• 高兴轻声笑了出来。

    She gave a chuckle of delight.


  • 高兴得双眸闪闪发亮。

    Her eyes twinkled with merriment.


  • 高兴来。

    She clapped her hands in delight.


  • 高兴得直

    She rubbed her hands in delight.


  • 三个字能让她高兴得心跳加速,你知道吗?

    Those three words can make her heart jump for joy, you know?


  • 现在,”她高兴地说,“你可以写书了!当你有工作的时候,你没有时间写下你所想的东西。现在,你自由了。你可以做你喜欢做的事,让你的梦想成真!”

    "Now," she said happily, "you can write your book! When you had your job, you didn't have time to write down what you were thinking about. Now, you are free. You can do what you like and make your dream come true!"


  • 她高兴起来很难,但我们必须帮助

    It's difficult for us to cheer her up but we must help her.


  • 是因为鲜花可能会让他或她高兴起来。

    That was because the flowers might cheer him or her up.


  • 高兴得拍起了手

    She clapped her hands for joy.


  • 小海蒂突然干了眼泪因为一个高兴主意

    Heidi suddenly wiped away her tears, for she had had a cheering thought.


  • 高兴极了突然感到科林虽然看上去却很有魅力。

    She was uplifted by a sudden feeling that he looked quite beautiful in spite of his thinness.


  • 假设为了高兴我们睡觉时悄悄告诉孩子回来了。

    Suppose, to make her happy, we whisper to her in her sleep that the brats are coming back.


  • 菲利普斯如果阻碍哪里时,高兴回答说:“也不知道我会在哪里!”

    When Phillips asked her where she would go if he wasn't in the way, she replied cheerfully, " Oh, I wouldn't know where I was!"


  • 高兴地走着,脚底下轻飘飘的。

    She tripped along joyfully as if treading on air.


  • 仅仅一种善意提醒:多少钱才能高兴

    It's just a friendly reminder of how much you're shelling out to make her happy.


  • 如果完成一件作品导致了不安正如通常那样才会让高兴

    And if the finished work caused disquiet, as it usually did, that pleased her.


  • 确实是这样;钦佩,为高兴不已过,因为看书写信。

    That was true; I had admired her and been glad, because she was reading and she wrote to me.


  • 围裙口袋里拿出根烟深深地塞在嘴角里,有什么事高兴总是这样

    "She brought a cigarette out of her apron pocket and tucked it deep into one corner of her mouth, the way she did when something pleased her."


  • 婚礼礼服设计师Manivet巴黎,“怀孕来说件很美好的事情,高兴。”

    Ms Manivet, who is based in Paris, said: ‘It’s beautiful that she is pregnant, and I am very happy for her.’


  • 围裙口袋里拿出根烟深深地塞在嘴角里,有什么事高兴总是这样

    She brought a cigarette out of her apron pocket and tucked it deep into one corner of her mouth, the way she did when something pleased her.


  • 杰丽这时的内心才真正地快乐起来,彷佛哥哥了一样,高兴走进屋子吃饭了。

    Marlene, however, was as happy and contented as if her brother were still alive. And she went merrily into the house, sat down at the table, and ate.


  • 凯瑟琳认为接待时把高兴表情稍稍节制一下得当些,渐渐地得到了接待的权利

    Catherine, also, deemed it judicious to moderate her expressions of pleasure in receiving him; and he gradually established his right to be expected.


  • 没有吹嘘,也没有炫耀,一心只求高兴骄傲,也证明长时间以来对他的信心并没有错。

    He was not bragging, not showing off. His sole motive was to make her happy, to make her proud of him, to justify her long faith in him.


  • 把另一个幸福看的自己甚至是自己的幸福更重要,是你所一切都是为了她高兴快乐

    It's valuing someone else's happiness as much as, if not above, your own, and doing something merely to make that person happy.


  • 祖父悲伤地笑了笑十分微弱的声音说道:“希望这么简单……”为了让高兴还是咬了一小口。

    Grandfather smiled sadly and said in a weak voice, "I wish it were that easy..." But to please her, he took a tiny bite of the apple.


  • 师父将对双胞胎一位无法生育的贵妇人,高兴得哭了,给了我们蜂蜜馅饼,有脑袋那么大。

    That barren dame he gave them to, she wept for joy and gave us a sticky honey tart as big as my head.


  • 小姐了出去能逃掉使高兴很,也不想反抗了;那一个也跟着出来希刺克厉夫先生自己一直待到吃午饭的时候。

    I led my young lady out: she was too glad of her escape to resist; the other followed, and Mr Heathcliff had the room to himself till dinner.


  • 高兴招手,不高兴时就对他打哈欠高兴时就再招手。 他呢,就常常含着辛酸,半眼睛去应付。

    She had beckoned him and yawned at him and beckoned him again and he had responded often with bitterness and narrowed eyes.


  • 往常这时候已经回来了,不过高兴今天一些,这样时间喘过气来,使脸色恢复平静,不致引起父亲的猜疑

    It was past time for him to come home, but she was glad that he was late. The delay would give her time to quiet her breathing and calm her face so that his suspicions would not be aroused.


  • 往常这时候已经回来了,不过高兴今天一些,这样时间喘过气来,使脸色恢复平静,不致引起父亲的猜疑

    It was past time for him to come home, but she was glad that he was late. The delay would give her time to quiet her breathing and calm her face so that his suspicions would not be aroused.


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