• 国泰航空公司航空服务董事邝乐彬必须把握好格舒程度之间平衡

    " It's a fine line you have to ride, balancing cost and comfort, " says Robert Cutler, Cathay Pacific's director of service delivery.


  • 全国盲人联合会主席迈克尔·欣希望家庭能用一台电视机独眼巨人家用模型

    Michael Hingson, Director of the National Federation for the Blind, hopes that families will be able to buy home models of Cyclops for the price of a good television set.


  • 担心这些压力缩短家境孩子的玩耍时间。

    Yogman also worries about the pressures that squeeze playtime for more affluent kids.


  • 你知道,我说的是‘讨人喜欢的人’。”麦一边说,一边小心地把鞋子系,以免别人看到她的脸。

    "I said 'pleasant people', you know." Meg carefully tied up her shoes as she spoke, so that no one saw her face.


  • 而且知道涅斯卡是否去过警察局报案,太太是否可能遭到某种犯罪指控,这是否是精心策划的陷害

    And he wanted to know if Agnieszka had been to the police, whether his wife might be facing some kind of criminal charge, and how exactly it would be framed.


  • 觉得太太这个真是太了;侄女都是规规矩矩姑娘,只可惜长得一点也。 我真喜欢她们

    I do think Mrs. Long is as good a creature as ever lived -- and her nieces are very pretty behaved girls, and not at all handsome: I like them prodigiously.


  • 那个时候尔出面年长的

    At the time, Heigl already looked older than she was.


  • 牛排并不烹调的牛排那样汉姆说。

    But pounding isn't as good as cooking that steak, says Wrangham.


  • 沃纳·赫尔可以作为一部他纪录片题材这位导演雄心过人、离经叛道的冒险家。

    Werner Herzog would make a great subject for a Werner Herzog documentary; the director is an adventurer of outsize ambitions and eccentric appetites.


  • 信号强度分贝范围很大因为信号地方精确测量信号没有在信号地方测量那么重要

    The decibel range for five bars of reception is so large because precise measurement in such an area is less important than in areas with poor reception.


  • 通往村庄道路沿线许多小酒馆都能够偶然地拖延追赶者的脚步,情侣们安全到达雷·特纳。

    Many inns located along the route to the village could be counted on to "accidentally" delay any pursuers, allowing couples to reach Gretna safely.


  • 主角患有艾斯·综合症是一个研究人际关系的方法

    Giving a character Asperger's was simply a good way to explore relationships in general.


  • 因俄罗斯鲁吉亚之间战争,两关系降至苏联解体后的冰点,这项协议的签署反映了两国战争结束之后努力重修旧“”。

    The progress reflected an effort to re-establish ties a year after Russia’s war with Georgia left the relationship more strained than at any time since the fall of the Soviet Union.


  • “被提名人卡根回应说:‘支持创意……无论是从何处得到的’”金斯描述说。

    Nominee Kagan responded: I m in favor of good ideas... Wherever you can get them, Ginsburg recounted.


  • 看见倒下时以为被打死了,就他冲过来,起来,极力地照料他,尽了一个伙伴责任。

    Jacopo, seeing him fall, had believed him killed, and rushing towards him raised him up, and then attended to him with all the kindness of a devoted comrade.


  • 这位同事需要·里斯客户提供一份热情洋溢的推荐信,放到营销宣传册里

    His colleague needed one of Mr. Hargis's customers to furnish him with some glowing testimonial that he could spin into a marketing brochure.


  • 先生看见你们大家一下子都跟着一定相当惊奇吧记得比你们早走天。

    It must have been a most agreeable surprise to Mr. Bingley to see you all after him so soon; for, if I recollect right, he went but the day before.


  • 其中创作的一首较长的诗歌《班达森》(音译——译注)上发表后,获得非常的评价,听到许多演唱过,而演唱这些歌的人对词的作者一无所知

    One of his longer poetic pieces was much appreciated when it appeared in the Bangadarsan, and I have heard his songs sung by many who knew nothing at all about their composer.


  • 那些犬儒主义者指出这些猜测只是使伦伯名字暴光的方法避免那个白宫内焦头烂额,无所适从

    Cynics point out that all this speculation is a great way of keeping Mr Bloomberg's name in lights, and avoiding the lame-duckery that has so crippled the man now in the White House.


  • 听说彬小姐将要兄弟住在一起料埋家务;她要不是个邻居,那才怪呢。

    Miss Bingley is to live with her brother and keep his house; and I am much mistaken if we shall not find a very charming neighbour in her.


  • 她们一会儿告辞了,而且娘儿们出于她们兄弟莱先生意料之外,一骨碌座位上站了起来,拔腿就走,急于避开特太太那些纠缠不清的繁文缛节似的。

    They were soon gone again, rising from their seats with an activity which took their brother by surprise, and hurrying off as if eager to escape from Mrs. Bennet's civilities.


  • 克尔先生、斯普雷斯·先生四个女儿到了弗兰庆还有个“莱屋喜剧演员”俱乐部成员(他们是卢宾朋友)也来了。

    Mr. Nackles, Mr. Sprice-Hogg and his four daughters came; so did Franching, and one or two of Lupin's new friends, members of the "Holloway Comedians."


  • (把艾斯·患者)描绘的又准确但是很多方法结局,”Mayer放映采访解释道

    I wanted to represent [Asperger's] well and I wanted it to be accurate, but it was sort of a means to an end, "Mayer explained in an interview after the screening."


  • 安全带了吗?

    Glen: Seatbelts fastened?


  • 先生已经不同以往了,而且在往方向改变,”DiStefano辩称道,“是自愿回到英国的,是一种愿意承担责任的表现。”

    "Mr Biggs has changed and changed for the better, " Di Stefano said, arguing that Biggs had voluntarily returned to Britain "to face the music".


  • ,蒙玛利女士我会周四下午这些计划送到办公室的。

    A. All right then, Ms. Montgomery, I'll get those plans over to your office by Thursday afternoon.


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    NICE & TOASTY: Stay warm on cold winter nights with waffle knit pajamas in thick, thermal textiles.


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    NICE & TOASTY: Stay warm on cold winter nights with waffle knit pajamas in thick, thermal textiles.


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