• 去,到了枕头如此柔软如此温暖如此舒适如此祥和正如怀抱

    She lay down, her head touched the pillow, which was so soft, warm, comfortable, peaceful, safely... just like his arms.


  • 这样不错大大的叹了口气床上了会烧饼,终是抵不住身心俱疲,沉沉睡去。

    Is also very nice like this, she lies down and consumedly sighs tone, on the bed Lao conference roasted wheat bread after, finally can not clutch out against also tired, profoundly nap.


  • 莎朗太太补充说:“如果要给梳头发,我们先让石毛巾裹住头发,这样才不会产生静电。”

    Mrs. Stewart added: “When we comb her hair we have to lay her down and cover her head with water to stop any static building up.”


  • 非常的安静但是一旦或者每个动作有所反应

    She's perfectly quiet, but once you sit or lie down, she responds to your every move.


  • 之后觉得非常疲惫应该其中一张休息一但是发现很难找到一张合适的。

    After this, feeling very tired, she thought she would lie down and rest on one of the beds, but she found it difficult to choose one to suit her.


  • 每天辛苦工作之后都会,摩挲肚子上的妊娠纹。有时候苏嘉会突然,因为肚子里生命已经会人了。

    After a long day, she would lie down and trace circles around her growing belly, pausing when she felt a small kick from the tiny life inside of her.


  • 指点应该怎么做,或是如何造型——至少喜欢而且也保持不住,喜欢拿着本书舒舒服服

    He didn't direct her, or put her in a pose-she hated those anyway, couldn't hold them, preferred to lie down comfortably with a book.


  • 理查兹没有一句话,起来,抱那个婴孩睡觉上,让他的身旁

    Richards took her without a word, and carrying her to the little bed in which the infant was sleeping, laid her down by his side.


  • 裹紧天鹅绒大衣起来家庭教师脸上的香粉味道),把斗篷盖在身上,睡着了

    There, wrapping the velvet cloak around her (it smelled like home and her governess's face powder), and laying the outdoor cloak over her for shelter, she lay down and slept.


  • 待一会儿就得跪地板了,分钟必须躺下了,胳膊撑在地上,一只胳膊抱着头、可是还,这时只得一只手臂伸出窗子,一只伸进烟囱,然后自语说:“还长的话怎么办呢?

    Still she went on growing, and, as a last resource, she put one arm out of the window, and one foot up the chimney, and said to herself ‘Now I can do no more, whatever happens.


  • 于是父亲喝酒女儿就进去父亲几时,几时起来,父亲知道。

    And they made their father drink wine that night: and the firstborn went in, and lay with her father; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose.


  • 于是父亲喝酒小女儿起来父亲几时几时起来,父亲知道。

    And they made their father drink wine that night also: and the younger arose, and lay with him; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose.


  • 于是每一张都了试,直到来到了第七张,张床如此舒服让自己很快睡着了

    So she tried them all till she came to the seventh, and that was so comfortable that she laid herself down, and was soon fast asleep.


  • 海滩上王子发现了并且带回到船上

    She lies down on the beach, and the prince finds her and takes her to the ship.


  • 允许吗?”微笑,一面向床边走去。

    'You don't mind if I lie down?' she said, smiling and making for her bed.


  • 看起来歪歪扭扭就要摔倒的样子,一把抓住沙发

    She looked like she was about to lose her balance and fall when I caught her and led her to the sofa to lay down.


  • 可是刚刚躺下青蛙就爬到床边对,“了,在床上睡觉。”

    When she was in bed he crept to her and said, I am tired, I want to sleep.


  • 又静静地靠着柱子躺下去,百里也明白心情便蹑手蹑脚黑暗中去

    She lay back against the pillar in silence and Prissy, aware of her mood, tiptoed away into the darkness of the porch.


  • 告诉飘洋过海做了20分钟可以休息

    Tell her you want to come over and "spell" her for 20 minutes so she can lie down and rest.


  • 劳拉一会儿后还没睡着。爸爸柔声弹奏小提琴;听着丛林风声

    But Laura lay awake a little while, listening to Pa's fiddle softly playing and to the lonely sound of the wind in the Big Woods.


  • 歌声悦耳动听即使是那些很多清苦捕鱼郎都会静静地躺下聆听的歌声。

    She sang so beautifully that even the poor fishermen who had plenty of other things to do lay still to listen to her.


  • 星空把头放在胸口这样就可以搂住

    Lay down under the STARS and put her head on your chest so you can cuddle.


  • 很久,妈妈终于完了蹑手蹑脚地卫生间洗漱然后疲惫了。

    Then, after a long time, woven mother finally finished, she crept to the bathroom to wash, then lay down exhausted.


  • 打断枕头,把洞贴着被褥,因为正大把大把地把里面的东西向外掏。“发昏啦。”

    I interrupted, dragging the pillow away, and turning the holes towards the mattress, for she was removing its contents by handfuls. 'Lie down and shut your eyes: you're wandering.


  • 打断枕头,把洞贴着被褥,因为正大把大把地把里面的东西向外掏。“发昏啦。”

    I interrupted, dragging the pillow away, and turning the holes towards the mattress, for she was removing its contents by handfuls. 'Lie down and shut your eyes: you're wandering.


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