• 教会宣告女性音乐恶魔东西,仅仅允许简单的赞美诗。

    But the church pronounced female music the devil's work, allowing only the plainest chant.


  • 克拉拉·舒曼西方音乐女性音乐杰出代表

    Clara Schumann is an outstanding representative of female musicians in Western music history.


  • 研究发现男性对于那些自己音乐品味相同女性有兴趣。

    It also found that men were more strongly attracted to women with whom they Shared musical tastes.


  • 十个男性八个女性着降噪耳机接受mri扫描,并按照指示简单被动地接受音乐

    Ten men and eight women entered the MRI scanner with noise-reducing headphones, with instructions to simply listen passively to the music.


  • 由于96%进行了钢琴音乐锻炼参加者女性因此,这种锻炼能否帮助男性避免摔倒还需要再试试。

    Ninety-six percent of the participants exercising to the dulcet tones of the piano were women. So it remains to be seen if piano music can help men stay upright too.


  • 伴随着船上管弦乐队为使乘客尽量镇静而演奏舒缓音乐女性儿童护送数量有限救生艇上留下健康年轻男性沉没的船一起沉入死亡之海。

    As the vessel's orchestra played soothing music to calm the passengers, women and children were escorted to the limited supply of lifeboats, leaving healthy young men to go down with the sinking ship.


  • 问及音乐女性要比男性更加慷慨(23%)被问及爱情女性至有27%掏了钱。

    They were more generous than men while thinking about music in the control condition (23% gave money) and only slightly more generous when thinking about love (27% gave money).


  • 早期乐手爵士女声抱有很大偏见,他们蔑称这些女性歌手金丝雀”——很上镜有些时候音乐根本没有受过训练。

    Earlier generations of players, annoyed that photogenic but sometimes musically illiterate vocalists were getting the attention, would refer disparagingly to female singers as "canaries".


  • 他们表示:“听过浪漫音乐女性中性音乐女性相比容易接受请求。”

    It was found that women previously exposed to romantic lyrics complied with the request more readily than women exposed to the neutral ones.


  • 卡莉西蒙以及1972年的热门歌曲《如此爱慕虚荣泰勒•斯威夫特以及她用来抨击前任歌曲音乐已经成了女性表达男性愤怒失望途径

    From Carly Simon and her 1972 hit You're So Vain, to Taylor Swift and the songs she uses to *skewer her exes, music has been a way for women to express anger and frustration at the men.


  • 美国《魅力杂志“2008年度女性颁奖典礼于本周一纽约卡内基音乐厅举行,而当晚毯秀上热议人物却是美国“年度先生”巴拉克·奥巴马

    Talk on the red carpet at Glamour magazine's annual Women of the year awards Monday night at Carnegie Hall turned to the country's man of the year, Barack Obama.


  • 跳舞音乐响起了,萨拉在场唯一女性可真忙坏了

    Dance music began to play. Sarah was the only woman present, and she had her work cut out.


  • 而作为音乐有着相似特质女性来说,她们音乐自己赋予了更大价值获得了崭新诠释

    As the feminine with the similar characteristics of music, they are given more value for themselves in the music, getting new explanation.


  • 警方报道,映入眼帘的是一女性住所内,当地媒体认定附近酒吧音乐节目主持人,年龄在2530之间。

    They firstdiscovered a woman lying inside the residence, identified by local media as adisc jockey at a neighborhood pub who is 25 to 30 years old.


  • 这项研究调查男性女性网上喜欢事情区别发现男性倾向访问娱乐赌博游戏音乐网站

    Thee research, which looked at the differences between what the genders enjoyed doing online, discovered that men are more likely to visit entertainment, betting, games and music websites.


  • ,都不同喜好的。以这位说话者为例,喜欢音乐类型就是安静不扰耳根清净的。他还幽默地表示,他喜欢的女性类型如此哦。

    I understand everyone has different tastes. However, I like my music the same way I like my women; quiet and out of my ears.


  • 他们提到歌手及歌曲作家莱尔·洛维特容貌对称,但因其具有音乐才华个性积极属性女性的互动中明显表现良好。

    They pointed to singer-songwriter Lyle Lovett as someone with other positive attributes, such as musical talent and personality, who has clearly done well with women despite asymmetrical features.


  • 我们知道这位任性的年轻女性很爱组合其他成员同时梦想着能自己真正音乐哪怕只是一张英文翻唱的迷你专辑。

    We know the *headstrong young woman loves her group members but at the same time always dreamed to do the music she really wanted, even if it was an EP of English covers.


  • 采用钢结构技术缔造轻盈飘逸充满活力造型使联想音乐节奏或是女性柔美

    Structural steel membrane technology used to create lean, elegant; Dynamic modeling, to make people think of the rhythm of music, or women, tender.


  • 女性作曲歌曲键盘音乐室内乐交响乐歌剧都被演奏出版

    Songs, keyboard music, chamber music, symphonies, and operas composed by women were performed and published.


  • 当时本色”应该属于“女性特色”的风格判断,而不仅仅音乐性特征认定。

    This paper thinks that ci' s true qualities is the style of femininity , not only the music.


  • 烹饪技术而著称的称鸠山美由纪剧团一个全是女性音乐剧团表演

    Miyuki, also known for her culinary skills, spent six years acting in the Takarazuka Revue, an all-female musical theater group.


  • 一位善良智慧年轻女性喜欢音乐作曲演奏绘画雕塑摄影艺术

    A good and intelligent young women, like playing music composition, painting, sculpture, photography and other art.


  • 感觉带领”:女性如何感知?如何运用舞池空间优势音乐性。

    "Feeling the lead" : how women feel it. How to take advantage of the space and musicality on the dance floor.


  • 最狂了所有最佳女性艺术家奖赏音乐系列销售一空,时代卖座歌手

    She swept Best Female artist awards, sold-out concert series and was the best-selling singer of the era.


  • 女性作家表演艺术家画家导演音乐不断涌现

    Women writers, performers, painters, directors and musicians are constantly emerging.


  • 是来自于东方的文静开朗热情传统、气质高雅的女性喜欢烹调、热爱旅游,尤其喜欢阅读欣赏音乐

    I am a gentle and quiet, sonsy, warm-hearted, traditional and politest Oriental lady. I enjoy cooking, travelling, reading and music are my favorites.


  • 是来自于东方的文静开朗热情传统、气质高雅的女性喜欢烹调、热爱旅游,尤其喜欢阅读欣赏音乐

    I am a gentle and quiet, sonsy, warm-hearted, traditional and politest Oriental lady. I enjoy cooking, travelling, reading and music are my favorites.


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