• 过去全部的作品享受制作这个昆虫实验室系列

    For the past 8 years, alongside my other body of work, I have enjoyed developing the work presented here as Insect Lab.


  • 介绍该校首次实验室系列人员职务聘任做法,高校如何实现实验室系列人员职务聘任平稳过渡具有一定指导意义和参考价值。

    This article introduced the ways to appoint lab staff at the school for the first time, which is significant for the realization of the stable transition of the duty appointment of lab staff.


  • 结合ISO 7816系列标准RSA实验室系列标准,本文给出了一个通用WIM智能卡目录文件系统实现了对各种对象实例文件的存储

    This article presents a general directory file system model of WIM enabled IC card. This file system, compatible with both ISO7816 series and RSA series, implements object instances storing.


  • 学生们石田先生宝塔教授”,因为对宝塔研究非常热忱石田制作系列模型自己实验室的“振动台”上对它们进行了测试。

    Mr Ishida, known to his students as "Professor Pagoda" because of his passion to understand the pagoda, has built a series of models and tested them on a "shake-table" in his laboratory.


  • 他们一些雕塑包括MOMA系列三个作品,都是从实验室研究开始的。

    Several of their paper sculptures, including the series of three at MOMA, started as studies in the lab.


  • 构建一步实验室员工首先移除而坚固薄膜,薄膜中间嵌入系列网状血管,血管包围大脑

    In the first phase of construction, laboratory workers remove the thin, sturdy membrane, embedded with a net of blood vessels, that encases the brain.


  • 人物》杂志曾经建议生活为原型,拍摄一部系列电视短剧,片名叫做实验室牛仔”。

    People magazine once suggested a TV miniseries based on his life called Cowboy in the Lab.


  • 咖啡抗氧化剂其中包括系列混合物。 通过实验室老鼠进行试验调查表明,它们能增加老鼠胰岛素敏感性

    "Coffee is loaded with antioxidants, including a group of compounds called quinines that when administered to lab rats, increases their insulin sensitivity\" he tells WebMD.


  • 后来来访科学家们利用德国实验室进行了一系列检测真相才被揭露出来。

    But it was only when a visiting scientist arranged for tests to be carried out at a German laboratory that the true nature of their plight became clear.


  • 因为他们忙于麻省理工学院放射实验室撰写有关微波技术系列丛书,所以作为研究生助理,协助他们研发早期核磁共振仪器。

    Since they were busy writing volumes for the M.I.T. Radiation Laboratory series on microwave techniques, I was accepted as a graduate assistant to develop the early NMR apparatus8.


  • 博士后建立自己的实验室一个重要过渡时期。它提出系列新的挑战

    An important transition period is moving from being a postdoc to starting one's own lab, which presents a set of novel challenges.


  • 他们明白如果做到这一点那么创造系列被证明能够实验室环境里产生互不相关情绪电影极其有用

    They knew that if they could do it, creating a list of films proven to generate discrete emotions in a laboratory setting would be enormously useful.


  • 研究选取不同大小样本进行系列实验室实验形成了直觉学习过程计算模型

    The researchers conducted a series of laboratory experiments with groups of various sizes and developed a mathematical model of the intuitive learning process.


  • 系列教程描述网络故意设置得很小,便于容易地将这些示例重复应用家庭实验室网络。

    The network described in this tutorial is intentionally small so that you can easily duplicate the examples on a home or lab network.


  • 这些小鼠进食标准实验室食物1它们施加系列轻度应激试验模拟日常生活中的波动情况。

    After they had been eating standard lab chow for 1 week, the mice again underwent a series of mild stress tests to mimic the ups and downs of everyday life.


  • 建筑内部空间设有居住用房办公室科学实验室娱乐场所,同时还包括系列采用生物降解技术菜园回收废品的同时能够提供食品

    The interior spaces feature room for housing, offices, scientific laboratories, and entertainment, and a series of bioremediating vegetable gardens provide a source of food while recycling waste.


  • 研究人员一群草蚁放入实验室系列不同材料检测它们的造房技术

    A team of researchers took a colony of grass-cutting ants into the lab to test their nest-building techniques with a range of different materials.


  • NASAWB - 57空中实验室携带系列设备飓风形成进行研究,这其中就包括可以用来测量降水雷达系统

    NASA's WB-57 airborne laboratory will carry a suite of instruments to study hurricane formation, including a radar system that can measure precipitation.


  • 因此美国海军研究实验室研究人员目前正在开发系列路由协议建立移动自主网络Manet)。

    So Naval Research Laboratory researchers are helping develop a set of routing protocols for setting up Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (Manet).


  • 亨德拉病毒感染通过系列实验室检测得到诊断

    Hendra virus infection can be diagnosed by a number of different laboratory tests.


  • 系列影片融合媒体实验室的职员带领新闻学院学生一同制作、拍摄。

    A select group of students from the Journalism school, led by faculty in the Convergent Media Lab, took the reigns to produce these videos.


  • 入选的获奖作品展现了对流行文化细致入微描述明确表达以及实验室项目系列日常工作事项。

    Successful submissions were chosen for their nuanced depictions of pop culture, clear representation, and coherent agendas for the new laboratory's program.


  • 细胞杂志周五发表了一篇文章为了指导研究科学家通过一系列标准实验室检验比较了基因变异小鼠正常小鼠行为

    To conduct their study, published in Friday's issue of the journal Cell, the scientists compared the performance of mice with the altered gene to normal mice in a series of standard lab tests.


  • 准备好系列预先录制磁带语言实验室使用

    A series of pre-recorded tapes has been prepared for language laboratory use.


  • 在所研究基因中,有87种在系列实验室检查对于化疗药物紫杉醇特别敏感

    Of the genes studied, 87 were particularly sensitive to the chemotherapy drug Taxol in a series of lab tests.


  • 通过全球化食品实验室网络(包括中国),我们能够您提供系列关于食品的服务

    Throughout our global network of Food laboratories, including China, we are able to provide a range of services on Food products.


  • 内科医生指南儿科医生其他内科医生提供一个独特的帮助帮助他们系列迷惑的复杂临床实验室数据中选择正确诊断

    The physician's Guide provides paediatricians and other physicians with a unique aid to help them select the correct diagnosis from a bewildering array of complex clinical and laboratory data.


  • 内科医生指南儿科医生其他内科医生提供一个独特的帮助帮助他们系列迷惑的复杂临床实验室数据中选择正确诊断

    The physician's Guide provides paediatricians and other physicians with a unique aid to help them select the correct diagnosis from a bewildering array of complex clinical and laboratory data.


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