• 如果当时森林里野兽我们了,我们总还能在一起

    If the wild beasts in the forest had but devoured us, we should at any rate have died together.


  • 想,如果当时有一个人对我父亲说了那些话,他的命运会变得不同。

    I think my father's fate would be changed differently if he'd had just one person saying those words to him.


  • 德里如果当时决定权在孩子养大。

    Mr Jandali said if it had been his choice he would have wanted to keep the baby.


  • 如果当时知道现在情况可能不会那样做了。

    If I had known then what I know now, I probably would have done things differently.


  • 如果当时没有时间回答,那么回来尽快谈论这个问题

    If there isn't time at that moment to answer the question, come back to the topic as soon as possible.


  • 如果当时大街上远离当前危险前往安全的地方。

    If you're out on the street, go someplace safe and away from the immediate danger.


  • 说明着如果当时存在重力,从水中就可以见到它的模式

    That means if atmospheric gravity waves are present, their pattern becomes visible in the water.


  • 如果当时采取必要预防措施台风就会造成更加严重损害

    If we had not taken necessary precautions, the typhoon would have inflicted heavier damages.


  • 如果当时巴西留意之外南美足球桑巴高通胀

    If Brazil was noticed at all outside South America, it was for soccer, samba and hyperinflation.


  • 左边不远条沟如果当时飞机往前多开......

    Near the road on the left there is a gully and if the plane rolled several more meters


  • 当然如果当时没有这笔紧急资金援助,高盛也许根本无法渡过难关

    And of course there is the prospect that Goldman wouldn't have made it at all if it hadn't been for the emergency loan.


  • 他们声音如果当时投行首脑们注意雷曼或许能逃这一劫。

    Had they been heeded by the investment bank's bosses, perhaps Lehman could have been saved.


  • 如果当时正在生气、紧张心存疑虑很可能引发这种感觉,他人产生负面反应

    If you go into a situation acting angry, defensive, or suspicious, you'll invoke that emotion in yourself, and likely a negative reaction from others.


  • 六千五百万年前恐龙灭绝时期如果当时食物变得匮乏,那么恐龙就更难存活下来

    If food became scarce at the time the dinosaurs became extinct 65 million years ago, this could have made it harder for them to survive.


  • 如果当时发现了白雪,她身体出来,她如此猛烈恨着这个少女

    If she had caught sight of Snow-white at that moment, she would have been ready to tear her heart out of her body, she hated the maiden so fiercely.


  • 如果当时我们功课,做些市场调查我们知道兼容性即使不是致命的也是个问题

    And if we'd done our homework and market research we could have known that this would be, if not a show-stopper at least a significant obstacle.


  • 如果当时什么也没有选中,与其运行报错(干脆令人费解地什么也不干),倒不如禁用操作

    If nothing is selected then, rather than letting it run and report an error or just mysteriously do nothing, why don't we disable the action?


  • 回想所有这些如果当时听从自己直觉关注这些“信号”,我还会发生这个事故吗?我知道

    Looking back on all of this, had I listened to my intuition, or paid attention to "the signs" would I have broken my back? I don't know.


  • 如果当时银行业隐患得以清理,接下来希腊遇到真正财政危机时,它们应对此事的选择多得多

    If the EU had sorted out the banks back then, it could have chosen among a variety of options in dealing with the one genuine fiscal crisis it had in Greece.


  • 至少如果当时15自己--那个Capri Sun果汁,说这些事情,我会觉得好过很多。

    At least I imagine if I could tell this to my 15 year old self, sipping the Capri Sun, it would have helped with mine.


  • 如果当时任由基金破产也许贝尔斯登美国国际集团公司行为就不至于那么冒险,而且表面上看还很有保障

    If the hedge fund had simply been allowed to fail, perhaps the likes of Bear Stearns and AIG wouldn't have engaged in risky behaviour under a guise of false security.


  • 如果当时教皇没有创建新的日历,那么128春分会向后推迟整整1,如此下来复活节最终会被推后至冬至

    If the he hadn't established the new calendar, every 128 years the equinox would have come a full calendar day earlier-eventually putting Easter in chilly midwinter.


  • 如果当时一个小时掌握诸如回归分析自动校正之类最新技术上,我也许会在以后的生涯中浪费生命

    Had I instead spent that hour each day learning the latest techniques for mastering the problems of autocorrelation in regression analysis, I would have badly misspent my life.


  • 现在回想起来,表现与其说愤怒还不如说是意识到了只有我自己一个如果当时没有任何人帮助的话,我只能自己

    Looking back, I think I acted less in anger than from a realization that I was on my own, that if anybody was going to help me at that moment, it had to be myself.


  • 因为一个医药失误没有得到任何止痛药天里所经历的疼痛如此剧烈残酷如果当时能力的话很可能就自我了断了。

    Because of a medical mistake, I was not given any pain medication, and the suffering I experienced was so severe and unrelenting for five days that I would have taken my life if I had had the means.


  • 因为一个医药失误没有得到任何止痛药天里所经历的疼痛如此剧烈残酷如果当时能力的话很可能就自我了断了。

    Because of a medical mistake, I was not given any pain medication, and the suffering I experienced was so severe and unrelenting for five days that I would have taken my life if I had had the means.


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