• 相反欧洲只有那些很多生人口以及较高女性参与率国家才会合理出生率

    In Europe, by contrast, only countries with many births outside wedlock and with high female participation rates have reasonably high birth rates.


  • 尽管大多数瑞典女性工作这个国家依然拥有欧洲最高出生率,这归功于人性化的产假法律

    Although most Swedish women work, the country has one of the highest birth rates in Europe, thanks to generous laws on parental leave.


  • 下降出生率显示了更好的受教育更多自主女性也是为什么撒哈拉沙漠以南非洲出生率一直持续在高位原因之一

    Falling birth rates are also indicators of better educated and more autonomous women, which is one reason why sub-Saharan Africa's birthrate remains stubbornly high.


  • 人口出生率女性一生预期生养儿童数目;2.1是更替水平人口一点上保持稳定

    The fertility rate is the number of children a woman can expect during her lifetime; 2.1 is the replacement level, the point at which the population stabilises.


  • 连同文化男性后代偏好已经导致公民出生率数量巨大失衡

    This, coupled with a cultural preference for male offspring, has led to a significant imbalance between the number of male and female children born to its citizens.


  • 人口出生率降低缘于选择不结婚母亲日本女性数量越来越多因为一旦结婚或生子,日本女性她们就不得不做家庭主妇,很难继续出来工作了。

    The fall is widely attributed to the growing number of women who eschew marriage and motherhood because expectations from society and lack of childcare facilities make it difficult to continue work.


  • 妊娠重要的出生率一些因素影响特别是女性年龄影响。

    Pregnancy rates, and more importantly live birth rates, are influenced by a number of factors, especially the woman's age.


  • 根据韩国国家统计局,2007年时全国新生儿数量为493,189,平均每个女性生下1.25个孩子,这比上一年增加了10%,对韩国稳步下滑出生率来说是激增

    According to the National Statistical Office, there were 493,189 babies or 1.25 births per woman in 2007, up 10 percent from a year earlier, a spike in Korea's steadily declining birthrate.


  • 但是纪宫公主加入选择晚婚日本女性大军这反映了日本社会职场所发生的变化引起了决策者们人口出生率不断下降的担忧。

    But Nori joins the growing ranks of Japanese women who are choosing to get married later, reflecting changes in society and the workplace and worrying policymakers concerned about a falling birthrate.


  • 生育率通过女性一生生育孩子平均数量来衡量全球女性生育率不断下降,而全球人口还在不断增加是因为人口出生率依旧很高

    Fertility, , measured by the average number of children that would be born to a woman over herlifetime, is declining across the world but the population continues to rise as rates remain high.


  • 生育率通过女性一生生育孩子平均数量来衡量全球女性生育率不断下降,全球人口还在不断增加是因为人口出生率依旧很高

    Fertility, measured by the average number of children that would be born to a woman over her lifetime, is declining across the world but the population continues to rise as rates remain high.


  • 但是较多女性参加工作发达国家瑞典美国)的人口出生率比较女性留在家庭的国家(如日本和意大利)还要

    Yet developed countries where more women work, such as Sweden and America, actually have higher birth rates than Japan and Italy, where women stay at home.


  • 2013年,女性人均生育率只有1.86,更少出生率和下滑的人口就意味着低的消费水平。

    In2013, women were only averaging 1.86. Fewer babies and a declining population means less consumer spending. "You're talking about a lot of disposable income."


  • 2013年,女性人均生育率只有1.86,更少出生率和下滑的人口就意味着低的消费水平。

    In2013, women were only averaging 1.86. Fewer babies and a declining population means less consumer spending. "You're talking about a lot of disposable income."


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