• 是迄今为止最有才华女演员之一,也是年轻的奥斯卡影后

    She has been regarded as one of the most talented actresses of all time so far, and hopefully, one of the youngest to win an Oscar, soon.


  • 奥斯卡影后桑德拉·布洛克其他女星一样成为奥斯卡魔咒”的中招者。

    Newly-crowned Oscar queen Sandra Bullock is no exception to other actresses falling victim to the "Oscar curse."


  • 据证实,这位奥斯卡影后妮可·基德曼的新婿于上周四晚上进入了一家全日制的酗酒戒疗所。

    The singer, who is married to Oscar winner Nicole Kidman, was admitted Thursday night into an undisclosed treatment center for alcohol abuse.


  • 经历两次婚姻失败的奥斯卡影后表示要告别婚姻。不过,她说要告别男人

    The twice-divorced Best Actress winner says she's through with marriagebut not with men.


  • 奥斯卡影后茜·威瑟斯彭本周三与雅芳化妆品直销公司正式签约,成为公司历史上首位全球形象大使”。

    Oscar-winning actress Reese Witherspoon heeded Avon's call on Wednesday to become the direct-sale cosmetics company's first ever "Global Ambassador."


  • 奥斯卡影后凯特温斯莱特其丈夫、同获奥卡斯奖的导演萨姆门德斯本周一宣布,两人结婚年后分手

    Oscar-winning couple Kate Winslet and her director husband Sam Mendes announced on Monday that they have separated after less than seven years of marriage.


  • 奥斯卡影后提名者认为是好莱坞百里挑一的人物——外形靓丽才华横溢聪慧可人……呃,离劳燕分飞也相去不远了?

    Best Actress Oscar nominees are considered Hollywood's creme DE la creme - beautiful, talented, intelligent... and headed for divorce?


  • 奥斯卡影后佩内洛普·克鲁兹加勒比海盗4陌生潮汐扮演约翰尼·德普所饰杰克船长死对头女儿

    Penelope Cruz will be playing the daughter of Johnny Depp's Nemesis in the upcoming Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, the fourth installment of the franchise.


  • 玛丽·海伦技巧任何人都可以实现拥有如舞者般修长和紧致的身形。”-娜塔莉·波曼,奥斯卡影后天鹅

    "Mary Helen's technique... allows anyone to achieve the long, toned physique of a dancer." - Natalie Portman, Academy Award-winning actress, Black Swan.


  • 这位奥斯卡影后向人们展示同样是个厨房好手这本配有精美插图美食(150道食谱)里,些家常极富温情的菜。

    The Oscarwinning actor shows that she's also handy around a stove in this beautifully illustrated book that's chock full of recipes (150 to be exact) that are family friendly and quite inspiring.


  • 对于听到的可别见怪,哈莉·贝瑞(Halle Berry)并非首位摘得奥斯卡影后桂冠黑人女性实际第74位白人女性。

    Never mind what you've heard. Halle Berry was not the first black woman to win an Academy Award for Best Actress. She was actually the 74th white one.


  • 对于听到的可别见怪,哈莉·贝瑞(Halle Berry)并非首位摘得奥斯卡影后桂冠黑人女性,她实际是第74位白人女性。

    Never mind what you've heard. Halle Berry was not the first black woman to win an Academy Award for Best Actress.


  • 周二,奥斯卡影后凯特温丝莱特英国一家报纸获得2.5万英镑(4.1万美元)的名誉损害赔偿。 该报纸之前声称温丝莱特在健身方式的问题上说谎

    Oscar-winning actress Kate Winslet accepted 25, 000 pounds ($41, 000) in libel damages yesterday over a British newspaper's claim that she had lied about her exercise regime.


  • 实在嘉宝这样由于高龄或者其他原因不能自己生养, 传奇服务端拥有一个宝宝明星不少,比如现年43奥斯卡影后妮可?基德曼

    Actually strengthened this because as older or other reasons, and hope can oneimmolation birth again have a baby star also are a lot, such as the 43 years old ?Oscar winner nicole kidman.


  • 段关系07年上映电影玫瑰人生”中原样照搬上了银幕,女演员玛丽昂·歌亚(MarionCotillard)因在影片中的出色表现封冠奥斯卡影后

    That relationship was chronicled in the 2007 film la Vie en Rose ", in which the actor Marion Cotillard gave an Oscar-winning performance as the singer."


  • 由1991年MTV电视频道的同名卡通剧改编而成的动作大片《魔力女战士》(AeonFlux)让女主角查理兹·塞隆(Charlize Theron)成功揽得了奥斯卡最佳影后的奖项。

    MTV’s 1991 Aeon Flux cartoon morphed into a big-budget action vehicle for Charlize Theron, who took on the wiry heroine after winning her Best Actress Oscar.


  • 不是2006年翻拍1972年原汁原味的《海神号遇难记》。被诅咒的船只,载着5奥斯卡影帝影后除夕夜壮烈沉没。

    We are talking about the original 1972 movie - not Wolfgang Petersen's 2006remake. 5 Academy Award winners star in this tale of a cruise ship going down on New Year's Eve.


  • 不是2006年翻拍1972年原汁原味的《海神号遇难记》。被诅咒的船只,载着5奥斯卡影帝影后除夕夜壮烈沉没。

    We are talking about the original 1972 movie - not Wolfgang Petersen's 2006remake. 5 Academy Award winners star in this tale of a cruise ship going down on New Year's Eve.


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