• 第四点如果你了解一些关于安全献血的知识后去献血没有什么坏处的,总结以上几点后,相信献血件好事

    Fourth, if we can make some safe rules about donating blood, there is no problem in donating blood. It makes us feel safe. From above analysis, I believe donating is a good thing, therefore.


  • 也是世界各国发出一项紧急要求,要求它们促进安全献血竭尽全力通过确保充足安全供应病人提供保护

    It is also an urgent invitation to countries across the globe to promote safe donors and do all that is possible to safeguard patients by ensuring an adequate, safe supply of blood.


  • 卫组织建议,献血人数至少达到国家人口的1%,一般足以满足国家安全血液基本要求。

    WHO recommends that blood donation by at least 1% a country's population is generally sufficient to meet a country's basic requirements for safe blood.


  • 一天世界卫生大会选定的,以便通过自愿无偿献血促进普遍获得安全血液

    This day has been chosen by the World Health Assembly to promote universal access to safe blood through voluntary unpaid blood donation.


  • 需要充足数量健康人经常献血,以确保随时随地需要时获得安全血液

    Regular blood donations by a sufficient number of healthy people is needed to ensure that safe blood will be available whenever and wherever it is needed.


  • 马拉维确保全球提供安全血液工作核心逐步走向100%的定期自愿无偿献血制度

    At the heart of Malawi's efforts to ensure universal access to safe blood was the move to a system of 100% regular voluntary, unpaid blood donors.


  • 身体健康的献血是很安全的,所谓不能献血的理由那么令人惊奇。

    People in good health can safely donate, but the excuses given for not doing so were amazing.


  • 世界献血旨在提高人们安全血液必要性认识,感谢使输血成为可能那些献血他们表示尊敬以及鼓励合适献血经常献血

    The day aims to raise awareness of the need for safe blood, to thank and honour those blood donors who make transfusion possible and to encourage regular blood donation by suitable donors.


  • 那时以来,一天成为载体启动国家区域认识宣传活动鼓励献血安全输血方法。

    Since then, the Day has become a vehicle to launch national and regional awareness and advocacy campaigns to encourage blood donation and safer practices in blood transfusion.


  • 我们希望一代献血仿效他们榜样无论何时无论何地,在需要拯救生命提供使用安全血液

    It is our hope that a new generation of blood donors will follow their example, providing the safest blood possible for use wherever and whenever it is needed to save life.


  • 保证有足够安全血液供应只能通过自愿无偿献血定期献血

    Sufficient supplies of safe blood can only be assured by regular donations from voluntary unpaid donors.


  • 全世界正在朝着100%无偿自愿献血目标取得缓慢进展未能确保血液供应安全可持续性

    The world is making slow progress towards the goal of 100% unpaid, voluntary blood donation, falling short of ensuring the safety and the sustainability of blood supplies.


  • 调查指标之一实行自愿无偿献血继续是世卫组织建议支柱确保安全充足血液供应

    One of the survey's indicators was the implementation of voluntary, unpaid blood donation, which remains a mainstay of WHO recommendations to ensure a safe and sufficient blood supply.


  • 2007年世界献血主题安全血液促进母亲安全

    In 2007, the theme of World Blood Donor Day will be Safe Blood for Safe Motherhood.


  • 2006年6月12日|日内瓦-全世界正在朝着100%无偿自愿献血目标取得缓慢进展未能确保血液供应安全可持续性

    June 2006 | Geneva - the world is making slow progress towards the goal of 100% unpaid, voluntary blood donation, falling short of ensuring the safety and the sustainability of blood supplies.


  • 献血献血献血通过遵守一些建议,这将有助于使献血经历尽可能安全成功愉快

    By following a few recommendations before, during and after your blood donation can help you make your donation experience as safe, successful and pleasant as possible.


  • 血站应当献血提供各种安全卫生便利条件

    Blood stations should provide safe, hygienic and convenient conditions for the blood donors.


  • 然而组织关于血液安全供应最新调查显示,75个国家报告献血采集量低于标准。

    Yet, in the Organization's most recent survey on blood safety and availability, 75 countries reported collecting fewer donations than this.


  • 结论大力提倡无偿献血提高检测试剂特异性灵敏度进一步确保输血安全

    Conclusion it is necessary to advocate the voluntary blood donation and improve the specificity and sensitivity of the reagents for further blood safety.


  • 据世组织估计,献血达到人口1%以上通常即可满足本国安全血液基本需要

    WHO estimates that blood donation by at least 1% of the population is generally sufficient to meet a country's basic requirements for safe blood.


  • 结论在校大学生经血传播疾病感染率较低获取安全血液主要保障,是无偿献血主力军

    Conclusion College students have low infection rate of diseases spread by blood. They are the major safeguard to acquiring safe blood and the main force of unpaid blood donation.


  • 血站应当献血提供各种安全卫生便利条件

    A blood donor centre shall provide safe, sanitary and convenient conditions for blood donors.


  • 事实上某些情况下,这种方式可能更不安全因为相关亲友可能愿意坦白他们适合献血的事实。

    In fact, under certain circumstances they may be less safe because related individuals or friends may not wish to expose a circumstance that makes them unsuitable for donation.


  • 目的评价临床用血血样不同筛查模式的应用效果,降低无偿献血血液报废提高临床输血安全

    Objective To explore different clinical blood screening models for reducing blood positive rate and blood condemnation rate, and enhancing the security of blood transfusion.


  • 目的探讨无偿献血艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染情况更好地开展无偿献血工作为保证血液安全提供依据。

    Objective to study HIV prevalence in the street voluntary blood donors, and to improve voluntary blood donation work by ensuring blood safety.


  • 目的探索无偿献血宣传教育模式提高无偿献血率,确保临床用血需要安全

    Objective to explore the mode of propaganda and education for donating blood voluntarily and to enhance the proportion of donators unpaid for ensuring the blood safety.


  • 有些家属会询问关于指定献血的事宜认为可能更加安全

    Some family members ask about "directed donations" in which the family chooses their own donors for the patient, believing this may be safer.


  • 电动控制调整后位、脚部休息位和整体高度,为献血提供安全舒适献血环境

    Electrical control shoring-adjusted, the foot-and the rest who chairs the overall height, blood donors to provide safe and comfortable environment blood donation;


  • 结论采供血机构应无偿献血招募及体检过程中加强排查适时调整检测方法,保障血液安全

    Conclusion It is necessary to enhance the screening of the blood donors in recruiting, and to appropriate adjust the screen strategy in order to ensure the blood safety.


  • 结论采供血机构应无偿献血招募及体检过程中加强排查适时调整检测方法,保障血液安全

    Conclusion It is necessary to enhance the screening of the blood donors in recruiting, and to appropriate adjust the screen strategy in order to ensure the blood safety.


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