• 客户端界面进行了更新,改善了状态通知诊断能力

    An updated Client UI with improved status notifications and diagnostic capabilities.


  • 应用程序区域核心平台报告客户端界面内部工具外部工具、语音等等

    Areas of the application: core platform, reporting, client-facing, internal tools, external tools, voice, and so forth.


  • 通过调用AirportMapping . iata,则就可以随意更改本地表和远程GeoNames服务中的数据源,并保证客户界面不受影响。

    By calling AirportMapping.iata , you are free to change the datasource from a local table to the remote GeoNames service while preserving the client-side interface.


  • 然而界面仅仅展示客户软件所拥有的信息一部分- - -部分设计者期望玩家看到的。

    However, the interface displays only part of the information that the client software possesses-the part that the player is supposed to see.


  • 启动客户机器调试器用界面

    Start the debugger user interface on the client machine.


  • 因为本文讲述如何构建搜索页面所以客户需要一个页面(参见清单1)充当搜索工具用户界面

    Because this article is about building a search page, you need a page on the client side (see Listing 1) to act as the user interface for the search facility.


  • 对于每个任务人工任务编辑器中的客户设置引用某个用户界面

    For each task, the client Settings in the human task editor refer to a user interface.


  • 测试客户端提供一个成熟的用户界面它使可以轻松管理准确控制测试

    The test client features a sophisticated user interface that allows you to easily manage and precisely control your tests.


  • 客户这个场景使用基于浏览器控件这些控件是通过单页面XHTML用户界面元素以及XHRJSON启用的。

    In the client tier, this scenario USES browser-based controls enabled through single-page XHTML user interface elements along with XHR and JSON.


  • 编码角度来看客户端轻便的,而且界面功能角度来看也是轻便的。

    A thin client is considered light from a coding point of view, but it is also light from an interface functionality standpoint as well.


  • J2EE应用程序客户端通过使用安装向导界面安装的。

    The J2EE application client is installed using the Installation wizard interface.


  • 这种中间XML表示可以转换服务器应用程序HTML或者可以用来驱动客户doap查看器图形用户界面

    This intermediate XML representation can either be transformed into HTML on a server-side app, or can be used to drive a graphical user interface for a client-side DOAP viewer.


  • 接下来InfoQ问到对于用户界面来说,工业界不断转向客户运行时是不是好事呢。

    Next, Bruce was asked if he thought the industry's move to client side runtimes for user interfaces is a good thing.


  • 混搭应用程序Web应用程序使用浏览器作为客户解决方案组件,从而特定应用程序提供一个用户界面(UI)。

    Both mashups and Web applications generally use a browser as the client-side solution component that provides a user interface (UI) to a given application.


  • 但是如果正在使用标准t witter界面并且想要一些改善而不用切换桌面客户端TwitZap是个不错的选择

    But, if you're using the standard Twitter interface and want some improvements without switching to a desktop client, TwitZap is a solid choice.


  • 小节所有图形来自适用RDPDataStage资产的DataStageDesigner客户端图形用户界面屏幕截图

    All the figures in this section are screenshots from the DataStage Designer client graphical user interface of the applicable RDP DataStage assets.


  • 使用诸如Ajax其他Web 2.0功能等现代技术可以用户界面作为客户端 Web浏览器中执行

    The user interface can be executed as a rich client inside a Web browser using modern techniques, such as Ajax and other Web 2.0 features.


  • 尽管AuthoringEnvironment提供了基于Eclipse用户界面实际上是客户端因为大部分功能关联的ProcessCenter中实现的。

    Although the Authoring Environment provides an Eclipse-based user interface, it is essentially a thin client, as the majority of functionality is implemented in the associated Process Center.


  • Friendlee三个部分组成个手机客户端,一个可以用于数据互动网页界面,一个后台数据库存储有所有信息服务器

    Friendlee consists of three components: the phone-based client, a web interface where you can interact with the data, and a backend server that stores a copy of all the information in a database.


  • Streamlined有效地利用Ajax模糊了Web用户界面客户端之间界线

    Streamlined effectively uses Ajax to blur the lines between Web user interfaces and rich clients.


  • Lotus表单业务客户端提供用户界面

    The Lotus forms will provide the user interface in the business client.


  • LotusNotes 8.0以及更高版本客户端为建立用户界面内容页面之间的链接提供非常出色方法比如一个书签放在 launcher最喜欢文件夹中。

    The Lotus Notes 8.0 and later client has nice ways of linking its user interface to content pages; for example, it uses a bookmark residing in your favorites folder in the launcher bar.


  • 例如ClearQuestWeb开发项目可能涉及Web客户端用户界面确定组件子组件

    For example, a ClearQuest Web development Project might refer to defined components and sub-components for the Web client user interface.


  • RationalAssetManager可以各种硬件以及操作系统协同工作提供了两种类型界面Web以及基于Eclipse客户端

    Rational Asset Manager can work with various hardware and operating system platforms and offers two types of interfaces: Web and Eclipse-based clients.


  • Ajax设计模式可使用户界面平衡偏重浏览器客户端

    An Ajax design pattern enables the shifting of the balance of the user interface to the browser client.


  • restdoc界面提供自动测试方式对于最初应用程序开发对于正在尝试学习服务客户端程序员来说,它极其有用。

    The RESTdoc interface does not provide a means for automated testing, but it is great for initial application development or for client programmers who are trying to learn about a service.


  • FaceoffIMFacebook聊天用户设计的聊天客户端,用户无需进入浏览器或是容易引起怀疑Facebook社会化界面便可在线好友保持联系

    FaceoffIM is a chat client developed specifically for Facebook chat users to stay connected to their online friends without a web browser and Facebook's suspiciously social interface.


  • 个例子,如果游戏客户辨识出一瓶隐藏神秘魔法药剂位置那么那些数据一定游戏客户端某个地方即使数据在的用户界面上根本看不到。

    For example, if the game client knows the location of a hidden secret potion, those data must exist in the game client somewhere even if the data are not apparent to you in the user interface.


  • 编辑器客户端设置区域可以选择提供界面类型,在详细信息区域,您可以指定界面实现所在位置

    In the client Settings area of the editor, you can select the kind of interface to supply and, in the details area, specify where the interface implementation is located.


  • 编辑器客户端设置区域可以选择提供界面类型,在详细信息区域,您可以指定界面实现所在位置

    In the client Settings area of the editor, you can select the kind of interface to supply and, in the details area, specify where the interface implementation is located.


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