• 但愿自己能够好好学习出家人

    I hope I will work hard and learn to be in accord with the dharma as a left-home person.


  • 作用可以不同角度进行分类一般作用具体作用;

    Roles of law can be classified by different standards. For example, general and specific roles;


  • 年轻球员如法比奥·里尼,马蒂克库卡塔出现明天替补名单里。

    Young players Fabio Borini, Nemanja Matic and Gael Kakuta will be on the substitutes' bench tomorrow.


  • 佛陀的话称为“善语”,因为善良如法充满意义引导人心到达实相

    Buddha's words are called "Kind Advice" because they are virtuous, authentic, meaningful, and can lead us to the Absolute Reality.


  • 这位女士如法操作15分钟这时女性朋友拜访她,什么

    After 15 minutes of this, a lady-one of the woman's friends came over and asked what she was doing.


  • 舍利弗比丘、比丘尼最优秀弟子佛所教如法修行,通达盘。

    Slandering Sangha:Shariputra, Ananda and all bhikhus and bhikhunis practising as Buddha does for entering nirvana are best disciples of the Thus Come One.


  • 那些教导并且那些知识当作灭除烦恼解脱痛苦之工具的人,依照佛陀意旨如法修行。

    Someone who has studied the teaching and employs that knowledge as a tool for killing defilement or dealing with suffering is doing it right, according to the Buddha's intention.


  • 佛陀“中品般若经”所讲,我们修行时,不能修行,听到持的,都将会变成堕入的因。

    Like the Buddha in the "jing", in practice, if not as a science such as law practice, hear, or the practice of teaching, which will become due to falling into evil way.


  • 不会,从另外一个角度看,世界陷入种连美国都被证实如法偿还债务的境地的话,大量资产在此之前就首先拖欠了。

    To put it another way, if the world ever got into a state where America did prove unable to pay, lots of other assets would have defaulted first.


  • 不会另外一个角度看,世界陷入种连美国都被证实如法偿还债务的境地的话,大量资产在此之前就首先拖欠了。

    No. To put it another way, if the world ever got into a state where America did prove unable to pay, lots of other assets would have defaulted first.


  • 调查一致显示,男性天黑后街上感到安全。可参见欣德朗洛的著作(1978年,127)。

    Surveys consistently find that men report feeling safe on the street after dark. See, for example, Hindelang and Garofalo (1978, p.127).


  • 根据反贿赂证明必须带有具体效益批准份合同项规定

    But under anti-bribery laws, proof must be made of concrete benefits, such as approval of a contract or regulation.


  • 欧洲使用一种较新的激素干预措施使用GnRH 类似物,乙基酰胺

    A newer hormonal intervention used in Europe is use of GnRH analogs such as nafarelin or buserelin.


  • 可以使用分类其他一些(日期范围编组示例中所示)分层的方式编组这些

    The values can be organized hierarchically in a taxonomy or in some other way, such as grouping dates into ranges, as in the example.


  • 尽管我们知道事实并非,我们还是一既往,因为我们以为除此以外别无

    Even though we know that that's not true, we stick with it because we believe there are no alternatives.


  • 世卫组织正在促进使用所有可能有助于公众健康食品技术巴氏灭菌,食品辐照发酵

    WHO is promoting the use of all food technologies which may contribute to public health, such as pasteurization, food irradiation and fermentation.


  • 覆盖了数据一些正式规范技术关系记号状态记号,规则表示等等

    It covers data flow diagrams and several formal specification techniques, such as relational notations, state notations, regular expressions, and so on.


  • 评论家表示智利需要动力同时走出他的老路低下的生产率呆板劳动

    Chile needs to regain its momentum, say critics, and work out kinks such as lost productivity and rigidity in labor laws.


  • 有些领域广播转播权国会将其列入反垄断豁免条款,从而保护此类协作

    In a number of areas, such as broadcasting rights, Congress has written exemptions to antitrust law to protect such collaboration.


  • 妨害行为限制所有权人下列使用土地伤害他的邻居、将烟雾难闻的气味喷放他人的土地上。

    There is the law of "nuisance", which restricts me from using my land in such a way as to hurt my neighbors, pouring smoke or sending bad smells onto his land, for example.


  • 调查发现心理帮助服用药物替代品一些自助放松都是有助于停药

    Also helpful, the analysis found, were psychological support, the use of substitute drugs, and self-help approaches such as relaxation techniques.


  • 清洁空气授权美国环保局监管有害污染物微粒物质臭氧

    The Clean Air Act mandates the EPA to regulate harmful pollutants such as particulate matter and ozone.


  • 这个自动化系统所面临一个问题面对受版权保护材料可以律上例外情况使用版权新闻报道

    One problem automated systems face is that copyrighted material can be legally used under exceptions to copyright laws, such as those for news reporting.


  • 他们可以以下目的地进行一次虚拟徒步观光旅行伦敦加的夫贝尔斯特爱丁堡以及南安普敦阿伯丁布里斯托尔诺里奇

    They will be able to take a virtual walking tour of destinations such as London, Cardiff, Belfast and Edinburgh, and from Southampton to Aberdeen, Bristol to Norwich.


  • 是因为食谱纳入一些成本材料,龙虾仁中列出这些材料为了证明饮食允许消费各种食物

    This was due to the inclusion of recipes with some high costingredients such as lobster tails which were put in the book todemonstrate the variety of foods which could be consumed on the diet.


  • 分析开始罗列一家公司四个方面的属性,一种特殊优势可以群敬业的员工或是一些当前极具价值的专利

    The process starts by listing a firm’s attributes under the four headings; a particular strength, for example, might be a dedicated workforce or some currently valuable patent.


  • 这些研究是否有助于帮助幸存下来的那个双胞胎还是有争议的。认知问题解决问题先决所在,博士似乎已经做到了。

    Whether this knowledge can be used to help surviving twins is moot. But identifying a problem is the first step to remedying it. Dr Pharoah seems to have done that.


  • 虽然耶德家族的这位继承人总是温和、有礼,但简直让他感觉“芒刺在背”,因为多迪毫无时间概念却还为必然延误发脾气。

    Although unaggressive and unfailingly polite, the Fayed heir was "a complete pain in the backside" with no concept of time-keeping, yet petulant at necessary delays.


  • 虽然耶德家族的这位继承人总是温和、有礼,但简直让他感觉“芒刺在背”,因为多迪毫无时间概念却还为必然延误发脾气。

    Although unaggressive and unfailingly polite, the Fayed heir was "a complete pain in the backside" with no concept of time-keeping, yet petulant at necessary delays.


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