• 赛罗奥里维扮演

    Othello was played by Olivier.


  • 赛罗奥里维扮演

    Othello played by Olivier.


  • 里维重新回到进球的轨道,一个射手来说重要

    Ricardo Oliveira returned to scoring ways and that is always important for a striker.


  • 奥里维变成克利斯·朵夫拥护者,写评论文章树立声望

    Olivier became a champion of Christophe and helped establish his reputation in the reviews.


  • 就是奥里维长久以来一直是克利斯·朵音乐忠诚崇拜者

    It was Olivier, who had long been a faithful admirer of Christophe's music.


  • 米兰射手奥里维感到安慰周二意大利对阵布雷西亚结束进球之后

    Milan striker Ricardo Oliveira was relieved after ending his goal drought in Tuesday's Coppa Italia tie with Brescia.


  • 米兰已经12场比赛击中门框10但是里维自信运气回来的。

    Milan have hit the woodwork 10 times in 12 games, but Ricardo Oliveira is confident their luck will turn.


  • 彩排结束后,莱米德奥里维尔又回到歌词音乐争论中,其他人加入进来。

    The rehearsal over, Flamand and Olivier resume their argument of words versus music and the others join in.


  • 乌克兰人相比,奥里维并不出名,但是并不焦急意甲很快就发现他的

    As opposed to the Ukrainian striker, Oliveira is a much lower-profile player but he is not worried and says Serie a will soon see how good he is.


  • 克利斯·朵立即奥里维吸引住了,起初也说不清为什么,他只是感到奥里维异常面熟

    Christophe was immediately attracted to Olivier, although at first he was not quite sure why. Olivier's face was only hauntingly familiar.


  • 后来知道奥里维就是安多纳德弟弟,安多纳德这位姑娘的形象克利斯朵夫所极为珍爱的。

    It turned out that Olivier was the younger brother of Antoinette, a girl whose image Christophe cherished.


  • 尽管吉拉·蒂诺似乎最后被唤醒了因扎吉夏天转会来的里维继续努力前面进球

    Although Alberto Gilardino seems to have finally awoken, Pippo Inzaghi and summer signing Ricardo Oliveira continue to struggle in front of goal.


  • 伯爵品味歌词音乐融合然而奥里虽然被感动,却仍然觉得作品糟蹋了

    The countess reflects on the synthesis of words and music, while Olivier, though moved, feels that his work has been ruined.


  • 米兰签入卡多·里维对于自己处在不熟悉的意大利并不着急-自己名扬圣西罗

    New Milan signing Ricardo Oliveira is not worried about being relatively unknown in Italy - saying it will work in his favour as he looks to make his name at San Siro.


  • 经历丰富一生中克利斯·朵夫又交了很多朋友但是再没有一个比得上奥里维这样亲密的了。

    In his eventful life Christophe made many more friends, but none so dear as Olivier.


  • 里维米兰穿上舍甫琴科7号球衣并且作为意甲并不熟悉面孔将会帮助使出名

    Ricardo Oliveira will fill Andriy Shevchenko's Number 7 shirt for Milan and maintains the fact he's an unknown face in Serie a will help him make his mark.


  • 高兴博列洛变得成熟了大家里维评价都好,我也希望看到表现当然皮波好朋友”。

    I am pleased for Marco Borriello who is still maturing. Everyone has spoken well of Oliveira and I am looking forward to seeing what he can do. Then, we have me and Pippo … two real friends.


  • 奥里维宣布十四行诗伯爵而写,并再次背诵使得弗莱米德产生灵感,于是他夺门而出,准备将创作成音乐

    Olivier declares that the sonnet was written for the countess and recites it again, which inspires Flamand to rush off to set it to music.


  • 阿西斯提及不久将会拜访米兰并且奥里维提供支持另外的一个他的客户,此刻正在等待有关那被绑架姐妹消息

    Assis also noted that he soon intends to travel to Milan and offer his support to Ricardo Oliveira, another of his clients, who is anxiously awaiting news about his kidnapped sister.


  • 有人认为应该使用两个前腰中场拿球就像塞尔吉尼或者里维但是塞尔吉尼可能做到这些,因此这个设想不成立。

    One thought would be to play with two wide men forward and one through the middle such as Serginho and Ricardo Oliveira but with Serginho unavailable that does not become an issue.


  • 房子只是中等阶级水平或者更低些但是所房子通过各种各样的住户依靠奥里维指引克利斯·夫才开始发现法国真正灵魂

    The house was only middle-class or less; but in that house and its inhabitants, and with Olivier's guidance, Christophe began to find the real soul of France.


  • 莉特1917年420日的日记简短记录着布承认此事

    Violet's diary entry for April 20, 1917 records Brigit admitting to the affair.


  • 同时大学的大二学生·鲁宾几乎不认为在家完成的考试真正的考试。

    Meanwhile, Olivia Rubin, a sophomore at Emory, says she hardly even considers take-homes true exams.


  • 已故克·冯·布洛,别名特,嘲弄德国人的自负僵硬感来使精英感到高兴

    The late Vicco von Bülow, alias Loriot, delighted the elite with his mockery of German pretension and stiffness.


  • 然后电影导演(布努埃尔泽弗瑞)和演员(劳伦斯·、梅尔·勃朗拉尔夫·费因斯、苏珊娜·约克、朱利叶·比诺什)。

    Then there are the film directors (Buñuel and Zeffirelli) and the actors (Laurence Olivier, Merle Oberon, Raph Fiennes, Susannah York, Juliette Binoche).


  • 然后煮开一些后,尔教怎么奶掺乳酪面糊做成乳酪面

    Then I boil some milk, and Olivier shows me how to mix it into the roux to make "bechamel". I take over.


  • “除了皮肤癌其他所有皮肤病都会压力加剧,”纽约蒙蒂奥里医疗中心皮肤科医生医学博士帕拉梅·佳库布

    "Almost every skin disease except for skin cancer gets worse with stress, " says Pamela Jakubowicz, M.D., a dermatologist at Montefiore Medical Center in New York.


  • 枪手分别查尔顿签下了热尔和小将延金森,但是看上去温格更需要注意应该如何留下法布雷加斯

    The Gunners have snapped up Gervinho from Lille and Charlton rookie Carl Jenkinson but much of Arsene Wenger's focus has seemingly been on keeping hold of Cesc Fabregas and Samir Nasri.


  • 枪手分别查尔顿签下了热尔和小将延金森,但是看上去温格更需要注意应该如何留下法布雷加斯

    The Gunners have snapped up Gervinho from Lille and Charlton rookie Carl Jenkinson but much of Arsene Wenger's focus has seemingly been on keeping hold of Cesc Fabregas and Samir Nasri.


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