• 风头鹦鹉[雪球]酷爱[新男孩]。

    Snowball the cockatoo just loves Backstreet Boys.


  • 布鲁克讨厌男孩》!

    Brooke hates the Backstreet Boys!


  • 这时转过身,脸上告诉我要做一个男孩

    Then he would lean over and give me a big kiss on the cheek and tell me to be a good boy. It was so embarrassing for me.


  • 仍然坚持己见,我相信自己最后肯定找到一个男孩然后和结婚生子。

    But still I held on to the conviction that eventually I would find a nice boy, and we'd get married, have children.


  • 翻译:马克是个男孩不是干净总是。 翟。

    Mark is a good boy, but he is not very clean. His face and hands always very dirty.


  • 朋友名字李明是个男孩,他比大,我们认识时候

    My best friend 'name is Li Ming, he is good boy, he is older than me, we meet each other when I was 8.


  • 一辈子认为寻求成为一个真正男孩儿子,我的选择姚明一定非常

    Whole life I think that seek be a real to my good boy's son, my choice Yao, he to I definite very good.


  • 我会小东西不要迟到没有天都穿着红色围巾认真干净,我会成为老师眼中男孩

    I will punch the little things such as: do not be late no days are wearing red scarf earnest clean I will become a teacher in the eyes of a good helper the mother in the eyes of the good boy.


  • 一个派对上见到如此优秀许多男孩尾随着她。虽然是个男孩但是没有人注意

    He met her on a party. She was so outstanding, many guys chasing after her, while he was so normal, nobody paid attention to him.


  • 很快变得受欢迎少女很崇拜比伯保持形象但是来到18岁的时候,变得很叛逆,他不再一个男孩

    He became popular soon, the teenage girls adore him so much, Bieber keeps his good imagine, but as he turn to 18, he becomes rebel, he is no more a good boy.


  • 克里斯·本:威廉王子在大众的眼中总是男孩的形象,而哈里王子则男孩但其实威廉读大学常常会去畅饮一番。

    Chris Robben: Where Prince William has always been seen as the good boy against Prince Harry the bad boy... actually, a lot of the time when he was at university, you know, he'd sunk a few pints 15.


  • 天晚上,女孩睡得很,但男孩没睡

    That night, the girl had a good sleep, but the boy didn't sleep well.


  • 然,他叫道:“上帝!我真羡慕这个男孩!这不公平!为什么不能让我拥有的视力呢?”

    Suddenly, he cried, "God! How I envy this boy! It's unfair! Why not give me good sight?"


  • 十天没钓到一条鱼,男孩的父母告诉他,老人现在是“撒劳”了,这是最倒霉的倒霉事。于是男孩和另一条船一起去了,这条船在第一个星期就钓到了三条鱼。

    After forty days without a fish, the boy's parents had told him that the old man was now salao, which is the worst form of unlucky, and the boy had gone with another boat which caught three good fish the first week.


  • 班里的男孩一样,西亚肯不觉得动作片似的广告有什么

    Unlike the boys in her class, Thieken says she's not impressed with the action ads.


  • 这样独有方式声张其他(大部分)男孩一样,可我这样着呢

    It's my way of saying: no, I am not like (most) other boys, and I'm okay with that.


  • 激素洗礼造就了一个器官,它将引起典型男孩行为方式比如打闹争斗。

    This wash of hormones creates an organ that generates typically boyish behaviour, such as rough-and-tumble play.


  • 认出这个小男孩谁家的仆童,但是起来出去走走或许会他的身体一点,到外面去吃饭也能让自己提神。

    Old Chu didn't recognize whose serving boy it was, but he thought getting out of bed might do him good; a meal out would lift his spirits.


  • 参加团队活动,男孩要以比平常次数说明他们健康还是女孩平常多30次。

    Boys were five times more likely to describe their health as fair or poor when they were not playing on a sports team, and girls were 30 times more likely to provide the same details.


  • 男孩经常电话拍下他们比赛的画面,并把视频放在Facebook上里,更多朋友欣赏他们的英勇表现

    The boys often used phones to film their contests, Posting the videos to a private Facebook group so more friends could admire their prowess.


  • 这个解释时侯,想到祖母夏天或者冬天总是她的头发剪男孩方法但是不是一个办公室聊天话题

    When the expression was explained to her, she thought of the way her grandmother used to clip her hair shorter than a boy's, in summer or winter, but this would not make a good office tale.


  • 这个电影不仅仅是个平庸的传奇故事——一个女孩得到一个男孩因为漂亮而且占便宜

    This movie isn’t an insipid fantasy where the girl gets the guy just because she’s pretty and put upon.


  • 这个电影不仅仅是个平庸的传奇故事——一个女孩得到一个男孩因为漂亮而且占便宜

    This movie isn’t an insipid fantasy where the girl gets the guy just because she’s pretty and put upon.


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