• 那些被难民潮席卷国家想要立即建立安全区

    Countries overwhelmed by the human tide of refugees want safe havens set up at once.


  • 然而如果能给被捕食动物提供一些它们野外那样安全,它们的数量会降到灭绝

    However, if safe areas like those prey animals have in the wild are provided, the prey population drops to low level but not extinction.


  • 采用性能化设计,次安全前厅。

    The performance-based design was adopted and the hypo-safety area as antehall.


  • 现在就可以携带他们如果他们放在机场安全区

    You can now carry them on if they are bought in secure areas of an airport.


  • 因此该区属于外照射水平安全域,人居环境受影响

    So Qingdao is safe in radiological level and the dwelling environment is not affected.


  • 海军陆战队巡逻形成安全区只能扩展马里加一小片地区。

    The security bubble provided by the Marine patrols extends only to a small section of Marja.


  • Controller网站添加可信区域检查安全设置

    Add Controller website to trusted zone, and check zone security Settings.


  • 员工一旦发现存在火灾隐患,应立即主管安全区负责人报告

    Employees are expected to report any fire hazard to their supervisors or safety area principal once identified.


  • 声明中敦促斯里兰卡双方立刻结束战斗允许上万的平民撤离安全区

    The statement urged all sides in Sri Lanka to "end hostilities immediately and allow for the safe evacuation of the tens of thousands of civilians trapped within the safe zone".


  • 同时伦敦华盛顿担心过去日子安全大量伤亡平民

    It also said London and Washington were alarmed "at the large number of reported civilian casualties over the past several days in the designated 'safe zone'".


  • 所有糟糕主意一样,大学中修建“安全区这个概念本意好的

    Like many bad ideas, the notion of safe Spaces at universities has its roots in a good one.


  • 如果亚美尼亚他们安全撤军取而代之又会成为一个问题

    Were Armenia to withdraw from its "security zone", the question arises of who would replace it.


  • 韩国方圆两公里的安全区设立三层防线,部署两万名警察大批保安人员。

    Twenty-thousand riot police will be backed by other officers and security personnel in and around a triple-tiered two-kilometer security ring.


  • 安全网关可能驻留esb其他部分不同安全外部客户端提供连接

    Security gateways may reside in a different security zone to the rest of the ESB and would provide connectivity to external clients.


  • 三里事故中并没有出现大规模居民疏散但是孕妇学前儿童转移安全

    During the the Three Mile Island episode there wasn't a mass evacuation, but pregnant women and preschool children were urged to leave the area.


  • 科索沃塞族人有的居住保卫森严安全区内,有的住在一小塞尔维亚相连的地区。

    Serbs in Kosovo live in heavily protected enclaves or in a compact patch abutting Serbia proper.


  • CSI也可能犯罪现场建立一个安全区调查人员休息以及讨论案情而不用担心毁坏证据

    A CSI might establish a "safe area" just beyond the crime scene where investigators can rest and discuss issues without worrying about destroying evidence.


  • 下跌做空原则趋势下跌时,我们根据最高价计算安全区域,因为它们模式决定了损位置

    Rules for Shorts in Downtrends When the trend is down, we calculate SafeZone on the basis of the highs because their pattern determines stop placement.


  • 估计他们现在安全区还有场胜利而且理论上还有拿到第七名从而进军赛季欧洲杯赛可能。

    Redknapp reckons they are now two wins from safety and in with an outside chance of claiming seventh spot which would almost certainly be enough for a place in the new Europa League.


  • 与此同时一个自称安全区居民解放武装”组织今天扬言战争渗透斯里兰卡城镇大街小巷

    Meanwhile, a group calling itself the High Security Zone Residents' Liberation Force today threatened to take the war onto the streets of Sri Lanka's towns and cities.


  • 还有些人提出,南部东北部沿叙与约旦伊拉克边境建立另外一些安全区,以保护叙逃亡士兵平民

    Others air the idea of other havens, for defecting soldiers as well as civilian refugees, in the south and north-east of the country, along the borders with Jordan and Iraq.


  • 巴马国会发表演讲国会山警察逮捕了一个企图在奥巴马演讲时驱车闯进国会山安全区男子

    Prior to Obama's speech before Congress U.S. Capitol Police arrested a man they say tried to get into a secure area near the Capitol with a gun in his car as President Barack Obama was speaking.


  • 存放这些文档硬盘一直存放在INNSWORTH基地安全区,那里有人定期巡逻,因此硬盘被加密

    The drives were kept in a secure area of the base at Innsworth, which was regularly patrolled, and they were not encrypted.


  • 证据显示,据信从国防部INNSWORTH基地安全区被盗硬盘数据刑事罪犯敌对分子盯上

    There is no evidence to suggest that the information held on the hard drive believed to have been stolen from the secure... site at MoD Innsworth has been targeted by criminal or hostile elements.


  • 但是即使这样环境中,可能需要这个安全区传出数据传入数据,可以安全FTP完成

    But even in such scenarios, you might very well have the need to transfer data from or to this secure zone, which can be accomplished now using secure FTP.


  • 但是即使这样环境中,可能需要这个安全区传出数据传入数据,可以安全FTP完成

    But even in such scenarios, you might very well have the need to transfer data from or to this secure zone, which can be accomplished now using secure FTP.


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