• 对于未来家人担心现在想想未来老师好像困难不想误人子弟

    For me the future of the family even more worried than I am, and now you can see how it seems very difficult when a teacher did not want Wurenzaidi ah.


  • 对于来说世界最好教练希望未来许多年里,他能够在一起并肩作战。

    For me he is the best coach in the world and hopefully he will be with us for many years.


  • 所以对于以及类似人来说不是区区只狗”,而是未来所有希望梦想化身过去美好记忆的化身,以及此刻纯粹快乐的化身。

    So for me and folks like me, it's not "just a dog" but an embodiment of all the hopes and dreams of the future, the fond memories of the past, and the pure joy of the moment.


  • 对于以及其他数以百万记生活当今计算机网络现实世界中的人来说,威廉·吉布森虚构出未来那些现实主义者著作接近现实真相

    For me and for millions of others who live in the modern reality of computers and the Internet, William Gibson's imagined future is closer to the truth of now than any work of realist literature.


  • 环境领域许多行业人士认同世界面临大灾难观点,”,“对于所提出未来乐观看法,这些当中有许多人表示愤慨。”

    "There's lot of apocalyptic people in environmental circles," she said. "a lot of those people were outraged that we presented an optimistic view of the future."


  • 可是对于未来可能遇到银河系其他发达文明却没有这么乐观

    But he's not so optimistic about the mood of any advanced civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy that we might encounter someday.


  • 美国中国关系对于全世界未来具有重大意义。

    The relationship between the United States and China is critical to both our countries and to the future of our world.


  • 觉得一个很有趣问题因为对于这些Xerox时间的人来说,研发是为了创造未来

    And it seems like a kind of interesting question to me, because I think for those of us that had been in Xerox for a long time this was about creating a future.


  • 对于最近东海岸旅行仍然很多要说的,尽量未来几周增添文章

    I still have more to report from my recent trip to the East Coast, and I'll try to have additional posts in the weeks to come.


  • 对于来说个连自己未来都无法年轻人具备合适的时机投入到一份真正严肃的感情中的。

    For me, a young man who do not know exactly where his or her future lies would have no chance to start any SERIOUS relationship with anyone.


  • 因此对于来说这个新的报道象征一个令人激动的机会可能会影响到未来医护关怀

    So, to me, what this new report represents is an exciting opportunity that may affect medical care in the future.


  • 杰克:职业规划对于所有来说,都重要如果没有明确目标可能会失去方向无法自己未来铺平道路。

    Jack: it is quite important for all of us. Without clear goals, one may lose direction and cannot pave the way for their future.


  • 有一突然明白对于意义不是人生的必需,也不是未来前提

    One day, I suddenly understand what you mean for me. Not necessary in life, not the premise of the future.


  • 伊万已经是三个孩子的祖父,他说:“娜塔莉对于未来许多担忧,对于来说,人生起点,很高兴。” ”

    Thee grandfather-of-three said: 'Naturally she has some worries about the future, but for me this is an exciting new time in my life.


  • 未来——对于接下来的事忐忑不安、为可能发生的事或者一个即将到来的大事件忧心忡忡、担心自己会做错或者搞砸以及盼望好事降临。

    Worrying about things we need to do later. Worrying about what might happen, or a big event coming up.


  • 数据对于淘宝交易额未来发展趋势研究,一组数据时对于财政收入的研究。

    Is a set of data for the future development trend of taobao transactions of research, a set of data for the research of our country's financial income.


  • 知道上帝怎么安排未来中国对于就是故乡

    I don't know how God has arranged my future but for me China is just like my homeland.


  • 对于来说,则是在微妙的大环境下迈出了相当重要一步希望这座球场未来很多意大利球场的模板。

    It is an important, courageous and rather ticklish step for us. I really hope this will now become the norm for Italian football and its stadiums.


  • 未来成败对于来说并不重要重要是否努力过。

    Future success and failure is far from important for us, what matters is whether we have tried hard.


  • 承认这个项目对于未来事业一个非常重要学习经验

    We are committed because this project is a vital learning experience for future ventures we'll make.


  • 这个赛季对于而言十分倒霉,但是期待的是未来数月和数

    This season was really unlucky for me but I am looking forward to the next months and the next years.


  • 对于来说,自踏入社会工作年后烦恼工资增长得更快!社会竞争如此残酷为了美好的未来不得不巨大的压力努力着

    For me, since I working after several years, trouble grows faster than salary. our society compete is so cruelty, I have to effort under the great pressure for bright future!


  • 对于,一个对未来婚姻,另一半还抱某种期盼幻想的年纪,看到句话,被深深震撼。

    For me, still in the stage of having some expectation and fantasy for my future wife, was shocked by this word.


  • 认识证明标准功能限度对于民事诉讼证明标准未来设计具有重要意义。

    In the future devising of standard of proof in China law, it is of great significance for the lawmakers to be aware of its functional limits.


  • 俱乐部长远利益行动的前提,当然需要球迷对于未来野心支持——包括搬迁计划。

    ULTIMATELY, we will act in the club's best long-term interests and clearly it is extremely important fans support our future ambitions - including if we are given a chance to move to Stratford.


  • 年前发现董事会对于能源公司未来愿景一致

    Ten years ago, I found my vision and my board's vision regarding the future of our energy company were not the same.


  • 年前发现董事会对于能源公司未来愿景一致

    Ten years ago, I found my vision and my board's vision regarding the future of our energy company were not the same.


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