• 克雷·奥拉很多,包括混合回收黑色蜡笔蜡笔所有颜色缺陷

    Crayola does a lot of recycling, including mixing all colors of defective crayons into its black crayons.


  • 现在想象一下那个小小的句号在渐渐扩大黑色部分占据页面越来越多的地方。

    But now imagine that little period growing, its blackness consuming more and more of the page.


  • 这种新的折叠池塘壳牌所有优点黑色预制前任无论是池塘小溪样子坚如磐石。

    This new folding pond shell has all the benefits of its black preformed predecessor, but both the pond and the streamlet look like rock.


  • 复制粘贴(放)含有部分透明图片现在正确地保存透明度不是偶尔关闭黑色

    Copy and paste (or drag and drop) of pictures containing partial transparency now correctly preserves that transparency, rather than occasionally turning it black.


  • 黑色蛋糕放在黑色盘子不是白色盘子里时,顾客认为更好吃。

    When a dark-colored cake was served on a black plate rather than a white one, customers recognized it as sweeter and more tasty.


  • 皮龟可以通过水面晒太阳来为身体获取热量深色近乎黑色的身体颜色可以帮助吸收太阳辐射

    A leatherback may be able to pick up some body heat by basking at the surface; its dark, almost black body color may help it to absorb solar radiation.


  • 头熊黑色的眼睛蓬乱棕色皮毛点缀灰色斑点。

    The bear had dark eyes, and its scraggly brown fur was dotted with patches of gray.


  • 利玛窦地图被称为“地图学不可能黑色郁金香”,因为很难找到

    The Ricci map gained the nickname the "Impossible Black Tulip of Cartography" because it was so hard to find.


  • 最大一只乌鸦丰满而且光滑黑色羽毛闪烁彩虹般的光芒。

    It was the biggest crow she had ever seen, plump and sleek, with rainbows shining in its black feathers.


  • 看见一个黑色的东西放在那里,但一个站在喷泉旁边的女人就在旁边,所以我不知道那是什么东西,也不能分辨那是不是她的东西。

    I saw something black sitting there, but it was right next to a woman standing by the fountain, so I could not tell what it was or if it was hers.


  • 他说,“我们40年前拍摄此片,是想把拍成一部黑色幽默的喜剧片。”

    When we made the film 40 years ago, we made it as a comedy, albeit a very black one.


  • 尽管黑色并不属于一部分可以用来暗示情绪意义

    Although black is not a part of the color wheel, it can still be used to suggest feeling and meaning.


  • 离开抽屉里拿出来放进黑色丝质睡袍口袋里。

    After he'd left she'd taken it out of the drawer and put it in the pocket of her black silk robe.


  • 随后那名工作人员了指纪念碑朝向是一块镌刻金色文字黑色花岗岩靠着墙壁对面就是市内公交站台

    The official then pointed me toward the memorial, a carved black granite slab with golden lettering, against the wall opposite the intercity platforms.


  • 标准沙发底座黑色聚丙烯材料,用螺丝固定钢架上。

    Its standard feet are black polypropylene, screwed to the frames.


  • 法国多尔多涅河地区拉斯洞穴也许就这些问题答案:在那里一面墙壁上看到红色的母牛,黑色的牛头高高扬起。

    The Lascaux caves, in the Dordogne region of France, may have the answer. There you can see a painting of a red cow with a black head high on one of the walls.


  • 展览有一张这样图片表现出树木黑色树枝形式上完美,以及映在白色背景孤独的影像。

    One such image in the exhibition shows the formal perfection of the black branches of the trees, with a lone figure silhouetted against the white.


  • 刚一浮出黑色的河水,辨认鲜亮玫瑰以及金色花瓣图案

    As the dark water drained from it, I could make out the bright roses and gold leaf design.


  • 如果沙砾中加上撒上盐,把晃一晃,那些黑色小球就会显现出不易发现小块金子。

    If you salt the slurry with buck shot and swirl the pan around, the dark pellets will track the elusive flecks of gold.


  • 自从2002年以来,圣大卫之成为了卡的夫足球俱乐部标志个画黑色背景下金色十字组成,图案中间是一只蓝知更鸟

    Since 2002 the flag has also formed a part of the Cardiff City Football Club logo. It consists of a shield containing a gold cross on black, with a bluebird in the centre.


  • 精彩之至,难以设想,可又分明存在黑色墨水在一张张上。

    It was terrific, impossible; and yet there it was, scrawled in black ink across the sheets of paper.


  • 如果一个站点处于良好状态,那意味着状态属性OK,那么我们不会显示摘要字段并且将以黑色文本显示

    If a site is in good condition, meaning its status property is equal to OK, we do not display the summary field, and it is displayed in black text.


  • 一种典型的约克郡吃法,常使想起盖伊节的晚上(焰火之夜),涂着浓浓黑色糖浆,再加上一杯清茶,在那天晚上的必美餐。

    A quintessential Yorkshire treat and, while I always associate it with Guy Fawkes Night, this rich, dark treacle and ginger cake is my chosen slice with a cup of builder's tea.


  • 嗅到我们的气味,抬起黑色的眼珠打量着我们

    He scents our presence, lifts his head, and regards us intently with black eyes.


  • 颜色可以用来区分翠鸟性别雄性的喙大部分是黑色雌性下颌橙色的,正好它的相配。

    Beak color gives away a kingfisher's gender: males show mostly black, while females have an orange lower mandible that matches their feet.


  • 片真空由于没有可以穿透,便呈现出完全黑色——并不是黑色黑色浅,不是那种我们宽泛地将之归类于这个东西而是完全的、彻底无限黑暗。

    The empty region, since no light ever penetrates it, is absolutely black-not more or less black, like the things to which we loosely ascribe this word, but utterly, completely and infinitely black.


  • 片真空由于没有可以穿透,便呈现出完全黑色——并不是黑色黑色浅,不是那种我们宽泛地将之归类于这个东西而是完全的、彻底无限黑暗。

    The empty region, since no light ever penetrates it, is absolutely black-not more or less black, like the things to which we loosely ascribe this word, but utterly, completely and infinitely black.


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