• 这本举例说明了一件小事比如片,是如何置于危险之中的。

    This book gives examples of how one small action, such as making potato crisps, puts people in danger.


  • 这个工作组的其中SaraBerman伦敦时尚设计师我们工作就是简约什么以及我们如何飞利浦这个理念真正传达给消费者

    Says London fashion designer Sara Berman, one of the five: 'Our job was to say: "What is simplicity, and how are we going to make Philips be the bearer of that banner?"


  • 除了财务方面估计,执行力强并可以信赖的是潜在投资者要研究的.无论企业家创建技能水平如何,常常需要协助的.尽管很多非核心活动是可以外包的,某些部门,例如销售,还是需要随时关注的.你应该列出所有的必要技能,他们放到模型里定价,发现缺口并合适的候选.

    Regardless of the entrepreneur's/founder's skill set, he will invariably need help. While many non-core activities can be outsourced, certain functions, such as sales, will need full-time attention.


  • 名作家年轻拉到一边:“如何写作,但是我不能教会你成为一名伟大的作家。”

    The great author took the young man aside, saying, "I can teach you to write, but I cannot teach you to become a writer."


  • 机器迎接家里之前必须喜欢信任他们,来自世界各地好几个研究团体正在研发如何机器容易沟通的渠道。

    People are going to have to like, and importantly trust robots before they welcome them into their homes, and several groups around the world are working on making it easier to communicate with them.


  • 他们的研究团队发现,与真相比机器送上月球简单易行,至少需要空气粮食,更不用考虑如何让它回来。

    The team found that sending a robot to the Moon is far easier than sending a person - it does not need air or food and there is no return trip.


  • 我们中的大部分清醒大量时间工作上,但我们如何看待这些决定我们生活质量好坏的时间呢。

    Most of us spend many of our waking hours at work. How we think about those hours will determine how good or bad we feel about our lives.


  • 欧洲领导与其想出办法卡梅隆置于困境中,还不如考虑如何帮助卡梅隆摆脱那些更加激进后座议员们的困扰。

    Rather than working out how to skewer Mr Cameron, European leaders would do better thinking what they can offer him that might get him off the hook with his more rabid backbenchers.


  • 既然资源有限的(产品),那么如何注意力集中最重要数据上呢?

    Given finite resources (human or product), how is attention focused on what data is critical to analyze?


  • 卡曾巴赫咨询公司创始尼科·坎纳指出,面对挑战,我们不应只眼光局限如何填补财务漏洞上,还要努力开拓新的经营战略

    Niko Canner, co-founder of consultancy Katzenbach Partners, notes that the challenge is to look beyond the critical work of plugging financial holes to forge fresh strategies.


  • 电影爱好者一步心理学家这项技术应用实验,观察性别如何影响其他身体语言

    Psychologists rather than moviegoers are the first to see the benefits of the new technology: putting it to use in experiments that test how a person's gender affects the body language of others.


  • 安心的是们可以青少年担忧方面看作生物体学习如何周围环境交涉表现

    It's reassuring to recast worrisome aspects as signs of an organism learning how to negotiate its surroundings.


  • YouTube可以每一个侵犯版权视频删除某种程度上他们的确是这样做的—但是如果一千上传同一个视频的话,它又如何追得这个速度呢?

    YouTube could delete every clip uploaded in violation of copyrightto some degree they dobut if you have a few thousand people uploading the same clip, how do you stay ahead of that?


  • 1924年,当罗伯特·戈达德博士马萨诸塞州伍斯特市克拉克大学黑板上演示将来如何地球送上月球时,他被嘲笑说梦

    Mission impossible: Dr Robert Goddard was mocked for using a blackboard at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts, in 1924, to describe how man flying to the Moon would one day be possible


  • 工商学院学习之前TiliaWong 从事过建筑管理工作,习惯自己当作女生意,她知道如何自己在冠以“女性”的称谓下,看起来更自信更能胜任自己的工作。

    Tilia Wong worked in construction management before going to business school and got used to thinking of herself as a businesswoman who knew how to keep assertive behavior under wraps.


  • 认为素质教育强调如何一个所学的东西运用到实践中去。

    I think creative education lays more emphasis on how to apply what one has learned to practice.


  • 行为学经济学对于生活行为,毕竟有它们最大的重要性不管它们如何分类如何形容它们

    Praxeology and economics will retain their paramount significance for human life and action however people may classify and describe them.


  • 牌九绝招不管如何洗牌任何普通牌可保证大天小地手法速度看起来非常正常不换。

    Pai Gow trick two no matter how people move card shuffling, any ordinary card can guarantee that each turn to big, small, manual speed makes a person looks very normal, not steal do not change.


  • 这场争吵表明了一些如何自己婚姻消耗竭力改变配偶思想上

    This argument illustrates how some people spend their marriages struggling to change a spouse's mind.


  • 可知道如何制得服服帖帖的,”墙上一个

    He knows how to teach a dog a lesson, 'said one of the men on the wall.


  • 为了一个试验,“20/20”节目雇用了演员有些容貌出众,有些不是。但演员们放在特定环境下看看“漂亮如何常常得到优待的。

    To conduct an experiment, 20/20 hired actors——some great looking, some not——and put them in situations to gauge how often the "lookers" would get preferential treatment.


  • 罗马惊扰诸神他们纵火焚烧林海,他们属于我们的一并掠走,妻子孩子土地。却那里言辞地说他们怎样怎样施以援手如何如何庇护我们

    The Romans disturb the Gods, they burn the forests, they take what is ours: wives, children, land. And the Romans talk of how they will help us and protect us.


  • 然而有时只想罗列一些指导原则,告诉你如何最新健身研究应用实践之中

    But sometimes you just want someone to lay out guidelines for how to put the newest fitness research into practice.


  • 古时水手曾误海牛认作,实可说明数月汪洋大海豪饮朗姆缺乏女性陪伴的生活是如何严重眼花

    SAILORS of old sometimes mistook manatees for mermaids, which shows how months at sea quaffing rum and missing female company can cloud one's vision.


  • 古时水手曾误海牛认作,实可说明数月汪洋大海豪饮朗姆缺乏女性陪伴的生活是如何严重眼花

    SAILORS of old sometimes mistook manatees for mermaids, which shows how months at sea quaffing rum and missing female company can cloud one's vision.


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