• 如果建议的话何不红酒来配道菜呢?

    If I may give a suggestion, why don't you order the red wine with this meal?


  • 如果在周二周三坐飞机并且至少提前21购票建议预订往返短途航班

    If you can fly on a Tuesday or Wednesday, and buy your tickets at least 21 days in advance, I suggest you book a round trip excursion flight.


  • 如果在周二周三坐飞机并且至少提前21购票建议预订往返短途航班

    If you can fly on a Tuesday or Wednesday, and buy your tickets at least 21 days in advance, I suggest you book a round-trip excursion flight.


  • 建议有些部门如果培养该国所需的、经过充分训练专业人员就必须继续现有水平提供经费。

    May I suggest that there are some departments which must continue to be financed at existing levels if these are to produce the fully trained professionals which the country needs.


  • 建议读布鲁克·莱恩的小说,:“好吧如果认为成功的话。”

    She suggested Brooke Lane and I thought, "Well, if you think it'll make me successful."


  • 如果打算花钱的话,建议住宅一些制作精良窗户

    If you are going to spend some money, what I'd recommend more than anything else is that you invest in some well-made window locks for your house.


  • 如果·威瑟斯塔夫。”玛莎建议

    "If I was you, I'd ask Ben Weatherstaff," advised Martha.


  • 如果朋友辞职不知如何选择的话,首先建议一份符合价值观工作

    If my friend was thinking about leaving her career, but didn't know which one to choose, I would first recommend her to search for work that best fits her values.


  • 如果打算参加未来招聘会建议报名参加一个面试研讨会

    If you plan on attending future career fairs, I recommend you sign up for one of our interview workshops.


  • 后她问医生:“如果我是你的母亲,你会建议什么?”

    She then asked the doctor, "If I am your mother, what will you recommend?"


  • 你不想受这个问题的困扰,那么我建议,下次你去妈妈家吃饭时,向她学习一些烹饪技巧。

    If you are not going to suffer this problem, then I suggest that the next time you go to your mum's home for dinner, get a few cooking tips from her.


  • 要对与外国人建立和保持友谊提点建议的话,想说的是:把外国人当作人,而不是机会。

    If there is any advice to give on making and keeping friendships with foreigners, I would say that it is this: Treat foreigners as people, not opportunities.


  • 如果这些问题答案肯定的,那么建议使用清单6的代码。

    If the answer was yes to all of that then I would recommend something like Listing 6.


  • 如果爱好读书,建议你去书店,在那里会遇到合适的女人

    If you are into reading books, I suggest you go to a bookstore and meet women.


  • 如果是个男人,建议星期开始练习倾听不管女人何时说话,你都尊重了解心情态度倾听。

    If you are a man, I suggest that for the next week you practice listening whenever a woman speaks, with the sole intention of respectfully understanding what she is going through.


  • ,穿靴子主人,“如果听取建议发财了。”

    Then one day Puss in Boots said to his master, "If you will only follow my advice, your fortune is made."


  • 建议如果一个用户可信的,那么临时目录放在那个用户目录下。

    I suggest placing temporary directories inside a user's home directory if the user is trusted.


  • 如果接受了建议打算慢慢长大,你就应该按揭付款工作或者一个女孩所牵绊。

    If you took my advice about taking your time to grow up, you won't yet be attached to a mortgage payment, a job, or a girl.


  • 如果处理大量文件建议创建一个脚本,通过它自动处理修改文件。

    If you are going to process a large amount of files, I suggest creating a script that iterates the files to change.


  • 重要如果大家其他建议也会高兴采纳。

    That's important. But if you have any other Suggestions, I would love to hear about them.


  • 如果可能,极力建议定制对象扩展现有集合

    If at all possible, I strongly recommend you have your custom objects extend an existing collection.


  • 如果如此建议:你一个怎样的人,就选择怎样格言

    If you choose this option I would recommend that the quote be something that is a reflection of yourself.


  • 建议如果喜欢本文看到的内容,那就最好加入JDIC项目

    My best advice, if you like what you've seen in this article, is to get involved with the JDIC project.


  • 如果那么做的话,建议一些照片和现任住户分享一下

    If you're going to try that, I recommend brining some old photos to share with the new residents.


  • 强烈建议,如果忘记变量积分的知识,现在就是一个很好的复习机会

    OK, so, yeah that's a strong suggestion that if you've forgotten everything about single variable calculus, now would be a good time to actually brush up on integrals.


  • 如果是个CEO建议不要说什么自己知道组织战略方向希望别人处理

    If you are the CEO, I don't recommend that you tell people you have no idea what the strategic direction of the organization should be and you would like someone to handle that for you.


  • 如果机会的话,建议在这里一下

    If you haven't had a chance to read it, I recommend checking it out here.


  • 如果尝试XP建议暂且一直使用所有实践确定放弃哪些实践。

    If you want to try XP, I recommend you use all of the practices all of the time for a while, to see which ones you would be willing to give up.


  • 建议如果因为动物同情而选择成为素食主义者,那么你也应该这样

    I submit that if you're a vegan due to compassion for animals that you should follow this same path.


  • 建议如果因为动物同情而选择成为素食主义者,那么你也应该这样

    I submit that if you're a vegan due to compassion for animals that you should follow this same path.


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