• 他们到达山顶时,他们发现海蒂已经在等着了,她精神饱满脸色红润晨曦

    When they arrived on top, they found Heidi already waiting, fresh and rosy as the early dawn.


  • 精神不错,不过胃口好。

    She feels pretty well, but she hasn't much of an appetite.


  • 但是,这一局限当时似乎不会现在更加她精神烦扰。

    But its limitations seem not to have unhinged Blair any more at the time than they do now.


  • 是的精神比赛一部分关注控制的,担心不能控制的。

    Yeah, the other part of her mental game is she focuses on what she can control, and she doesn't worry about what she cannot control.


  • 身子不但是精神外衣而且她精神的光彩,是神圣精华纯净温婉结晶

    Her body was more than the garb of her spirit. It was an emanation of her spirit, a pure and gracious crystallization of her divine essence.


  • 所以认为某种程度上,孔雀不仅象征着精神层面转变,代表文学作品美妙之处

    So, I think it really stood in a way for this kind of transfiguration that would take place for her spiritually but also in the beauty of her writing.


  • 其他来自无名氏的损人的语言包括他们年龄差距(4334),关于精神状况的质疑

    Other unflattering stories cite anonymous sources that blame their age difference (she's 43, he's 34), or question her sanity.


  • 接着一位军官跳舞,跟谈起韦翰事。他说,韦翰是个到处讨人喜爱的人,于是她精神上舒服了许多。

    She danced next with an officer, and had the refreshment of talking of Wickham, and of hearing that he was universally liked.


  • 当年支持精神受伤的朋友一样以此励志诗句献给那些在缅甸飓风中国地震中的生还者。

    Like Frye who wrote this inspiring verse for her friend, I would like to share this remarkable verse with you and to the survivors of Myanmar's (Burma) Cyclone and China's Earthquake.


  • 他们看作是国际保密法》一个严重威胁,因为精神错乱无法控制的时候内在魔法就会爆发出来

    They'd have seen her as a serious threat to the International Statute of Secrecy, unbalanced like she was, with magic exploding out of her at moments when she couldn't keep it in any longer.


  • 他们伊丽莎白便到屋外去留达,好让自己精神舒畅一下,换话说,也就是不停去想那些足以使她精神更加沉闷的念头。

    As soon as they were gone, Elizabeth walked out to recover her spirits; or in other words, to dwell without interruption on those subjects that must deaden them more.


  • 勃朗特《呼啸山庄》由当初的遭贬抑到现在的倍受推崇,某种程度上可以说精神个性激情宁静特质逐渐被理解认同过程

    In a way, its also kinds of power of her character:Its a very long process that the particularity of passion and serenity is gradually understood and identified.


  • 作品总体目标是描绘灵魂精神世界而不是反映具体现实

    The overall goal of her work has been to depict the world of the soul and the spirit, not to mirror concrete reality.


  • 毫不隐瞒地笑了,是几个月来的第一,这使精神振奋起来。

    She smiled openly then, and, for the first time in months, my spirit lifted.


  • 似乎不起精神任何事情

    She seemed to be unable to rouse herself to do anything.


  • 那场使感到虚弱无力,提不起精神

    The illness left her feeling listless and depressed.


  • 敬佩独立精神的勇气

    I admired her independence and her spunk.


  • 几年遭遇精神崩溃,那以后一直怯生生的。

    She had a sort of breakdown some years ago, and since then she has been very shy.


  • 要不是允许自己享受一些乐趣早就精神

    She would have cracked up if she hadn't allowed herself some fun.


  • 仔细地次数,完成后,感到精神好些

    She counted the times carefully and when she had finished, she felt in better spirits.


  • 关心,关心精神生活即使关心这些的时候。

    She cared about me, and my intellectual life, even when I didn't.


  • 拉拉觉得精神焕发休息得很好,一生从来没有得这么好过

    Clara, feeling fresh and rested, said that she had never slept better in all her life.


  • 年轻雇员一次车祸后截瘫精神不振的时候,艾拉给了办公室工作拒绝退学

    When a young employee was left paraplegic and depressed after a car accident, Ella gave an office job and refused to let her drop out of college.


  • 过去小说认为遵循斯都风格,浪漫主义精神背道而驰

    In the past her novels were thought to follow an Augustan mode at odds with the Romantic ethos.


  • 为了节省开支开始种植蔬菜水果——草莓苗圃苹果树——第一批幼苗长大时精神振奋起来。

    To stretch her budget, she began putting in vegetables and fruit—everything from strawberry beds to apple trees—and as her first seedlings grew, her spirits lifted.


  • 艺术讲习班现在越来越多地成为必要的治疗手段,以至于无法想象这个精神没有它们会怎么样。

    More and more now, she says, art workshops have become essential therapyso much that she cannot imagine this psychiatric unit without them.


  • 想起已故母亲流下了一些眼泪但是伴娘冲锋时,恢复了良好精神状态

    She shed some tears while thinking of her late mother, but then regained her good spirits while leading the charge along with her bridesmaid.


  • 想起已故母亲流下了一些眼泪但是伴娘冲锋时,恢复了良好精神状态

    She shed some tears while thinking of her late mother, but then regained her good spirits while leading the charge along with her bridesmaid.


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