• 管辖混乱我国民事审判实践中长期存在疑难问题

    The disorder in jurisdiction is one of the confused issues existing long in the practice of the civil trial in China.


  • 决定颁布实施使人民陪审员制度我国审判实践进一步得到规范

    The promulgation of the decision has made the jury system in our trial practice further standardized.


  • 我国民事诉讼理论上的起诉受理制度审判实践称为告诉立案。

    In China, civil prosecution theory along with the receiving system is known as file and tell.


  • 第一章主要介绍研究提单管辖权条款海事管辖制度海事审判实践意义。

    The first chapter briefs the meanness of the jurisdiction clauses of B/L to the maritime jurisdiction and the maritime trial.


  • 我国民事审判实践中,经典意义上两造对抗、三方组合模式面临冲击

    In Chinese civil procedure, the classical style of adversary and judgment is confronted with attack.


  • 客观真实法律真实审判实践中的地位作用是法学界长期研究一个重要课题

    The functions and roles of objective truthfulness and legal truthfulness in trial practice have been a researching subject in the circles of law for a longtime.


  • 审判实践,有的被告人提出侦查人员侦查讯问等审判阶段有刑讯逼供行为

    In the trial practice, the accused person proposed to have the extortion of confession by torture behavior in front of the courtyard in the detection places on trial.


  • 但是审判实践我们发现存在大量无法运用两项制度加以处理情况

    But, in the trial practice, we also discovered the existence is unable massively the situation which utilizes these two systems to come to process.


  • 证人证言应当证人当庭作证,但是民事审判实践书面证言盛行影响案件质量

    Witness testimony must be witness is in court testifies, but, in the civil trial practice the written testimony is in vogue, affects the case quality.


  • 但是由于法律条文规定较为原则性,而使制度审判实践中的适用带来了一定困难

    But as a result of legal article stipulation sense of principle, and it caused this system to bring certain difficulty suitably in the trial practice.


  • 行政法学理论界热点,也是行政执法实践司法审判实践遇到的亟待解决的问题。

    This is not only a new welcome theory in the administrative law circle, but also a difficult subject needing to handle in the administrative practice and judicial practice.


  • 法官审判实践如何正确适度地行使自由裁量权完善审判制度值得重点研究课题

    How the judge exercises his discretion correctly and suitably in the trial is a subject worthy of deep study in the improvement of judicial system.


  • 第三着重提出借鉴先进国家立法审判实践经验基础上不足加以细化完善

    The third chapter proposed emphatically in profits from the advanced countries the legislation and in the trial experience's foundation, performs the refinement to the deficiency to be perfect.


  • 但是审判实践对于合理开支范围审判标准不是很统一,并且对合理开支的赔偿力度不够

    But the trial standards of the scope of reasonable expenses are not uniform in the trial practice, and the implement force for the reasonable expenses compensation is also insufficient.


  • 行政法原则行政执法实践司法审判实践具有重要意义行政判例则蕴含丰富行政法原则。

    Administrative Precedent consists of abundant principles of Administrative Law, which play an important role in administration enforcement and judicial trials.


  • 英美法系国家长期审判实践形成的以“合理性标准核心的一系列行之有效的分析规则值得借鉴

    The Reasonableness Standard gradually formed in long-term judgement practice in Anglo-American law system is worthy for reference.


  • 这些判决类型行政审判实践得到了广泛运用取得了一定社会效果也初步实现了行政诉讼的目的

    These judge genre in administration adjudgement practice by comprehensive apply, acquire certain social effect, principium realize administration litigant purpose too.


  • 长期审判实践证明,刑事判决书具有宣讲法律规定传播法律思想感化被告人教育社会公众重要作用

    As what judicial practice shows, paper of sentence plays an important role in explaining and publicizing legal regulations, spreading legal thoughts, reforming the accused and inculcating the public.


  • 缓刑是刑法明文规定制度,在审判实践中通常会被优先适用,由此印证了审判实践暂缓判决的尴尬处境

    Being an official system proclaimed in Criminal Law, the probation system is given the priority in practice, thus the awkward position of suspend judgment is confirmed.


  • 根据我国审判实践中的实际情况理论上分析可以确定行政附带民事诉讼具有其存在现实依据理论依据。

    In light of the practical situation of adjudgment practice and analysis in theory, there surely are practical and theoretical evidence of administration with supplementary civil action.


  • 陪审制度作为保障人民直接参与司法审判的制度设计,我国经过、废之争后,审判实践中进一步得到加强

    As a system to guarantee that the people can directly involve in the justice, Jury system is further strengthened in the trial practice in China after argument between the deposit and repeal.


  • 随着社会不断进步人们案件真相追求现代司法实践特别是审判实践手段也在日益多元化、科学化

    With society's unceasing development and people's tireless pursuit for the truth of case, the modern judicature practices specially the trial become more diversified and scientific.


  • 本文立足于审判实践理论实践结合,对困惑理论审判三个刑事附带民事诉讼的疑难问题进行深入剖析。

    Based on adjudication practice and combing theory with practice. the present paper makes a deep analysis of three civil claims annexed to criminal cases that puzzle theory and adjudication.


  • 因而,从理论上其进行阐释我国行政审判实践统一的行政程序法的制定提供现实途径及方法,有必要

    Hence, it's enormously necessary to illustrate in theory and provide some practical approaches for China's administrative trial practice and making of a unified administrative procedure law.


  • 适用对象角度审判实践总结出的暂缓判决适用对象进行分析推导,得出暂缓判决没有合适的适用范围存在

    From the Angle of applicable object, analyzing and deducing the applicable object of suspend judgments summed up in judicial practice, no corresponding applicable object range is to be found.


  • 审判实践中,必须明确指出设立股东有限责任例外适用制度目的在于完善公司法人制度,不是对其予以完全否认

    The system of the exceptional application of limited liability of shareholders could be established in Chinese corporate Law and this system will benefit the development of China's economy.


  • 审判实践中,必须明确指出设立股东有限责任例外适用制度目的在于完善公司法人制度,不是对其予以完全否认

    The system of the exceptional application of limited liability of shareholders could be established in Chinese corporate Law and this system will benefit the development of China's economy.


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