• 根据麻省理工科技评论》,无论公司还是安全系统连接互联网,都可能遇到一些问题

    According to MIT Technology Review, whether companies are connecting dog food bowls or security systems to the Internet, there may be some problems.


  • 只训练有素自信它更多自由时间会未经训练的安全

    A well-trained dog is more confident and can more safely be allowed a greater amount of freedom than an untrained one.


  • 它们会用爪子扒、发出吠叫哀鸣声,以便让主人有机会事先转移安全场所或寻求帮助。

    They paw, bark or whine allowing their owners the opportunity to move to a safe place or call for assistance.


  • 安全优先考虑事。知道我们系统每天都在挽救生命

    Safety is a priority, and I see our systems save the lives of dogs and cats every day.


  • 他们希望看到或者使他们保持安全回到一个巴士他的上车没有只有巴士离开

    They'd just witnessed, or so they maintained, a security man turn his back at a bus stop and his dog get on the bus without him, only for the bus to depart.


  • 我们不敢变得完美至少我们认为如果那里拯救我们生命(并且超级犬的速度挖坑)的话,世界将变得更加安全

    We're not saying it would be perfect, but we think the world would be a safer place if dogs were out there saving lives (and digging holes with super-canine speed).


  • 公众渴望自由背景下,我们这些拿着长焦镜头、装扮酷似好莱坞队的自然会遭到安全人员跟踪。

    And the public's desire for freedom, of course, is why security agents were hunting us, snapping pictures with telephoto lenses fit for Hollywood paparazzi.


  • 我们自身安全连接在附近的绳索上,院子里的一样

    We are also connected, much like captive farmyard dogs, via our safety harnesses, to a circumferential rope.


  • 志愿者表示逃脱了绳索危及一名邻居安全

    The volunteer, Jose Barajas Jr., says the dog had slipped its chain and menaced him and a neighbor.


  • 如果颈部的竖立起来,或是分贝咆哮或是掠夺、跟踪姿势那么周围肯定存在安全因素。

    If the dog's hackles are up if it gives a low decibel growl or if it engages in a predatory stalking posture then there is probably a danger in the environment.


  • 如果颈部的竖立起来,或是分贝咆哮或是掠夺、跟踪姿势那么周围肯定存在安全因素。

    If the dog's hackles are up, if it gives a low decibel growl, or if it engages in a predatory, stalking posture, then there is probably a danger in the environment.


  • 华尔街日报格温多林·邦德同时还提醒我们,“一只难以控制兴奋宠物将脑袋伸出车窗情景”,尽管我们知道是不安全的,有时却无法阻止。

    And while "the image of a happy dog hanging out of a car window is hard to top," says Gwendolyn Bounds at The Wall Street Journal, even that isn't safe.


  • 证明安全可靠,发明人带着自己钻进一起洗

    To prove its safety, the machine owner climbed in and got a shower with his dog.(See photo)


  • 首先绝大多数宠物这些束缚表现出抗拒,可以一旦适应,根据Patautosafety.com 上的说法,这些安全“可以变得十分舒适”。

    At first, most dogs will resist being harnessed, but once they get used to it, the seat belts "can actually be quite comfortable," says Petautosafety.com.


  • 安大略博彩超级游戏并不具有字游戏一样缺陷但是安全起见2007年3月将其撤出安大略市场

    The Ontario Lottery says the Super Bingo game didn't have the same flaw as the tic-tac-toe game but that it was pulled off the Ontario market in March 2007 as a precaution.


  • 工作你的提供所有所需食物兽医社会性需要安全等等

    Your job is to provide for all of your dog's needs... food, water, vet care, social needs, security, etc.


  • 学着些以前未做过的事情学习安全守则

    The dog learns to do new things. It learns safety rules, too.


  • 然而来说威胁自己生命安全于是产生了一逆反心里

    However, for dogs, this threat to their safety, so they have a kind of antagonistic heart.


  • 美国许多在他的主人屋子安全的小房子里

    Many dogs in the United States sleep in safe little houses near their owners' home.


  • 位于斜坡过渡南侧附近公园公园提供了一个安全有保障领域发挥业主他们

    Located along the transitioning slope near the south side of the park, the dog park offers a safe, secure area for owners to play with their dog.


  • 去年农业局还发表关于安全检疫监管要求动物只有通过安全检疫所的检查才能允许运输。 。

    Thee Ministry of Agriculture issued a quarantine regulation on dogs and cats last year, requiring laboratory quarantine for the animals before they are transported.


  • 使用警犬训练衣领一种有效安全方式纠正不愉快行为

    Using a dog training collar is an efficient and safe way to correct your dog's unpleasant behavior.


  • 介绍了安全信息加密技术原理,着重对usb加密电子商务的应用进行分析。

    The safe information technology principle is introduced of USB SoftDog in E-commerce is analyzed.


  • 无知育种实践可以产生安全危险

    Ignorant breeding practices can produce unsafe, dangerous dogs.


  • 鼓励他们留下来他们提供罐头一个安全地方冬眠,如一原木装满干草树叶

    Encourage them to stay by providing them with tinned cat or dog meat, water and a safe place to hibernate in winter, such as a pile of logs, stuffed with hay and leaves.


  • 鼓励他们留下来他们提供罐头一个安全地方冬眠,如一原木装满干草树叶

    Encourage them to stay by providing them with tinned cat or dog meat, water and a safe place to hibernate in winter, such as a pile of logs, stuffed with hay and leaves.


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