• 小孩子而言安全位置坐在汽车后排。汽车安全禁止置放配备安全气囊的汽车椅上。

    As for children the best positions is a rear seat. It is forbidden to place the car seat on auto seats equipped with airbags.


  • 田纳西州因为担心车祸死亡率上升,颁布儿童乘客保护法要求父母乘车时把以下孩子限定儿童安全

    Concerned at the increase in accident fatalities, Tennessee adopted a child-passenger protection law requiring that parents restrain children under four years of age in a child safety seat.


  • 保证核电站安全就是任何情况下保持冷却包括那些人为或者自然灾害临时通常使用冷却方法

    Keeping a nuclear plant safe means keeping it cool in any circumstances, including those in which man-made or natural disaster knocks out the usual cooling methods.


  • 即使安静日子,他们公共安全领域的主要角色只是一个威慑者,他们的巡逻队在装甲车里,用自动武器指着窗外

    Its main role in public security is as a deterrent; even on the quietest days, its troops patrol in armoured personnel carriers, pointing automatic weapons out of the Windows.


  • 三百年前法国商人自己皮革生意建立了安全避风港;人们便开始聚拢过来生活,随后不久底特律诞生了。

    Three hundred years ago, a French trader turned up to create a safe haven for his fur business; he started making connections and pretty soon Detroit was born.


  • 佛莫瑞人心想现在安全了,于是来到路边着的城堡中,歇脚下来举行宴会,并且偷来的魔琴墙上

    Then they thought they were safe, and they turned aside into a vacant castle, by the road, and sat down to a banquet, hanging the stolen harp on the wall.


  • 比如他们问到明知有一安全,但女友从这里经过是否正确

    For example, they were asked whether it was right to have let your girlfriend walk across a bridge you knew was unsafe.


  • 场可怕的地震一场巨大的海啸袭击老态龙钟,缺乏足够安全设施的核电站。

    A crappy old plant with inadequate safety features was hit by a monster earthquake and a vast tsunami.


  • 的作品中最最出名的当属1923年出演的《安全至上》。 在剧中扮演纽约市小镇一位易惹事故男孩

    In his best, most famous movie, the magnificent Safety Last (1923), he plays an accident-prone small-town boy in New York.


  • 例如要求受试者判断,当男人知道安全的情况下,是否应当女朋友走过桥——即使最后她能安全通过。

    For example, subjects were asked to judge how permissible it is for a man to let his girlfriend walk across a bridge he knows to be unsafe, even if she ends up making it across safely.


  • 泰国清迈友好国际化的城市。 生活方便安全并且充满探索乐趣地方。”

    Rounding out the list in 10th position, Chiang Mai “with a friendly, cosmopolitan feel” is “one easy, safe and pleasant place to explore.”


  • 例如尽管整个流水别墅都了很多窗子人们在屋里深深的山洞中一样,仿佛背靠着感觉很安全

    For example, although all of Fallingwater is opened by broad bands of Windows, people inside are sheltered as in a deep cave, secure in the sense of hill behind them.


  • 通过新的科学研究成果,2010年冰岛火山喷发期间飞行器安全问题已经得到关注。

    Concerns about aircraft safety during the eruption of an Icelandic volcano in 2010 were well founded, according to a new scientific study.


  • 直到开始才知道,因为印象里,我将会很多攀岩练习作为登山攀岩课程一部分- - - - - - - -我教室里的墙上一些上下攀爬练习,但是,课程主要专注于攀岩设备和安全措施,练习绳结。

    Up until my class began, I was under the impression that I would do a lot of climbing as part of my rock climbing class. I did make it up a small wall during the class, so there was some climbing.


  • 这家旅馆现在变成了一真正宫殿游客这儿安全得到善待,感觉很羞愧

    The hostel is now transformed into a genuine palace, a place of safety and outstanding kindness for travellers and again I feel humbled.


  • 实际上,白羊经常外露自负行为下隐藏着一种安全,这根源于她们缺乏自我尊重的意识。

    The constant outflow of energy from egotistical Aries masks a sense of insecurity, which has its roots in a lack of self-esteem.


  • 加拿大如果反应堆取得经营执照运营方就必须加拿大安全委员会(CNSC)提供一份“安全报告”。

    For a nuclear reactor to be licensed in Canada its operators have to provide a "safety story" for the Canadian nuclear safety Commission (CNSC).


  • 额外安全需求可能意味着额外成本投入,这样建设核电站花费将会非常

    Extra safety requirements could mean added expense in an industry where the up-front costs of building a nuclear power plant are already very high.


  • 没有安全冷淡了,而巨蟹的人老想住你,这确实也不是什么好事。

    You are far too aloof for the insecure Crab. Not a likely encounter, highly dangerous for Cancer and somewhat binding for you.


  • 目前,日本54反应堆有35关闭大部分是为了日常安全检查

    At present 35 of Japan’s 54 nuclear reactors are shut, mostly for routine safety inspections.


  • 目前日本54反应堆有35关闭大部分是为了日常安全检查

    At present 35 of Japan's 54 nuclear reactors are shut, mostly for routine safety inspections.


  • 处女男人的冷漠本性双鱼女人感觉到安全

    The cold and detached nature of theVirgo can make his Pisces woman feel insecure.


  • 26岁的商人拥有舒适房子2车,放在街上安全,我已经无了。”

    "I own a comfortable house and two cars and it is safe to leave them on the street," says a 26-year-old trader. "What more do I want?"


  • 陪审员不得不扪心自问一个常识性问题出版业妨害公共安全如果的话文学屏就要为此降低格调吗?

    Jurors had to ask themselves the common-sense question of whether the publication as a whole would do any harm and, if so, whether its literary merit might redeem it.


  • 巨蟹金牛狮子注重安全、家庭观念重的

    Cancer , Taurus and Leo are the security- conscious and home-focused signs.


  • 缺乏经验且冲动鲁莽白羊人很难敏感需要安全合拍。

    The Ram's lack of tact and hot temper is just too devastating for your sensitive and insecure nature.


  • 荷兰,内阁在争论中推迟了核电厂的建立,发起了针对安全问题的特别调查这项决定顺应了媒体的意愿

    In the Netherlandsthe Cabinet postponed debate on two new atomic plants and announced a specialsafety investigation. The decision followed newspaper editorials demanding sucha move.


  • 已经达到危险级别辐射污染使核电站工作人员紧急反应人员无法安全接近设施受损反应堆控制火势评估危害程度的工作无法进行。

    Dangerous levels of radiation are preventing nuclear workers and emergency responders from safely approaching the facility's four reactors to control fires and assess the extent of damages.


  • 已经达到危险级别辐射污染使核电站工作人员紧急反应人员无法安全接近设施受损反应堆控制火势评估危害程度的工作无法进行。

    Dangerous levels of radiation are preventing nuclear workers and emergency responders from safely approaching the facility's four reactors to control fires and assess the extent of damages.


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