• 今天合唱团的Caitiff启示。

    It Dies Today. The Caitiff Choir Revelations.


  • 今天。失败主义Caitiff合唱团。

    It Dies Today. The Caitiff Choir Defeatism.


  • 感受掌中吗,或者展开将允许渐渐离开

    Will I feel it die in the palm of my hand, or shall my hand open and allow it to drift away?


  • 放在篱笆中间不要管邻居认为那儿了,夏天来临的时候去照顾

    Put it in the middle of a row of hedges. Ignore it, your neighbor will think it died there and take care of it next summer.


  • 安提歌尼我们见到一个将会藐视人类法律而且并非违背神永恒又没有写法律的女人

    In Antigone we see a woman who will defy human law , and die for it , rather than transgress the eternal , unwritten laws of the gods.


  • 戏剧金鱼》里突出对话帮助传达一个普遍传闻:“金鱼只有30的记忆,所以的时候会认为的整个人生一直是处于垂状态的。”

    The play Dying Goldfish features a line of dialogue that helps propagate this common myth: "A goldfish has a memory of only thirty seconds, so when it's dying it thinks it's been dying all its life."


  • 控制系统车辆每个轮子速度进行采样每秒20的速度控制每个刹车压力防止)。

    This control system samples the speed of each wheel on a vehicle and controls each brake's pressure (to stop it from locking up) at up to 20 times per second.


  • 要不是医生杰克的。”当地一家报纸说。

    "If it hadn't come to get me, the doctor said Jack would have died." Ann reported to a local newspaper.


  • 们无法移动。如果们吃了甚至会

    They can't move. They can even die if they eat it.


  • 突然,尸体那儿了,热血脸上一直避免的东西,对你微笑好像早知道就是结局一样。

    Then suddenly it’s there, the warm liquid on your face, the death you have always avoided, smiling back at you as if it knew all along.


  • 可能由于吸烟文化合理不灵通为什么不是容纳

    This culture of smoking may be irrational and ill-informed, but why should it be squashed rather than accommodated?


  • 生命范围之外变量不再使用寄存器可以其他变量使用,这样编译器就可以安排更多的变量寄存器当中。

    In between live ranges, the value of a variable is not needed: it is dead, so its register can be used for other variables, allowing the compiler to allocate more variables to registers.


  • 可能永远不会知道你有胰脏这么个器官,然而如果没有,你病得很重而且很可能会

    Most likely you will never know you have a pancreas, yet without it you would become very sick, and likely die.


  • 我们200年时间来征服自然而如今又开始把里推。

    For 200 years we've been conquering Nature. Now we're beating it to death.


  • 然而符咒的效力依旧使可怜牧师在上面的海丝特·白兰居住过的海边茅屋都令人望面生畏。

    Its spell, however, was still potent, and kept the scaffold awful where the poor minister had died, and likewise the cottage by the sea-shore, where Hester Prynne had dwelt.


  • 无论走哪儿,一路上总会留下鹿兔子之类动物许多地方看见印,灌木丛中发现在上面的美洲狮

    Wherever it went, it left behind it a trail of dead deer and small animals like rabbits. Paw prints were seen in a number of places and puma fur was found clinging to bushes.


  • 因此这种情况下即使某些对象程序执行时占用着内存实际上没有什么用途

    So, in this case, even though some dead objects are taking up memory while the program is being executed, it really doesn't matter for all practical purposes.


  • 上帝交给我们这件事实时候已经顺便保证了结果所以一件不必急于求成的个必然降临的节日

    When God hands us this reality, he has already incidentally assured its end, so death is something one needn't be anxious to bring about; death is a festival that is sure to befall you.


  • 为期两年的官司中,玩具反斗城亚马逊违反排他性协议,随之而来的竞争损害了网上销售

    In a two-year court battle, Toys "r" us argued that Amazon had violated the exclusivity agreement and that the rising competition had hurt its online sales.


  • 欧盟领导人为了拯救陷入经济困境的欧盟成员国已经焦头烂额,而卡扎菲他们带来了线曙光,至少足以扑灭欧元区的一个火点

    For eu leaders struggling to find any glimmers of hope for their economically troubled members, Gadhafi's death may be enough to tamp down at least one fire in the euro zone.


  • 艺术有没有重要到,准备,去欣赏件杰作如果知道在欣赏时候可能如果去欣赏就不会

    Is art important enough to you that you'd be prepared to watch, look at a masterpiece, if you knew that while you were enjoying it you could die,? But that wouldn't happen otherwise?


  • 遗忘现实可能留下遗愿说,万万千千真相事实都交由举办葬礼修建坟墓处置

    A forgotten reality may die and leave in its will seven thousand actualities and facts to be spent in its funeral and the building of a tomb.


  • 身的世间所有面孔颤栗源于明白自己终有一

    It brings with it all the faces in the world, and its tremor comes from the fact that it knows itself to be mortal.


  • 如果摇摆一米高出,在这击中你,你会

    If I would let it swing from one meter height, and you would be there and it would hit you, you'd be dead.


  • 如果摇摆一米高出,在这击中你,你会

    If I would let it swing from one meter height, and you would be there and it would hit you, you'd be dead.


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