• 德拉斯·希夫(András Schiff)布达佩斯德特莫尔德慕尼黑音乐学院任命荣誉教授

    András Schiff has been made an Honorary Professor by the Music Schools in Budapest, Detmold and Munich.


  • 亨利学院教书丈夫莫里斯一位眼科医生我们参议员

    Ann Henry taught at the Business School; her husband, Morriss, was an ophthalmologist and our state senator.


  • 最近麻省理工学院经济学家瓦内特•斯考尔进行的研究发现财富500强公司最高领导公司业绩的贡献仅有5%。

    Yet a recent study by Antoinette Schoar, an economist at MIT, found that the person at the top accounted for just 5% of a Fortune 500 firm’s performance.


  • 一令人警戒发现,是以色列本-古里大学的西蒙尼·莫兰宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿学院莫里斯·e·史怀哲研究成果。

    That's the cautionary finding of research by Simone Moran of Ben-Gurion University in Israel and Maurice E. Schweitzer of the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.


  • 此前担任纽约州立大学大学校长马里兰州纳波利斯美国海军学院院长。

    He previously served as chancellor of the State University of New York and superintendent of the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md.


  • 威尔卡·罗斯就读于曼哈顿社区学院

    Will and Juan Carlos attended Borough of Manhattan Community College.


  • 埃伦·格尔曼,国家学院资深项目总监早晨会上指出这个公开计划目的不是为了达成某个结论,而是为了广泛的收集意见

    Alan Angleman, the Academy's senior program director, noted during the morning session that the goal of the public program is not to come to a consensus, but to collect a broad range of input.


  • 这个转变,就发生老鼠开始掌握迷宫可能也是行为形成信号麻省理工学院教授·格雷比尔,同时也是美国国家科学院院刊高级作者文中说道

    That switch, which occurs just as the rats start to master the maze, likely signals that a habit has been formed, says MIT Institute Professor Ann Graybiel, senior author of the PNAS paper.


  • 但是IESE学院(位于马德里院长•何塞•托里维担忧这些方法可能无效并且认为必要考虑限制地区开销

    But Juan José Toribio, a former director of IESE Business School in Madrid, worries that these tools will be ineffective and thinks regional spending limits are needed.


  • 麻省理工学院拉·贝尔彻是从植物中得到启示光合作用某些特殊色素会捕捉,其过程中就包含分解

    M.I.T. 's Angela Belcher took her cue from plants, where special pigments capture solar energy in photosynthesis, involving the splitting of water.


  • 哈佛学院德鲁•(AndrewAhn)引用了糖尿病的一个例证,为此来说明标准临床测试通过这种方法来检测血液中所含葡萄糖等级。

    Andrew Ahn of Harvard Medical School cites the example of diabetes, for which the standard clinical test is a measure of the level of glucose in the blood.


  • 1998年4月加州犯罪学院约翰•哈(John DeHann)博士做了一个实验首次验证灯芯效应”。

    In April, 1998, John De Hann from California Institute of Criminology conducted an experiment to prove the Wick Effect for the first time.


  • 可是一个引人无限遐想故事,”来自纽约州纳代尔镇巴德学院古希腊罗马文学教授JamesRomm说道

    "It's a story that captures the imagination," says James Romm, a professor of classics at Bard College in Annandale, New York.


  • 为了纪念他们朋友去世10周年,他们数码相机给这些宝丽来相机拍出来的照片拍了照,对它们进行复制纽约州哈得逊河畔嫩代尔(Annandale-on-Hudson)的巴德学院进行了展出

    To commemorate the 10th anniversary of their friend’s death, they digitally photographed the Polaroids and reproduced them for an exhibition at Bard, in Annandale-on-Hudson, N.Y.


  • 会计事务所Satya Poddar伦敦经济学院EhtishamAhmad认为消费税印度财政历史上,史无前例的重要举措(原译:印度财政历史上独一无二的,重要的第一步)”。

    The GST could be the “single most important initiative in the fiscal history of India”, argue Satya Poddar of Ernst &Young and Ehtisham Ahmad of the London School of Economics.


  • 琪莉。劳伍:开始所说,你当时成为舞蹈家加入伦敦皇家舞蹈学院但是受伤使舞蹈梦想破灭了。

    ANJALI RAO: you did, as you said originally, want to be a dancer, and you attended the London Royal Academy of dance, but an injury paid to your dreams of dancing.


  • 但是新闻全都绑架那些一起指挥学院服役孩子们的消息。

    But the news is full of the kidnaping of most of the children who served with Ender in Command School.


  • 将军纳波利斯海军学院台糖果前,拦住经过的一位新生

    An admiral is standing by a candy machine at the Naval Academy in Annapolis when he stops a plebe walking by.


  • 丹·布朗毕业赫斯特大学菲利普·克塞特学院全心投入写作之时,一直担任该学院英文老师

    Dan is a graduate of Amherst College and Phillips Exeter Academy, where he spent time as an English teacher before turning his efforts fully to writing.


  • 美国海军学院美国马里兰州首府纳波利斯美国海军海军陆战队培养军官

    And the Naval Academy is in Annapolis, Maryland; it prepares officers for the Navy and the Marine Corps.


  • 位于马里兰州纳波利斯美国海军军官学院考验团队精神领导能力的演习来结束大一生活。

    Freshman year at the U. s. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md., ends with a Sea Trials challenge that tests teamwork and Leadership skills.


  • 学院研究员菲尔?爱德华?罗伯茨上周五出版的《柳叶刀杂志写道,肥胖会加剧食品短缺能源价格上涨问题。

    This adds to food shortages and higher energy prices, the schools researchers Phil Edwards and Ian Roberts wrote in the journal Lancet on Friday.


  • 德拉什·席夫曾是布达佩斯、代特莫尔德慕尼黑音乐学院荣誉教授,也是英国牛津大学贝列尔学院特别兼职教授。

    András Schiff has been made an Honorary Professor by the Music Schools in Budapest, Detmold and Munich, and a Special Supernumerary Fellow of Balliol College (Oxford, UK).


  • 卡尔·海涅·罗斯布鲁克先生自从1990年就一直担任位于索非亚替城(法国)ETSI秘书处欧洲电信标准学院常务总监。

    Karl Heinz Rosenbrock has been the Director-General of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute, based at the ETSI Secretariat in Sophia Antipolis (South of France), since November 1990.


  • 赫斯特学院生物学家保罗·艾沃德观察引起艾滋病结核病斑疹伤寒麻疹的病原体都是通过动物传给我们的。

    As Amherst College biologist Paul Ewald observes, the bugs that cause AIDS, tuberculosis, typhus and measles all reached us through animals.


  • 赫斯特学院生物学家保罗·艾沃德观察引起艾滋病结核病斑疹伤寒麻疹的病原体都是通过动物传给我们的。

    As Amherst College biologist Paul Ewald observes, the bugs that cause AIDS, tuberculosis, typhus and measles all reached us through animals.


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