罚对应次回答

    But the monkeys had no way to tell which reward or punishment was associated with which response.


  • 该书分为四个部分分别对应太平洋大西洋印度洋北冰洋

    The book is divided into 4 parts, one for each of the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian and Arctic oceans.


  • 工程师随意挑选气球交给气球对应名字

    The engineers were asked to pick any balloon and give it to a person named on the balloon.


  • 其它心理学家则提出内心再现图像特征物体的特征有序地对应起来的。

    Other psychologists have proposed that internal representation features are matched serially with an object's features.


  • 理想的效果曼哈顿地图放置书签公寓列表房产对应书签

    The desired effect is to place bookmarks on a map of Manhattan, one bookmark per property with apartment listings.


  • 虽然SIP请求-响应协议每个请求不一定只有一个响应对应

    While SIP is a request-response protocol, there is not necessarily only one response to every one request.


  • 而言之,每个阿拉伯数字对应个罗马数字,而且只有一个罗马数字映射

    In short, for each Arabic numeral, there is one, and only one, Roman numeral which maps to it.


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