• 间是下周的16号,上午9点到下午3点,地点是学生中心

    It's next week on the 16th, at the student center from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.


  • 学年开始数十新生特拉华大学学生中心大厅里。

    DOZENS of new students crowded into a lobby of the University of Delaware's student center at the start of the school year.


  • 学生中心建立了完善的外国留学生管理制度提供良好学习条件服务

    ISC has established whole service and administrative system for international students and provided good learning conditions.


  • 本文重点论述了以学生中心远程学习理论、远程学习的交互理论远程学习模式

    The paper will be focused on examining the theory of distance learning circle with learner as the center, interactions theories of distance learning and distance learning models.


  • 临近威尔斯纪念步行5分钟语言中心3分钟到哈松洗衣店,2分钟到布里斯托国际留学生中心

    Adjacent to Wills Memorial Building, only 5 mins walk to Language center, 3 mins to Hathorn Laundry, and 2 mins to BISC!


  • 实践提炼出了导向性原则、尊重性原则、量质结合原则、激励性原则、多元评价原则学生中心原则具体的评价指导原则。

    In the practice it abstracts some concrete evaluation principals, for example, the orientation principal, the impelling principal, the student-center principal and so on.


  • 我国化学课程虽几经变革无不课程观的影响 ,具体表现为受学科中心学生中心、社会中心以及现代整合课程观的影响。

    Our Chemistry has experienced several reforms, but it is still effected by the course values, specifically by the subject-center, student-center, society-center and modern comprehensive course values.


  • 确定其他学生中心水族馆实习,上海洋生物学然后向游客讲解各种各样展览品

    I am pretty sure those other students are doing the internship at the center's aquarium, taking classes in marine biology and then teaching visitors about the various displays.


  • 是一辆往返于学校购物中心之间学生专车。

    The shuttle transports students between campus and the shopping centre.


  • 我们俱乐部每周二放学后,下午3:305:30,学生活动中心 TA01 室会面。

    Our club meets every Tuesday after school, from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm, at Room TA01 in the Student Activity Centre.


  • 正是这种信息缺乏促使第一代”组织2013年成立,最初联盟组织“学生机会中心”的一个分支

    It was this lack of information that prompted the launch of I'm First in 2013, originally as an arm of its umbrella organization, the Center For Student Opportunity.


  • 学生大学校外学习中心职员对话

    Listen to a conversation between a student and an employee at the university center for off-campus study.


  • 一些学校要求学生养老院儿童看护中心政府机构做志愿者提供社区服务

    Some schools require students to provide community service by volunteering in a nursing home, child care center or government agency.


  • 许多评论家声称教育中心教授一些课程只是在浪费时间学生毫无用处。

    Many critics claim that some subjects taught in educational centres are just wasting time and are not useful to the student.


  • 不过各个年龄段学生可以通过参观当地献血中心来了解更多有关献血过程的信息。

    Students of all ages, though, can learn more about the donation process by visiting a local blood donation center.


  • 一些学生今天封锁了穿过中心公路

    Some students today blocked a main road that cuts through the centre of the city.


  • 中国青少年研究中心调查显示学校事故是导致学生学生死亡的最大原因。

    A survey done by the China Youth and Children Research Center showed that school accidents kill more elementary and middle school students than anything else.


  • 制作应该学生中心,以学生为主导否则会无聊。

    Making should be student-directed and student-led, otherwise it's boring.


  • 解学校基础的校园资源在哪,如学生咨询中心、心理服务和辅导中心,这会让你在校园的头几周变得更容易,因为你不需要一边适应课程一边寻找这些地点。

    Getting to know where essential campus resources are—such as the student advising center, psychological services, and the tutoring center—will make your first few weeks on campus a lot easier, because you won't have to look for them while still getting used to your classes.


  • 果你是一名选择坐在繁忙的购物中心的桌子旁学习的学生,不要担心。

    If you're a student who chooses to study while sitting at a table in a busy shopping center, don't worry about it.


  • 环球中心位于麦克米伦大厅最底层,可供学生放松学习做饭吃东西

    The Globe, located in the bottom level of McMillan Hall, is available for relaxing, studying, cooking, and eating.


  • 早期捐款成立德索泰尔中心支持学生奖学金

    His earlier donations founded the Desautels Centre and supported student scholarships.


  • 中心主要目标之一就是教育学生,不论他们是否属于工程系,让他们成为科技化世界领导者

    And one of the primary aims of the center is to educate students, both engineers and non-engineers to be leaders in a world that is increasingly technological.


  • 儿童青少年神经病理学学习班中,学生会被送到学校的儿童研究中心观察医生如何儿童进行评估,然后他们详细写下自己看法

    The class on child and adolescent psychopathology sends them to the university's child study center to observe a clinician evaluating a child, after which they write up their own assessments.


  • 学生们现在前进他们建立企业入口网站,在幼儿教育论坛设计一个网络玩具购物中心

    And the students are moving ahead: They're building a business portal and have designed an online toy shopping mall on an infant education forum.


  • 还是学生那个春天周一我都要到昆虫大厦中心区,在我都会碰见杰克.弗朗克蒙教授。

    One spring when I was a graduate student, I would go each Monday down into the bowels of the entomology building.


  • 其中今年三月开枪射杀八名犹太神学院学生,另一人星期三耶路撒冷中心推土机轧死了名以色列人

    The homes belong to the families of a man who gunned down eight Jewish seminary students in March and the man who killed three Israelis on Wednesday with a bulldozer in the heart of Jerusalem.


  • 上世纪九十年代在对SAT平均最低学生群体进行考察后,评论家该考试带有种族主义、城市中心主义阶级偏见色彩。

    In the late nineties, based on reviewing the demographics of students with the lowest averages in the country, critics called the SAT racist, urban-centric and classist.


  • 根据应用语言学中心统计,2008年,美国为学生提供外语教学(包括普通话)中学占4%。

    According to the Center for Applied Linguistics, in 2008 only 4 percent of middle and high schools that offer foreign-language instruction included Mandarin.


  • 根据应用语言学中心统计,2008年,美国为学生提供外语教学(包括普通话)中学占4%。

    According to the Center for Applied Linguistics, in 2008 only 4 percent of middle and high schools that offer foreign-language instruction included Mandarin.


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