• 俄亥俄州克里夫兰市上空的某处劫机飞机掉头,把目标瞄准华盛顿特区

    Somewhere over Cleveland, Ohio, the hijackers turned the plane around and were aiming for Washington DC.


  • 快,比萨饼餐厅遍布美国各地,像必胜这样的美国连锁店这一理念传播到了世界各地。

    Soon there were pizzerias all over the USA, and American chains like Pizza Hut spread the idea around the world.


  • 传统极的做法, 是服务器Last.fm中的文件robots.txt转换机器可读的命令

    robots.txt file translates those into machine-readable commands.


  • 但是常见应对策略只不过增加住所内平方英尺付费人数,常见的方法有合租人数倍,出租给沙发

    The most common coping strategy, though, is simply to increase the number of paying people per square foot of dwelling space — by doubling up or renting to couch-surfers.


  • 取而代之是,未来的“真正成为商业团队不是那些在角落里,如果电脑不出问题绝对不会想到他们

    Instead, tomorrow's computer "geek" will be a true member of the business team as opposed to the mysterious man behind the curtain who you only notice when something goes wrong.


  • 作为一个沉迷于窃取资料的互联网公布信息看作是他摧毁平等机构手段就不足为奇了。

    As an Internet geek obsessed by breaking in, it's not surprising that he sees information disclosure as the way to destroy these structures of iniquity.


  • 我们利用作为交付工具尽可能利用它,可以促进旅行人们或者来自网站的人们多倾听

    We leverage podcasts as much as we can as a delivery vehicle to allow and encourage people to listen to these while traveling to and from customer sites.


  • 但是关注个我记录这个所遇到的一个问题:不能够编写干净简洁代码也是程序员们遇到的一个相当普遍的问题。

    But I would like to focus on an issue that arose while I was recording the podcast: programmers' all too common inability to write clean, maintainable code.


  • 闲话的看指出这个网站有点太死板如果输入小丑演员作为你过去工作,页面返回错误信息,很抱歉无法找到相匹配工作。

    Gossip blog Gawker points out that the website is a bit picky. If you type in rodeo clown as a past job, an error comes up and says sorry, could not find a career to match.


  • 所有豪华车厂商都在努力赢得年轻买主的青睐,希望这些人变成回头

    All luxury car manufacturers struggle to win younger customers they hope to convert into repeat buyers.


  • 他们并不愿意市场时候房屋留给银行自己选择离开,不管怎么说仍然会一些投机这样做。

    That makes them reluctant to mail the keys to the bank and walk away if the market weakens, although a few speculators do so anyway.


  • 所罗门巴力哈们葡萄园葡萄园交给看守的人,其中的果子,必一千舍银子

    Solomon had a vineyard at Baalhamon; he let out the vineyard unto keepers; every one for the fruit thereof was to bring a thousand pieces of silver.


  • 所罗门巴力哈们葡萄园葡萄园交给看守的人,其中的果子,必一千舍银子

    Solomon had a vineyard at Baalhamon; he let out the vineyard unto keepers; every one for the fruit thereof was to bring a thousand pieces of silver.


  • 观光可能愿意参观一个早已失去往昔魅力遗址,而且搬迁导致地鱼市品牌低估风险

    Tourists may be reluctant to journey farther out to a place that lacks the charm of its predecessor, and the move risks undermining the Tsukiji brand.


  • 另外随后的几个月中一轮圆桌会议通过发布

    In addition, the other round table discussions will be released as podcasts in the months to come.


  • SHV乐天百货出售在中隆的所有股份经营权

    SHV is selling its entire stake and management rights in the joint venture to Lotte Shopping.


  • 环保机构地球观察研究院经营可以亲自参与项目他们观光研究动物环境科学家组成一队。

    The Earthwatch Institute, an environmental organization, runs hands-on programs, teaming tourists with research scientists studying animals and the environment.


  • 他们生命礼物奉耶和华富足的不可出,贫穷不可出,各人要出勒。

    The rich are not to give more than a half shekel and the poor are not to give less when you make the offering to the Lord to atone for your lives.


  • 短期内,不诚实可能获利更多长期来看诚实获利更丰,因为骗子引不来回头

    Dishonest businessmen may make greater profits in the short run, but honest businessmen make higher profits in the longer run because cheaters cannot attract back customers who they cheated.


  • 银子母亲母亲二百勒银子交给银匠,雕刻个像,铸成一个像,安置米迦的屋内

    So he returned the silver to his mother, and she took two hundred shekels of silver and gave them to a silversmith, who made them into the image and the idol. And they were put in Micah's house.


  • 芸豆、意大利碎肉卷子用的豆子熟青豆一齐捣碎,再加上新鲜的意大利干酪些许醋辣酱作配料,一款美妙的三沙拉就完成了。

    Mix red kidney beans with cannellini beans and cooked green beans for a great three-bean salad. Toss with cubed fresh mozzarella and balsamic vinaigrette.


  • 专利进行检视后我们不难发现VoloMedia基本原理一种详尽的形式表达出来,包括移动设备电脑之间同步内容

    Looking at the patent, it quickly becomes clear that VoloMedia laid out the fundamentals of podcasting in great detail, including how to synchronize content between mobile devices and PCs.


  • 2商务中的第2节,涉及一些打电话时的技巧电话处理问题。

    This Business English Pod lesson is the second of a two-part series on telephone skills and dealing with customers on the phone.


  • 不再是传统新闻稿发给报纸电视台广播站正创建自己的电子通讯YouTube频道

    Instead of sending a press release to your newspaper, TV station, and radio station, you are producing your own e-newsletter, podcast, and YouTube channel.


  • 商务英语3节系列课程的第1节,涉及第1份工作面试

    This Business English Pod lesson is the first in a three-part series on first job interviews.


  • 计划2011年底现有仓库容积扩大三倍,保证大陆网上零售市场领先地位

    plans to triple its warehouse space by the end of 2011 to defend its leading share of China's online retail market, Chen said.


  • 计划2011年底现有仓库容积扩大三倍,保证大陆网上零售市场领先地位

    plans to triple its warehouse space by the end of 2011 to defend its leading share of China's online retail market, Chen said.


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