• 考虑它们传到网上时,儿子角度考虑:如果同学父母看到双手环抱于胸膛浴缸里的照片有什么感觉

    When she considered posting them online, she took the perspective of her son: how would he feel if his classmates' parents saw photos of him chest up in the bathtub?


  • 滴眼泪润湿眼睛,使它们恢复光明,可以以前一样东西了。

    Two of her tears wetted his eyes and they grew clear again, and he could see with them as before.


  • 周六的事制订规划以便能够它们全部做完而不用走回头路时,不再讥笑

    He no longer laughs when she maps out her Saturday errands so she can do them all without making any left turns.


  • 它们构架师带来项目中以法律成文”的形式分享或者知识

    They represent an opportunity for the architect to share his or her knowledge with the project in a "codified" form.


  • 基尔文,要对好些,无论你的在哪,保证它们疾病侵扰;不过再也不会见到了。” 说罢,便化作空气,消失不见。

    Be good to her, John Kirwan, and wherever your horses go I will watch that no ill follows them; but you will never see me more.


  • 或者说女孩喜欢一位朋友但是不能忍受朋友想法使得它们成为朋友吗?

    Or is there one girl who does have friends but just can't bear the thought that she doesn't have as good a best friend as another?


  • 熟悉胳膊疤痕、面颊上白色细长印记以及它们背后的故事

    He memorized the scars on her arms, the thin white mark on her cheek, learned their stories.


  • 一个十分严肃绿色宣传者或许放下()的手机电脑因为它们塑料构成,最终注定落到垃圾箱里。

    A seriously green campaigner would give up his or her mobile phone and computer because both are made of plastic and are destined to end up in the rubbish bin.


  • 特工身上也看到过这样的天真们虽然意识到这危险却很简单地忽略它们

    He'd seen naivete like hers before in agents who, though aware of risks, simply ignored them.


  • 然后收集了一些柔软绿色灯芯草,把它们编织一条柔软的绳子绑在小鹿金色脖套上,然后牵着到了森林深处

    Then she gathered some soft green rushes, and braided them into a soft string, which she fastened to the fawn's golden collar, and then led him away into the depths of the forest.


  • 困惑了。询问隔壁的农夫怎么办告诉它们量一量好了。

    She is still confused. She asks the farmer what to do. He tells her to measure them.


  • 如此的一段练习使又恐惧症的人们慢慢得学会控制自己害怕甚至克服了它们

    Such sessions teach the phobic person slowly that he or she can learn to control his or her fears, and even overcome them.


  • 许多城镇城市提供这些类型它们可以作为资料第一个家庭寻找买家巨大源泉

    Many towns and cities offer these kinds of classes, and they can be a great source of information for the buyer looking for his or her first home.


  • 咖啡馆主人喜欢保护自然生物,希望顾客意识到尽管这些动物名声不是很好,它们值得我们保护的。

    The cafes owner says hes interested in conservation, and hopes customers will realise the animals are worth saving, even though they often have a bad reputation.


  • 那个朋友把奥基夫的木炭画展示给施蒂格利茨看,非常喜欢,并且它们展示自己艺术美术馆里,并命名为291。

    That friend showed O'Keeffe's charcoal drawings to Stieglitz. Stieglitz liked her drawings enough to show them in his art gallery, called 291.


  • 甚至还要它们相当于这样授权:让捍卫经常贬损那个美国,一个既富有同情心又善于协作体面国家。

    I'd go even further and say that they amount to a mandate, which is this: to safeguard the very America - compassionate, collaborative, decent - that he routinely degrades.


  • 什么寻常女人乐意将下半生都寄托在抚摩达里奥上,追寻伤疤,听着诉说如何得到它们的

    If she had been some ordinary woman she would gladly have spent her whole life touching Daario tracing his scars and making him tell her how he'd come by every one.


  • 在那儿看着屋里各处蜡烛它们竖在小碟子上,危险地顶在书堆或是放发霉杯子的小桌上

    She stood watching him as he finished lighting the candle stubs that stood on saucers around the room, perched precariously on stacks of books and on side tables crammed with cracked and moldy cups.


  • 如果这些不愉快后果个人往往改变行为避免它们

    If those consequences are unpleasant, the individual will tend to change his or her behavior in order to avoid them.


  • 的方法它们吞下去。这家抵押当铺店人员告诉警方五月27日看见名女子手链放入口中

    An employee at Hy & Mike's Pawn and Bail Bonds told police he saw the woman put the bracelets in her mouth May 27.


  • 虽然使耳朵变了的就是那些但是热爱它们,正如一位母亲往往喜爱那个使痛苦孩子

    Yet it was these very bells which had made him deaf; but mothers often love best that child which has caused them the most suffering.


  • 喜欢()的黑色的眼睛它们闪耀星星

    I like her (his) black eyes, they are like the bright stars.


  • Sara时间内学习很多词汇但是学习短期而且浅层次的,就是为什么很快就忘了这些单词,这就是为什么知道怎么使用它们

    Sara learned a lot of words in a short time. But her learning was short and shallow. That's why she quickly forgot the words. That's why she could not use them.


  • 汤姆知道它们习惯危险性拉着最近一个通道 里。

    Tom knew their ways and the danger of this sort of conduct. He seized Becky's hand and hurried her into the first corridor that offered;


  • 妻子认为如果任由衣服堆积如山,最终它们起来,放到盛脏衣服的篮子里。

    'my wife thinks that if she lets my dirty clothes pile up I will eventually pick them up and put them in the hamper,' says Mr. Wagner, of Roslyn, n.


  • 男友含泪去。几天写来一张字条:“照顾眼睛亲爱的因为它们成为的双眼之前它们我的。”

    Her boyfriend left in tears and days later had a note sent to her saying, "Take care of your eyes, my dear, for before they were yours, they are mine."


  • 男友含泪去。几天写来一张字条:“照顾眼睛亲爱的因为它们成为的双眼之前它们我的。”

    Her boyfriend left in tears and days later had a note sent to her saying, "Take care of your eyes, my dear, for before they were yours, they are mine."


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