• 我们必须斗争直到肤色妨碍权利为止。

    We must fight to see that no one is refused his rights because of race or colour.


  • 另一些认为这种活动占用学生大量时间妨碍他们学习

    Other people think this activity will take up plenty of time of students and get in the way of their study.


  • 过去的研究表明,婴儿能够记住某些是帮过还是妨碍过别。 在工作的启发下,如果婴儿看到一个绅士行为,可能会留下长久印象。

    the new work, if a baby sees a big man act like a gentleman, it might


  • 这种认为正确方式某些重要,但是这种习惯没有妨碍他们生活反而能够帮助他们取得巨大的成功

    They find it important to do certain things in the right way, but this need does not hinder their lives and can actually help them achieve great success.


  • 当一患上抑郁症,抑郁症会妨碍们的日常生活、正常机能并使抑郁患者照顾患者的们感到痛苦

    When you have depression, it interferes with daily life and causes pain for both you and those who care about you.


  • 过去研究表明婴儿能够记住某些帮过还是妨碍

    Past studies have shown that babies are also able to remember whether certain people have helped or hindered others.


  • 但是一些来说,过分瞌睡妨碍日常工作照顾孩子甚至休闲活动的时间都没有了。

    But for some people, excessive sleepiness actually gets in the way of daily work, childcare, and even leisure activities.


  • 一个患上抑郁症,抑郁症会妨碍日常生活正常机能使抑郁患者照顾患者们感到痛苦

    When a person has a depressive disorder, it interferes with daily life, normal functioning, and causes pain for both the person with the disorder and those who care about him or her.


  • 相当年轻因身患疾病妨碍了身体生长发育,无法充分发挥潜力

    A much greater number of young people suffer from illnesses which hinder their ability to grow and develop to their full potential.


  • 位食品与农村事务部发言认为预算削减妨碍保护区建立。

    A Defra spokesman denied that budget cuts would damage the ability to implement the new protected areas.


  • 位食品与农村事务部发言认为预算削减妨碍保护区建立。

    Defra spokesman denied that budget cuts would damage the ability to implement the new protected areas.


  • 行为准则维护自己的尊严妨碍自由

    The sum of behaviour is to retain a man's own dignity, without intruding upon the liberty of others. ( F.


  • 预计这场7地震将使得150万无家可归,而支离破碎基础设施烧杀掠夺混乱社会又妨碍了国际援助的发放。

    An estimated 1.5 million have been left homeless by the 7.0 magnitude quake and the delivery of aid has been hampered by the country's shattered infrastructure and reports of looting.


  • 履行工作,他不他杀死的那些,他不是在对他们实施报复,他杀他们不是因为他们妨碍他,威胁或者攻击他。

    He's doing his work, he doesn't hate the people he executes, he's not taking revenge on them, he's not killing them because they're in his way or threatening him or attacking him.


  • 法国航空公司发言francoisBrousse飞机的一些装置运转不灵,妨碍空中管制员的联系

    Francois Brousse, an air France spokesman, said several of the plane's mechanisms had malfunctioned, preventing it from making contact with air traffic controllers.


  • 我们信仰很大关系,我们坚信,选择自由而且一个不能妨碍灵性成长

    This was largely to do with the strong belief, that we have freedom of choice, and one could not interfere with another's spiritual growth.


  • 采取该项措施时,不得妨碍被稽查正常生产经营活动

    This measure shall by no means hamper the normal production and operation activities of the units being checked.


  • 由此可以得出结论:将屋子里以其它方式切断交往妨碍儿童大脑发育

    It follows that growing up locked in a closet or otherwise cut off from human contact will impair a child's brain development.


  • 说,这样安全问题正在妨碍组织接近撒哈拉沙漠以南非洲,因为移民害怕他们国际移民组织的面谈可能会引起注意

    She says such security issues are hampering her group's access to sub-Saharan Africans - that migrants are afraid of the attention that a meeting with IOM might bring.


  • 专横绰号无论是用于一个还是其职业攻击性含糊不清妨碍交流

    A presumptuous nickname, whether applied directly to a person or one's profession, can thwart communication by its offensiveness as much as by its ambiguity.


  • 不论周围如何轻蔑,都不该妨碍冷艳高傲的活着贵,珍贵

    No matter how people around the eyes with contempt, alive should not hinder your elegant arrogant. You are expensive, and you want to live a precious!


  • 行为准则维护自己尊严妨碍自由

    People's behavior is to maintain their own dignity, without prejudice to the freedom of others.


  • 妨碍每个查明他们所热衷寻求的不易真相,而一真相是部分希望掩盖的关于自己的过往

    It would hamper everyone interested in finding out inconvenient truths about those who would like their past covered up.


  • 报告越来越经历长期失业年轻停止工作,这妨碍年轻获取工作经验

    The report says more and more young people who experience long-term unemployment stop looking for work. It says this prevents young people from gaining on-the-job experience.


  • 报告越来越经历长期失业年轻停止工作,这妨碍年轻获取工作经验

    The report says more and more young people who experience long-term unemployment stop looking for work. It says this prevents young people from gaining on-the-job experience.


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