• 奥尔森宇宙飞行后给榎本提了紧急建议

    After Olsen took his spaceflight, he phoned Enomoto with urgent advice.


  • 两个宇宙飞行外层空间对接交换宇航员

    The two space vehicles docked in space and exchanged astronauts.


  • 简要介绍宇宙飞行模拟机-光学探头用途、达到功能原理

    In this paper the application, the function and the working principles of an optical probe for a spaceflight simulator are stated.


  • 目的概述近年来有关宇宙飞行影响航天员免疫系统功能研究进展。

    Objective To summarize the works of effects of space environments on function of immune system in astronauts.


  • 资料综合论述了宇宙飞行航天员免疫系统功能影响及其可能机制

    Literature synthesis Influences of space environments on immune function of astronauts and its mechanisms were summarized and discussed.


  • 休斯顿约翰逊太空中心人类宇宙飞行计划的发源地宇航员毫不值钱

    At Houston's Johnson space Center, the home for the human spaceflight program, astronauts are a dime a dozen.


  • 与此同时爱德华兹空军基地路上就是所有航天飞机将近有一半宇宙飞行降落跑道

    Meanwhile, just up the road, at Edwards Air Force Base, is the runway where nearly half of all shuttle flights touched down.


  • 最近宇宙飞行表明人体需要宇宙飞船中进行专门训练才能适应失重情况

    Recent space travels have shown that the body needs special exercise in a spaceship to suit the weightless conditions.


  • 获得科学资料进一步研究宇宙飞行必要条件,打下一个较为牢固基础

    The new scientific data obtained will a firm foundation for further studies on the necessary conditions for space flight.


  • 20世纪50年代,各种建筑汽车机械装置采用一种奇特的美学设计灵感源于宇宙飞行

    During the 1950s, architecture, cars, and gadget design took on a curiously spaceflight-inspired aesthetic.


  • 发现号标志宇宙飞行项目年半因“哥伦比亚号”悲剧搁浅后重新开始。

    Discovery marked the resumption of the space shuttle program after it was grounded following the Columbia disaster two-and-half years ago.


  • 一次宇宙飞行花费相加,然后决定不惜任何代价参加宇宙飞行很少进入太空

    Then he was determined to have a cosmic flight at all costs. Few people could go into space.


  • 其中有一部分责任甚至应当均摊,去年运行中的铱星艘作废的俄罗斯宇宙飞行相撞,增加了将近2000碎片

    Some of the blame can even be divvied up; last year an operational Iridium communications satellite collided with a spent Russian Cosmos spacecraft, spawning nearly 2,000 pieces of smaller debris.


  • 9月份,位于马里兰州格林·贝尔特,属于美国国家航空航天管理局一部分戈达德宇宙飞行中心研究人员告诉肯尼亚官员他们麻烦了。

    In September researchers at the Goddard space Flight Centre in Greenbelt, Maryland, part of America's space agency, NASA, told the authorities in Kenya that they had a problem.


  • 自从2003年2月1“哥伦比亚”号航天飞机返回地球途中解体爆炸以来宇宙飞行进程出现延缓,而俄罗斯太空计划成为将宇航员送入空间站唯一方式

    Russia's space program has been the only way of getting astronauts to the station since the Columbia disintegrated as it returned to Earth on Feb. 1, 2003, sparking a suspension of shuttle flights.


  • 发射大约分钟航天飞机两侧助推器并掉落下来,紧接着被绑在飞船外部巨大燃料箱也随着掉下来。八分半钟后,该航天飞机进入宇宙飞行

    Around two minutes after launch, the boosters on either side of the shuttle will fall away, followed shortly afterwards by the giant external fuel tank strapped to the spaceship.


  • 如果宇宙飞船飞行超过每秒11公里它就能摆脱地球引力

    If a spacecraft travels faster than 11 km a second, it escapes the Earth's gravitational pull.


  • 智利欧洲南方天文台西蒙·克拉克领导文学家团队发现了宇宙中的一个飞行

    A team of astronomers working at the European Southern Observatory in Chile, led by Simon Clark, spotted a flyer in the cosmos.


  • 太空平均立方厘米只有两个氢原子低速飞行宇宙飞船构成威胁

    There are just two hydrogen atoms per cubic centimeter on average in space, which poses no threat to spaceships traveling at low speeds.


  • 在的宇宙飞船可以把东西送入太空,但它们不太适合远距离飞行

    Today's spaceships are fine for getting things into space, but they are not so good at travelling long distances.


  • 气球”宇宙飞船可能会很大,可以携带足够的水进行长途飞行

    "Balloon" spaceships could be very large and carry enough water for a long trip.


  • 国家航空航天博物馆展示美国飞行宇宙探索方面取得成就,莱特兄弟第一架双翼飞机阿波罗登月任务以及其他

    The national Air and space Museum celebrates the nation's achievements in flight and space exploration, from the Wright brother's first biplane to the Apollo moon mission and beyond.


  • 他们需要好好研究,因为宇宙飞船就算达到飞行极限也无法产生财政效益,每次任务过后飞船都需要大幅修整,却用处

    They needed to, for each shuttle never flew enough to make financial sense, and the craft needed so much fixing after each flight that they were never, truly, used again.


  • 根据声明新的中子束流线复制宇宙辐射影响100飞行小时时空芯片

    According to a statement, the new neutron beam line will replicate the cosmic radiation affecting microchips from 100 years of flying time in the space of an hour.


  • 我们期待喷气发动机组件、飞行汽车浮点计算机宇宙飞船问世的同时,仍然算是令人激动科技之年。

    While we were supposed to have jet packs, flying cars, floating computers and spaceships, this was still a pretty amazing year for technology.


  • 福斯特深情的回忆起早期太空飞行股子热火朝天劲头,飞船起飞时地面得人都站不稳,就那样看着那些美国宇宙先驱义无反顾冲入太空。

    She recalled the rush of early space flight, of the ground shaking like sand on a busy clothes dryer, while she watched from nearby as American pioneers bolted toward the heavens.


  • 自由7宇宙飞船共进行长达15分钟轨道飞行

    The Freedom 7 capsule made a suborbital flight lasting 15 minutes.


  • 谢泼德的成功飞行引起人们对空间计划浪潮般的兴趣热情,并且美国国家航空和宇宙航行局也从这次成功完成的任务获得了许多好处

    Shepard's successful flight created a wave of interest and enthusiasm in the space program and NASA reaped the benefits of a successful mission.


  • 此外,飞船公司Spaceship Company )2011年启动全球首个宇宙飞船生产线,为维京银河(Virgin Galactic)公司制造进行亚轨道载客飞行飞船

    And in 2011 the Spaceship Company will start the world’s first spaceship production linemaking the craft needed by Virgin Galactic to take tourists on suborbital flights.


  • 此外,飞船公司Spaceship Company )2011年启动全球首个宇宙飞船生产线,为维京银河(Virgin Galactic)公司制造进行亚轨道载客飞行飞船

    And in 2011 the Spaceship Company will start the world’s first spaceship production linemaking the craft needed by Virgin Galactic to take tourists on suborbital flights.


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