• 其它景点德阳孔庙艺术

    Other Scenic Spots: Deyang Confucius Temple, Art wall.


  • 曲阜孔庙生活着多种鹭鸟

    There live many kinds of egrets in the Confucian Temple in Qufu City.


  • 数以千计佛塔孔庙散布在风景区

    Thousands of Buddhist pagodas and Confucian temples spotted the landscape.


  • 故宫孔庙保留的编磬都灵璧。

    The Palace Museum, the Confucius temple keep stone-chime is produced in lingbi.


  • 孔庙叫夫子庙孔子、文宣王庙、文庙

    Confucian temple known as Confucius Temple, the Confucius Temple, the officer in Temple, Confucian Temple.


  • 孔庙祭祀孔子庙宇,是儒家文化象征载体

    Confucian Temple is the symbol and carrier of Confucianism Civilization, and it is build for monumentalizing Confucius.


  • 泮池的设置增添了孔庙灵气,优化了整体环境

    The establishment of Pan - chi also adds vitality to Confucius temple and beautifies the overall environment.


  • 台北孔庙采曲阜本建筑梁柱门窗刻字显得朴实庄严

    Taipei Confucius temple in Qufu, the temple architecture adopted, beam Windows and doors have made no lettering seems simple, yet dignified.


  • 这些作品曲阜孔庙诗礼堂集中展示请游客投票参与评选

    They will be exhibited in the Temple of Confucius in Qufu, and visitors can vote for their favorite.


  • 山东省曲阜市孔庙包括孔子及其后裔的宗庙等在内的庞大建筑群。

    The temple of Confucius is located in Qufu City, Shandong Province. It is a huge compound housing the ancestral temples of Confucius and his descendents.


  • 孔庙魁星阁是新余古代文化历史见证新余文明精神永久源泉

    The Kuixin pavilion of Kongzi Temple is the historical witness of the ancient culture of Xinyu as well as the permanent source of cultural progress.


  • 参加旅游之夜文艺晚会组织协调工作,到孔庙负责演出相关事项安排

    Then he was in charge of the organization work of "Tourism Night Literature and Art Evening Party", he arranged the relevant issues of the performance in a Confucian temple.


  • 根据洛杉矶时报》记载,这狮子来自孔子家乡——山东曲阜孔庙

    The two stone lions were from the Temple of Confucius in Qufu, Shandong province, the hometown of Confucius, according to the Los Angeles Times.


  • 同年二月成立台北圣庙建设筹备处募集约五千坪作为孔庙建筑基地

    Temple in Taipei in February the same year established the Preparatory Office of construction, raising a total of about 5000 base floor construction as the Confucius Temple.


  • 摘要薛瑄第一明代孔庙明儒,无疑明代思想史中的重要课题

    Xue Xuan was the first Confucian to be enshrined in the Temple to Confucius during the Ming Dynasty, which is definitely a major topic in the study of Ming intellectual history.


  • 棂星门孔庙特有一种建筑形式通常宽大至七开间,采取歇山重檐屋顶

    Confucius Temple Lingxing-door is a unique architectural style, often voluminous large seven-bay, and take Xieshan roof eaves.


  • 文具店老板称这种山东孔庙举行过祈福典礼,由于彩头好,深受考生家长欢迎。

    The pens, marked "Blessed by the Temple of Confucius" on their packages, are very popular among exam sitters and their parents, said one stationery shopkeeper.


  • 纪念“至圣”诞辰2562年,铺地毯孔庙焕然一新孩子们齐声朗诵孔子作品。

    It was his two thousand five hundred and sixty-second birthday, and the Confucius Temple was spruced up for the occasion with a red carpet and a corps of children chanting his words in unison.


  • 学术界孔庙研究探讨相应增多但是地方孔庙资料整理方面进展落后

    Academic study of the Confucian temple is also increased, but the material collation of those local Confucian temples is slightly behind in progress.


  • 资讯科技产业大本营台北,有许多孔庙庙宇这些往往也是取得神地方

    In the middle of the IT city of Taipei you can find an overload of Confucian, Taoist and Buddhist temples that serve as oracle places.


  • 孔子公元479年逝世,人们不一定通过外面标语孔庙第二祭孔大典”得知这些

    The birthday boy has been dead since 479 B.C., but one wouldn’t necessarily know that from the sign outside: this was the “second annual” birthday party at the Confucius Temple.


  • 孔庙祭祀孔子及其夫人亓氏七十二贤人地方,是推广儒家教化而兴建的重要礼制建筑

    Confucian Temple is the place where people offer sacrifice to Confucius and his wife and 72 sages and it is an important feudal ethical building for promoting Confucian culture.


  • 今年欣然安排会见一位造纸灯笼艺人,也经历同样事情最近南京孔庙周围被清空。

    This year Xinran arranged for me to meet a maker of paper lanterns who had the same thing happen to him during a more recent clearance round Nanjing's Confucius temple.


  • 专家评论认为其一之精湛精巧某些地方北京故宫、曲阜孔庙龙柱的雕刻还要高出一筹

    Some experts commented that one of the art is exquisite, delicate, in some places than in Beijing Forbidden City, Confucius Temple in Qufu carved dragon pillars much higher edge.


  • 专家评论认为其一之精湛精巧某些地方北京故宫、曲阜孔庙龙柱的雕刻还要高出一筹

    Some experts commented that one of the art is exquisite, delicate, in some places than in Beijing Forbidden City, Confucius Temple in Qufu carved dragon pillars much higher edge.


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