• 精确评估结构安全寿命提供理论依据。

    It provides a theoretical basis for precisely evaluating the safe life of in service steel structure.


  • 阻燃纤维导电纤维试制过滤毡,用于复合过滤器,既安全寿命又长

    Filter felt make up of fire resistant and antistatic fibre is trial produced, it is safe and durable in use for com-pound dust filter.


  • 本文介绍塔式起重机结构安全寿命评估中的应力应力幅谱系数计算方法过程

    This paper describes the calculation method and process of stress amplitude and stress amplitude spectrum to evaluate the safety life time of steel structure for tower crane.


  • 航天器故障诊断不仅可以提高航天器安全可靠性而且可以节约航天器安全寿命成本

    Research on fault diagnosis for spacecrafts is not only helpful to improve the safety and reliability of spacecrafts, but also to reduce their life cycle cost significantly.


  • 作为直升机关键部件叶的抗疲劳设计技术提高桨叶安全寿命降低桨叶使用成本关键

    As a critical part of helicopter, rotor blade anti-fatigue design technique is one of the key to improving safety life and decreasing cost.


  • 简述大类耐久性分析方法耐久性试验特点、说明了耐久性设计安全寿命设计和损伤容限设计之间联系区别

    Two kinds of durability analysis approach and the distinguishing feature of durability test are briefly presented. The relation and difference among the designs of durability, safe-life and damage...


  • 根据疲劳类型,确定选用安全寿命设计方法塔式起重机钢结构进行疲劳分析,并应用名义应力估算塔式起重机钢结构疲劳寿命

    According to the fatigue type, use safe-life design method to study tower crane's fatigue, and choose nominal stress approach to estimate the life of tower crane.


  • HFMR AN/PRC-150提供安全语音数据通信网络和持久的电池寿命

    The HFMR AN/PRC-150 offers secure voice and data communications, networking and long-lasting battery life.


  • 一个安全无线连接装置,把车辆行驶速度电池寿命以及其他关联信息一并传送可以手控的仪表板

    Speed, battery life, and other connectivity information are all conveyed over a secure wireless connection to a handheld device that can be mounted on the dash.


  • 供应商选择这种方法因此内核适应追究维持产品寿命自己方面错误安全补丁负责

    Vendors choosing this method of kernel adaptation will therefore be held responsible for maintaining their own packages for the lifetime of their product, with respect to both bugs and security fixes.


  • 国防部合同内容包括网络运行安全计算机网络防御安全的全寿命管理以及识别管理等。

    The contract includes network operations and security, computer network defense, security life cycle management, and identity management, the Defense Department said.


  • 创建合乎逻辑的安全会话灵活、具有很长的寿命而且它允许多方参与同一安全会话。

    A logical secure session is created that is flexible, has a long life, and allows numerous parties to be part of the same secure session.


  • StEP承担了项工作,即评估这些目的地是否具备有效设施,一旦这些垃圾寿命终结时能对其他进行安全的处理。

    And StEP is also charged with assessing the facilities available at destination for safe disposal of such equipment once it reaches end of life.


  • 材料之间结合决定了电池的特性包括能量功率密度以及安全使用寿命和成本。

    The combination of materials determines the characteristics of the battery, including its energy and power density, safety, longevity and cost.


  • 而且这些安全,使用寿命也更长,配备了以前只有富豪们购买奢侈车才有的技术装置,比如防抱死刹车GPS导航系统

    Those cars are safer, last longer and are loaded with technology and features once available exclusively to the wealthiest buyers of luxury cars - from antilock brakes to GPS navigation systems.


  • 设计材料制造工艺改进意味着今天汽车安全行驶寿命以往任何时期都长——尽管车主必须不断进行维护维修

    Improvements in design, materials and manufacturing mean that today's vehicles can be operated safely longer than ever, albeit at the cost of continuous maintenance and repair.


  • 部分问题是因为人均预期寿命大部分俄罗斯男性寿命低于60岁主要酗酒吸毒,意外伤害,使用安全

    Part of the problem is low life expectancymost Russian men won’t live to see 60, due mainly to factors like alcohol, drugs, suicide, and a reluctance to buckle up.


  • 实物保险箱号码安全措施之下,盗贼需要近乎无限耐心以及近乎无限的预期寿命,才能将各种排列组合可能性从头到尾尝试一

    With a physical safe and a combination lock, the thieves would need nearly infinite patience and a nearly infinite life expectancy to work their way through the possibilities.


  • 电解质制备功率密度高能量密度、循环寿命安全性能良好离子电池关键材料之一

    Electrolyte was one of the key points which made rechargeable lithium ion batteries with high power and energy density, long cycling life and desirable safety.


  • 混凝土拌和质量优劣,直接影响枢纽运行安全建筑物的使用寿命

    The quality of concrete mixture directly affects the operational safety and the working life of concrete structure.


  • 优异保温绝热性能出色安全防火性能、长久稳定使用寿命,便捷高效安装优势深受客户欢迎。

    Its excellent insulation adiabatic performance, excellent security fire performance, long-time stable using life, efficient and installation advantage, are greatly welcomed by customers.


  • 如果头接触电阻过大,即影响工作可靠降低高压断路器使用寿命直接影响安全生产

    If the contact resistance is too big, the influence is dependable, and lowered the circuit breakers to break the service life, direct influence of safety production.


  • 合理选择钢丝绳保证钢丝绳使用安全可靠寿命长的前提

    Rational selection of wire rope is prerequisite for ensuring safe use, reliability and long service life of wire rope.


  • 长久使用寿命:在额定温度压力状况PE管道安全使用50年以上

    Long Using Life: under the rated temperature and pressure, PE pipes may be used for over 50 years.


  • 静力学方法桥梁进行检测、评估很难新建桥梁已有桥梁安全使用寿命做出精确的评价。

    It is very difficult to precisely evaluate the security and service life of the newly built bridge and the existing bridges using the static method only.


  • 保险消费就是人们通过消耗或享用保险产品保险服务来满足自己身体寿命财产安全保障需要过程行为

    Insurance consumption is a course or behavior that people meet their own security needing of health, life-span and property through enjoying the insurance products or the insurance service.


  • 为了降低寿命费用增强飞行安全,对减速器故障进行检测和故障诊断非常必要

    To reduce life cycle cost and to improve flight safety, the detection and diagnosis of gearbox faults is of vital importance.


  • 正确操作日常维护保养实现安全运输减少故障延长使用寿命基本保证

    Correct operation and daily maintenance work is the basic guarantee that come true the safe transport, reduce the breakdown, increase of service life.


  • 桥梁裂缝进行长期监测对于桥梁安全营运及其寿命评估具有重要意义。

    Measurement crack of bridge in long-term has great significance for the working safety and life evaluate of Bridges.


  • 桥梁裂缝进行长期监测对于桥梁安全营运及其寿命评估具有重要意义。

    Measurement crack of bridge in long-term has great significance for the working safety and life evaluate of Bridges.


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