• 如果学生学习另一种语言学习其他文化他们毕业能做好迎接全球化的准备。

    If students learn another language and study other cultures, they will be more global-ready when they graduate.


  • 面对挫败例如不理想的成绩具有成长型思维模式学生表示他们更加努力地学习或是尝试一些不同学习策略

    Confronted by a setback such as a disappointing test grade, students with a growth mind-set said they would study harder or try a different strategy.


  • 如果目标标准化学习方法每个人在同一同样的方式学习同样的东西那么通过实践来学习其实已经符合这个模式

    If your goal is to have standardized approaches to learning, where everybody learns the same thing at the same time in the same way, then learning by doing doesn't really fit that mold anymore.


  • 拼读法为孩子们提供了一规则学生们学习单个字母发音然后学习这些字母组合一起如何发音。

    Phonics provides children with a code: pupils learn individual letter sounds and then learn how letters work in groups.


  • 能教导学生学习不理想学生导师会感到沮丧这些虚拟学生学习获得成功他们感到愉悦因为他们他人成就之中获得自豪满足

    Student tutors feel upset when their teachable students fail, but happy when these virtual pupils succeed as they derive pride and satisfaction from someone else's accomplishment.


  • 你在学校学习时,你必须努力学习,不要放弃。

    When you learn your lessons in school, you must work hard and not give up.


  • 逸作为交换生在英国学习英语,他的英国朋友邀请他学习中国文化课程。

    When Xu Yi was learning English as an exchange student in the UK, his English friend invited him to take a Chinese culture course.


  • 我们还是婴孩,我们学习自己的母语;当我们上学候,也许我们会学习新的语言,或是为了一次假期旅行绞尽脑汁费尽唇舌

    We learn it as a child, maybe study a new language at school, or pick up some choice phrases for a holiday trip.


  • 离开学校大学毕业,必然有人指出不是学习终止而是学习开始。

    When you leave school or college, someone will inevitably point out that it is not the end but only the beginning of learning.


  • 咖啡因这类温和兴奋剂可以产生情境依靠提高学习——所以如果学习咖啡碳酸水,那么考试要喝。

    Stimulants as mild as caffeine can produce state-dependent learning boostsso if you drink coffee or soda while studying, drink them before the test, too.


  • 我们一直在学习,却经常意识不到可是涉及完成既定学习目标,我们的大脑呈现出规律性节奏感

    We're learning all the time, often without even knowing it, but when it comes to achieving focused learning goals, our minds appreciate regularity and rhythm.


  • 下来学习,同学习几个内容- - - - - -而不是每天学习内容,每天就一个学习内容学习一点即可。

    When you sit down to study, mix up your topicsinstead of studying one topic per day, study every topic a little bit every day.


  • 有些清晨学习最有效率,有些人则在深夜学习最有效率。

    Some learn best in the early hours of the morning, others learn best late at night.


  • 学习过程中犯错正常引导你的团队通过不同阶段,那就把他们错误变成值得学习的要点吧。

    Making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process. When you guide one of your team through the different stages of leadership, turn their errors into learning points.


  • 其间他们现场学习代数英文小说还要学习一些会计课程帮助他们在一鸣惊人、功成名就管理自己财产

    In between they study algebra and English novels at an on-site school, and accounting classes aim to help them manage their finances should they hit the big time.


  • 开始,工作量不是很大,就是个学习过程,最开头学习如何保养自己的双手,接着学习各种手的姿势

    It was a process. I had to first learn how to take care of my hands, and then learn all the types of poses.


  • 对于某个主题,非常深入钻研,并用学习理解这样才能将其用来作为学习其他技能参照

    Going very deep into one subject, learning and understanding it over a course of several years, ACTS as a point of reference that is useful when we learn other subjects.


  • 理解广播中所讲事情不只是为了学习语言学习变得容易一些

    When you want to understand what's being said for reasons above and beyond learning the language, learning is easier.


  • 考试不仅仅老师用来折磨学生手段因为最新研究表明,考试大脑消化吸收学习材料的效果要比只是学习看书产生的效果好一些。

    Tests aren't just a way for teachers to torture their students, according to a new study that finds the brain encodes better mental hints during test-taking than during studying alone.


  • 德瑞问题就在于学习方法似乎彼此抗衡一个人分心习惯学习方式似乎取代叙述学习方式。

    The problem, Poldrack said, is that the two types of learning seem to be competing with each other, and when someone is distracted, habit learning seems to take over from declarative learning.


  • 所以学习语言艺术,虽局限于种族就是家里受尽磨难也在学习语言魔力

    And so Richard is learning a grammar of race even while he tries to work out how to use language as a source of power in his family.


  • 反馈使学习变得方便印刷品之类单向信息传递就没有反馈。学习驾驶摩托车,反馈必不可少。

    Feedback, which one-way communication like the printed page fails to provide, makes learning easy and, in the case of motor skills, is essential.


  • 学习抛开诸如电子邮件手机等令人分心的事物,专心学习目标

    Get rid of distractions like E-mail and your cell phone during this time and focus your attention on your learning goals.


  • 投身具有学习目的活动,你连接参与感学习两者。

    When you’re engaged with activities that have learning goals, you can connect the dots between engagement and learning.


  • 如果学习考考自己,你可能会感到学习起来比较困难但是通过测试学到更多东西。

    When you test yourself as you study, you may feel like you're making it harder on yourself, but on the test, you will do much better.


  • 原因在于学习程度女孩停止数学学习没有学到标准化测验取得高分所必需技能

    Why? Because somewhere along the way, girls stopped taking math and never learned the skills required to do well on standardized tests.


  • 可以上下学/班途中学习或者做运动学习节省

    Continue doing a lesson a day. You can do these on your commute or while you exercise to save time.


  • 工作的事,不知道有没有错,你是每周在大学学习至少32还是一个学习24

    I hear you talk about working and unless I missed something somewhere you are talking 32 hours a week at least or was that 24 hours a month on campus?


  • 工作的事,不知道有没有错,你是每周在大学学习至少32还是一个学习24

    I hear you talk about working and unless I missed something somewhere you are talking 32 hours a week at least or was that 24 hours a month on campus?


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