• 路面昏了。

    He cracked his head on the pavement and was knocked cold.


  • 劳伦斯不断头撞裁判没有警告

    Lawrence kept on butting me but the referee did not warn him.


  • 酒壶摔粉碎同时,地面

    The flagon shattered underneath him as the floor came up to smack him in the head.


  • 孩子时候门墙了?

    You banged your son's head on the doorway while giving him a piggyback ride?


  • 经过8年多认真研究之后,软件行业客户南墙

    After 8 + years of intense research, the software industry and its customers are hitting a wall.


  • 老鹰并不这么敏健,它一向了玻璃墙然后随即地上

    However, not as agile as the sparrow, the larger eagle bumped into the wall and dropped to the ground.


  • 出口网住后,鳗鱼砰砰地用玻璃直到好像癫痫发作

    When I screened the outflow, eels banged their heads against the glass until they had what appeared to be seizures and died.


  • 更糟的情况是,因为喝醉加上宿醉,上班路上可能真的向一辆卡车!

    Or alternately, when you literally drive head on into a truck on the way to work because you're both drunk and hungover.


  • 公牛一次一次地猛墙壁尽管了,裂了,老鼠却安然洞里

    The bull charged the wall furiously again and again, but although he bruised his head and chipped his horns, the mouse stayed safely inside his hole.


  • 公牛一次一次地猛墙壁虽然啦,裂啦,老鼠却安然洞里

    The bull charged the wall furiously again and again, but although he bruised his head and chipped his horns, the mouse stayed safely inside his hole.


  • 相传当年共工大战失败周山,把撑柱子断了

    It was said that, after a failed war gong gong brain ashamed into anger butted into not on the last day, the pillars to breaking.


  • 问到为什么最近保持的比较沉默KB回到为什么需要自己头撞堵墙

    When asked about his recent silent treatment, Bryant said: “Why would I need to bang my head against a wall?”


  • 观看教练准备日常教程的表演也是一种激励他们铁棒投掷针击破玻璃

    For inspiration, watch the coaches prepare for daily tourist performances, in which they snap iron bars with their heads and break glass by throwing a pin at it.


  • 德拉罗查每次阿姨乐器锁起来的时候,就用地板直到她阿姨为之动容开始她才作罢。

    Ms. de Larrocha said that once her aunt locked the instrument, she banged her head on the floor until Marshall relented and began to teach her.


  • 这位来自国际米兰后卫本周发布了自传其中描述了柏林举行世界杯决赛齐达内向他胸口一幕。

    The Inter defender releases his autobiography this week, in which he describes the moment when Zizou headbutted his chest during the World Cup Final in Berlin.


  • 这些混蛋打破朋友鼻子,这个混蛋毫无理由地,敏捷的用头撞了我朋友,在之后,我朋友留下了一道深深的伤口

    The SOB left a large bloody gash across my buddy's broken nose after he swiftly head-butted him for no reason other than for telling the drunk guy that fighting some other guy was foolish.


  • 不停一直没有感觉到直到电击结束。

    My head was banging against the wall, but I didn't feel that until they finished.


  • 被什么茜丝就像一个愤怒神童巨大的悲伤所导致的狂怒之中,一边拆卸着座椅一边继续墙上自己

    Like a wrathful prodigy, Heather, beloved of someone, managed, in her great sadness-fuelled rage, to disassemble the chair while continuing to drive her head into the wall.


  • 也是继完成轮船冰山的小历险再加上浪漫制作之后一部影片。

    That is, the one after he finished alittle adventure-romance about a ship that hits an iceberg.


  • 朝着那多节疤树干抬起眼睛吼叫着像一野兽死了

    He dashed his head against the knotted trunk; and, lifting up his eyes, howled, not like a man, but like a savage beast getting goaded to death with knives and spears.


  • 这时这个房子开了一只盘子仆人飞来,掠过鼻子,在他身后的一棵树上碎了

    At this moment the door of the house opened, and a large plate came skimming out, straight at the Footman's head: it just grazed his nose, and broke to pieces against one of the trees behind him.


  • 卡梅隆提议一个新游戏,而且这个游戏还能有机会用雅各布

    And he had to be playing defense when Jacob went out for a pass and jumped in the air just high enough so that Cameron's head smashed into his legs.


  • 晚上10:20左右大陆连线3407号班机扎向一处房子,熊熊火焰中依稀可见被毁的房子轮廓

    Flames silhouetted the shattered home after Continental Connection Flight 3407 plummeted into it around 10:20 p.m.


  • 晚上10:20左右大陆连线3407号班机扎向一处房子,熊熊火焰中依稀可见被毁的房子轮廓

    Flames silhouetted the shattered home after Continental Connection Flight 3407 plummeted into it around 10:20 p.m.


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