• 所有大多都往下进入到更低容量部分用泵送回到核心喷雾系统或者送回到反应堆

    All the water pretty much comes down into the lower containment section and it's pumped back into either the core spray system or back into the reactor.


  • 连接所有粒子除了引力外自然力一个简单数学框架理论标准模型缺失部分

    It is the missing piece of the Standard Model, a theory which links all the particles and forces of nature bar gravity into a single mathematical framework.


  • 偶然争吵所有关系真实部分只要公平具有建设性的。

    But occasional conflict is actually a natural part of any partnership, as long as it's fair and constructive.


  • 这家冶炼厂归Met-Mex Peñoles所有它是一个墨西哥矿业集团部分,1901年建厂时连厂房屋顶都没有2000年该厂周围地区盖上一层层黑色粉末

    The smelter, owned by Met-Mex Peñoles, part of a big Mexican mining group, ran without a roof from 1901 until 2000, blanketing the surrounding area with layers of fine black powder.


  • 引用所有外部文件文件引用列表References元素及其file元素定义ovf部分

    A list of file references to all external files that are part of this OVF package defined by the references element and its file child elements.


  • 这些限制适用GetRelease调用之间执行所有代码无论本机部分

    These restrictions apply to all code that executes between the Get and Release calls, whether it is part of the native itself or not.


  • 部分(第4部分)中,我们具体讨论什么devfs以及如何解决几乎所有设备管理问题的。

    In the previous installment (Part 4), we took a close look at what devfs is and how it solves nearly all device management problems.


  • 这种部分时间看起来半死不活,有时仅仅一个枝条表明这树还活着”萨斯曼说:“停止所有不必要的生命活动。”

    "This looks half dead most of the time, perhaps with just one branch that appears to be alive," says Sussman. "it shuts down all its non-essential processes."


  • eXo platoform的一部分包含规范要求所有强制特性几个可选特性。

    Is part of the eXo platoform and contains all the mandatory features required by the specification and several optional ones.


  • 生产资料创造价值价值增殖价值和价值增殖不可缺少条件所有获得部分价值增殖。

    Production materials do not create value and surplus, but they are the indespensible conditions of value and surplus. The owner of them should get a part of surplus.


  • 我们拥有那些任何人不能冒犯所有物的一小部分

    It is that little piece of us that we alone possess hat nobody else can violate.


  • 如果一个小企业所有网站企业中心枢纽,并且,营销品牌关键部分

    If you're a small business owner, your website is the central hub of your company, and it's a pivotal part of your marketing and branding.


  • 经理股票期权(eso)作为企业所有剩余收益中拿出来让渡经理人部分剩余利润的索取权,成本的。

    Executive Stock Option (ESO) incentive has cost because it is a demand on the part of executives for surplus value from the owner of the enterprises.


  • 胆固醇一种天然类似脂肪物质存在所有动物组织包括人类,因为是所有细胞膜的组成部分

    Cholesterol is a natural fat-like substance found in all animal tissue-humans included-because it is part of all cell membranes.


  • 空间移动我们身体时候大脑构建起个“身体纲要”,我们所有身体部分的一种表现

    To move our bodies around in space, the brain builds what's called a "body schema," a representation of all our various parts.


  • 这块土地黎巴嫩所有却被以色列占据着。 以色列表示格兰高地部分同时确实属于叙利亚

    The territory is claimed by Lebanon, but occupied by Israel, which says it is part of the Golan Heights and actually belongs to Syria.


  • 成长所有部分发生大家身上并且一天回忆,并且会说:“困难成就了。”

    It's all part of growing up, it happens to everyone, and some day you will look back to all of this and say, "Hard as it was, it made me who I am today."


  • 辨证基础,也是所有中医临床分支学科的疾病诊断方法中医辨证系统的重要组成部分

    It is the basis of various hinds of differentiation of syndromes and the basic diagnostic method of all clinical branches of TCM, and an important component part of all differential system in TCM.


  • 现在艾米·塔博物馆部分所有的人都可以到那儿欣赏画了解俄国历史

    Now it's part of the Hermitage Museum, and everyone can go and see the paintings and learn about Russian history.


  • 现在艾米·塔博物馆部分所有的人都可以到那儿欣赏画了解俄国历史

    Now it's part of the Hermitage Museum, and everyone can go and see the paintings and learn about Russian history.


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